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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. Er... did I mention Edirol yet? I guess I did mention Edirol, didn't I?
  2. Well Street Figher is a fast paced game, where one battle can be done quickly. Doom (no matter if Foom 1 or Doom 2) on the other hand is a "long lasting game". Also "Dark Side of Phobos" was written to tell a story (same with Chrono Symphonic) rather than being eery BGM for the game. That's also the reason the tracks are shuffled, rather than in the order of the missions. And this makes most of the OCR projects (esp. RotC, DSoP, CS) so special.
  3. It's easy to archive, but if you want to do it the hard wayß Okay...
  4. Sure that your question wasn't answered somewhere else already? This is why nobody wrote. Else I can't emphasize Edirol more than just once. You can't go wrong with it.
  5. There was this VSTi that had recordes sounds from streets, etc. Else I can and will always recommend Blue Box and Red Box (WAV/GIGA) that you can get for example from BestService.
  6. Still the word "Cubase" remains in the room.
  7. Sure it is, pal. But sorry to say that, but since FX Teleport was released, the engine pretty much stood still compared to everything else. It also needs a 1GB LAN to work "fluently". Receptor's UniWire system however works on a 100MBit LAN, with similar if not better results than FXT. Here I could really recommend MIDI cascading (and maybe a digital mixer, if you don't use SPDIF cards on both PCs for interchanging audio) if you want to use a studio LAN setup (1 Recording PC, 1 dedicated rompler PC for example). It depends. What is really important to you, Andrew? Everything in one PC, being able to expand on samples, or very fluent engineering without CPU/RAM issues?
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=83930&highlight=keyboard+remixing http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=83101&highlight=keyboard+remixing http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=77854&highlight=keyboard+remixing Or the short answer: You can make music with everything nowadays. Read the stickies, use the search function. Then ask more questions.
  9. FX Teleport is overrated, seriously. I'd get a Receptor instead. Way more bang for the buck, and the "UniWire" system is way better in my opinion, too. Also MIDI Cascading works better if you run everything through a mixer, or use one PC for recording anyway. (Jared Hudson might help here, he has a dedicated PC for an orchestra only - afaik cascaded via MIDI). Well like I said. It depends what your preferences are. Real Time Editing, huge arrangements and CPU issues, go with Powercore. If you can go with Freezing, then stick to what you have unless you really want to free up your CPU. Here the strong sides of a DSP card shines through. Nowadays DSP vs. Native, there's no big difference anymore. Neither with so called highend shit (Waves), nor with low budget stuff (Freeware like Kjaerhus, Voxengo, etc). It's really a matter of preferences or if you believe those many "big star engineers", who swear upon DSP systems but still produce that same boring crap over and over. It's true that hardware (analogue) sounds different than plugins. But no matter if DSP or Native, both are on the same level, no matter if tey're CPU powered with special cards, or if they use the CPU of your PC. They're still digital. It's as with clothes: Noname jeans look and fit as good as Wrangler Jeans (of course the price differs, and Wrangler is a big firm). Both can be used the same way. But it depends on the rest too, if you look good in your jeans or not. Same with Plugins. You can get the most expensive stuff on planet earth. But whether or not you can let your tracks sound good with it or not, is another thing. Why not go to a local music store and compare the usability for yourself? Does it give you advantages in certain sections, or does it limit you, etc. Don't just rely on feedback from others alone. Especially if it's a budget question.
  10. Release maybe, but not the attack, or do you want to produce pumping and fades? Before we go all haywire on "compression" in the master chain, I'd mix it porperly at a decent volume "first" (below 0dB peak), then push it into the right loudness level with soundshaping and proper limiting. But that's just me.
  11. Depends on how many you want to spend, which DSP system, and especially which plugin? The UAD-1 for example is getting an overhaul. UAD are the first ones along with TC who aim for PCI-E cards (before, only PCI and PCI-E cards existed). But both use the most different setups and are shipped with the most different packs. It's always a matter of preferences here, and what budget you have. You can't go wrong with either of them, however TC offers a bit more in terms of proper metering tools. Also ask yourself "do I really need a DSP card, or can I still work with Freezing?!" unless you say "nah I'm all real-time working, and my CPU can't take it anymore". You can get away with UAD for fairly cheap (I guess in the 399,- range), but additional plugins cost extra, while TC with the "regular powercore" (the one for 999,-) comes with a shitload of plugins for daily use. Blind might be able to go a bit more in-depth on that. But personally if I had the money, I'd get a Powercore sytem. And here it also depends: Firewire (if you work on a Laptop) or PCI (desktop). BTW: I'd also take a look at Lexicon's PC Hardware Module (bundled with a Lexicon Reverb), MOTU, afaik M-Audio has a DSP system too. But the Waves "DSP solution" is totally overrated. Every time I go to my local music store and do some smalltalk, we come to DSP cards too. And all I hear is negative critism about this system: too expensive, and way too less stable for what you "get" (which isn't much).
  12. A thing to ask yourself before everybody else is writing in here: Was there a thread like this necessary if you browsed about through page 1 and 2 of this section first? Or looked through the stickies? Please think about that before answering first.
  13. I have better shit than this - even better looking. Seriously.
  14. Kontakt Player has 8 channels. Each channel can use one instrument. If you write your strings for example, simply record it with one patch, then split your recording up and use different channels for different instruments (Violin, Viola, Celli, Contrabass), or leave it as is. Same with Trumpets. Or do it a bit different (which sounds more humongus): Insertin the Kontakt Player (the first three slots) different trupet patches, then set the player to OMNI mode, but route the channels not "individually" but to the correspondig channel you write the trumpets in (for example: Channel 3). After that, you can split up your files again, or not. However due to the layered sound it might sound a bit... akward.
  15. Doesn't have Reason a Multiband Compressor? And why not make the other parts quiet compared to the middlepart? So yeah, another Q for the Reason thread, too.
  16. Oh yeah: Xenogears - Creid Valkyrie Profile - Arranged Album and Live Star Ocean - Live Suikoden Celtic Collection Final Fantasy - Symphonic Suite and Best of 1987-1994, or one of those many Piano version CDs Tales of Phantasia SNES vs Playstation version (Opening) The Gradius Soundtracks Panzer Dragoon - Sega Saturn and PC version (also ORTA) Chrono Cross - Complete Remake of the Radical Dreamers OST F-Zero GX - uses part of the SNES OST, but upmixed Katamari Damacy - used in "We Love Katamari" a remix by fans as opening Command and Conquer: Red Alert - The Hell March for example was "redone" in C&C:RA2 Zone ofthe Enders 2 (Anubis) - Beyond the Bounds is on this CD as two different versions, original and as remake from Mitsuto Suzuki Metal Gear Solid 3 - "Snake Eater Opening" as "Spy Version" and as "Abstract Camouflage" version The Black Mages - CD 1 and 2 are professional reinterpretations of several Final Fantasy Games Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Soundtrack - Remake with 70% of the tunes from the old videogame FF7 (especially One Winged Angel) Kingdom Hearts 1, Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2 - the main theme was remixed bei Hikaru Utada and the music artists from the games Do I know more? Probably...
  17. Halo 1 and Halo 2 Street Fighter 2 till SSF2T -> SF3 Street Fighter Alpha (all series) Wipeout 2 has a remix of "Message" from Wipeout 1 on it (Windows Version). Should I mention the Beatmania and Dance Dance Revolution games? Yeah I probably should. Final Fatasy is also the spawn of remixes (FF8 had parts copied of FF7, FF9 had parts of FF6 till FF8) Speaking of FF, Castlevania also recycles 80% of their tunes Super Metroid -> Metroid Prime FF Adventure (Seiken Densetsu) -> Sword of Mana (Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu) Zelda Series -> no comment Sonic Adventure - Twinkle Part Racing has the same theme as Sonic (some tunes are remixed in later games, too) Metal Gear - > oh yeah, the more games, the more themes are "remixed" and "reused" Contra Shattered Soldier (Shin Contra) -> Used themes from all earlier games. Especially Contra 3 and Contra Alien Rebels I guess this should cover "some" stuff. Just listen into sequels or remakes of games (Pokemon for example) and you have your "professional remixes". Unless you mean professional released CDs, then I know some, too: Parasite Eve Remixes - DnB and Techno/Industrial remixes of the PE OST Castlevania Remixes - This is the only CD "I" call remix CD. The tracks are so messed up that you can barely recognise them, but you still know it'S "Castlevania" Zelda - Ocarina of TIme Orchestrated - no comments Chrono Trigger - Original Sound Version vs. Brink of Time (also no comment) Just to mention a few.
  18. Dann würde ich sagen, für's nächste mal, einfach gleich einen USB Adapter.
  19. Wish I'`ve seen Ryu Stage r the HipHop Tracks, but cool. Might dust off my old Dreamcast (especially if I find more of those hacks, a pity that this is a "grey-zone" in terms of legality, or so difficult to pull off in other games), though I hate the standard Controller for fighting games, and I dunno if I need a modded DC or not. However now that the "remix project" is ported into the game, it fits a bit more. Just with it would be possible with Chrono Trigger or Doom.
  20. We will see, Bev. I just think from the last comments that all sounds a bit rushed. But Kyle hooked me up this morning, so it's okay. Again sorry that I can't help out on this project.
  21. Question... why asking this in a seperate thread, if we have one for this already? http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=84946 With the very same core topic on the very same first page (just a couple of posts further down), if I may add.
  22. You're sure that releasing a project, that's still missing tracks, that soon is a good idea? Just a guess.
  23. More liek Fräulein Bürgermeister, if you call your cat like that. *cough* Ich bin neugierig, Prime. Was hast du gemacht das es nun doch läuft? Treiber gelöscht (und von Windows automatisch neu installieren lassen), bzw. ein Gameport komplett deakitviert (man kann ja nie wissen)? Noch mal die Routings gecheckt? Oder gings von selbst? Nur der Vollständigkeit halber.
  24. Cubase has an awesome working step recording function, if you'e not good with playing stuff on the keyboard offhand, or simply draw the material you want. Sometimes if I'm lazy to record arps, I let them autogenerate, or play them with the step recorder as slow as I want to. Very cool function. Though it's long ago that I actually "produced" a track myself.
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