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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Speaking of speed, it looks like Epona is a hell of a lot faster than she was in OoT/MM.
  2. It all depends on how valuable you find the back catalogue. People like me will want games they owned a long time ago but haven't had since - Kirby, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, the like. I can't make a judgement on the PS1 back catalogue until I know how many third parties are supporting it. For example, SquareEnix would be a huge help if they were onboard.
  3. Deku, Goron, Zora, ?
  4. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it. My roommates always give me a hard time for trying to beat Zelda games with only three hearts. I was playing Wind Waker recently, and the Heart Container from beating the Boko Baba boss (whatever its name is) happened to spawn exactly where Link moved to to talk to the little Kokori thing. I hadn't saved recently, so I bit my lower lip and beat the game with four hearts. They still make fun of me for it. "Yeah, Steven's alright at Zelda, I guess, but he had to have FOUR hearts to do it." I LOL'ed.
  5. Actually, I'm glad they haven't said anything solid. Everyone knows how bad Nintendo, Bungie, and Blizzard are at keeping release dates. Fix'd for comparison value.
  6. Fighting your wolf form? That could be interesting.
  7. http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?sourceid=Mozilla-search&va=rediculous This has been annoying the crap out of me for forever. Also: YOU EVIL PERSON YOU HATE NINTENDO WHAT ARE YOU AN AETHIEST DO YOU HATE GOD AND/OR MERIKA?
  8. Concurred, about the first image. I just watched the trailer twice, really noticed that "scene" the second time even though I already liked it, in the one second it shows, the first time. Then I saw your post and for some reason had 100% perfect confidence that the first image would be what it is. I mainly just like the design of the character, and how mysterious those all those dark looking creatures are actually. This is why I don't like to think of theories. I might come to close to guessing why things are the way they are, therefore making them less mysterious. And that's why my life is better than everyone's. Who is that first character? (not midna, I'm talking about the one with his/her back turned) Blonde hair, shoulder pads... looks like Zelda to me.
  9. Then only use the sword beams when locked on, and every time you swing a beam goes out at the enemy you're locked onto. Problem solved. But to be effective, wouldn't the lock on have to be from far away? That might cause problems. Think of Fierce Diety Link's lock-on shot from Majora's Mask. Remember how it moved slowly enough to where you still had to get close, but fast enough to where you didn't have to be point-blank. In reality, it's just a matter of balancing the speed of the projectile. Then again, swordbeams would sort of take away the awesomeness of the arrows in combat, which was one of my favorite ways of fighting in OoT.
  10. Then only use the sword beams when locked on, and every time you swing a beam goes out at the enemy you're locked onto. Problem solved.
  11. I vote yes on Kyle's suggestion to have several different versions of the final battle. I think if this had been planned you could have picked a better track to have several versions of, but Last Battle is pretty damned good on its own. I likes.
  12. I've mentioned how much I want Fierce Diety in Twilight Princess at least ten times on these forums. That would kick so much ass. And yes, projectile swords at full health would also rock.
  13. I think the story went something like this: The maker of MGS and SSB know eachother quite well. Maker of MGS wanted to let them put Snake in Melee, but there wasn't enough time. Now that there is another SSB, Snake is going to be a character. I could be wrong though because I forgot where I heard this. Sorry I'm not good with remembering famous names of Japanese people. Maybe they're friends now, but the way I heard it, Kojima just called and asked him if he could put Snake in the next Smash, but he had to tell him they where too late in the process to put Snake in. Otherwise, it's the same I'm relatively certain that Sakurai (the director of Smash Brothers) and Kojima (the creator of MGS) have been friends for several years now, from before Melee was created.
  14. Elitist much? You don't have to do any of that (okay, maybe the last one) to be above average. And unless he's against people who can wavedash, and wavedash well, he could stand a chance. Might I suggest taking Marth for a spin? He can counter with his Down+B, and you sound like an agility fighter (aren't we all?).
  15. Zelda 2 Link also had an upward thrust (shown in one of his aerial attacks in Melee), he could turn himself into a fairy (no joke) to fly and pass through small corridors (think Alucard's bat transformation from SotN or DoS), cast a spell on himself to jump higher than normal, shoot fireballs, and... that should be it, I think. EDIT: Wait, I know there's more than that. I just can't think straight right now. Personally I'd like to see Link use a couple of his own magic attacks every once in a while. Something less generic than Din's Fire.
  16. What'll be hilarious is when this thread drops off the first couple pages because all of us interested in the game are too busy playing it to bump the thread.
  17. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good. Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty. Uhh... So he's not a lefty in those game right? He's at least ambidexter. My point is that Link, as a character, does not have the fact that he's a lefty or righty defined. He's left-handed when facing three of the four cardinal directions. The only time he isn't is when he's facing east due to sprite flipping issues. Miyamoto is a lefty, and rumors are out there (I haven't been able to find anything concrete yet) that Link's name comes from linkshandig, German for left-handed. I'm pretty sure he's intended to be left-handed no matter what. My major complaint isn't that he's right-handed in Twilight Princess - that just makes sense for the mostly right-handed population. My problem is that there's no option to change him back to a lefty. This makes sense since The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Miyamoto's childhood. So I don't doubt that he was intentionally left-handed because he is too. And here i was thinking that he got his name because he was the link between you and the world, since Link isn't the hero. The player is. Just a rumor, nothing confirmed. But I like where this thread is going. Might I mention that Tatl and Tael's names combined are also a pun? I just wanted to contribute to this ever growing spiral of replies. A perfectly acceptable goal. I'm trying to find a list of the character names so I can pick out other puns... Tatl and Tael was just the first to come to mind... I can't seem to remember a bunch of the other ones, but I know there were several like that.
  18. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good. Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty. Uhh... So he's not a lefty in those game right? He's at least ambidexter. My point is that Link, as a character, does not have the fact that he's a lefty or righty defined. He's left-handed when facing three of the four cardinal directions. The only time he isn't is when he's facing east due to sprite flipping issues. Miyamoto is a lefty, and rumors are out there (I haven't been able to find anything concrete yet) that Link's name comes from linkshandig, German for left-handed. I'm pretty sure he's intended to be left-handed no matter what. My major complaint isn't that he's right-handed in Twilight Princess - that just makes sense for the mostly right-handed population. My problem is that there's no option to change him back to a lefty. This makes sense since The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Miyamoto's childhood. So I don't doubt that he was intentionally left-handed because he is too. And here i was thinking that he got his name because he was the link between you and the world, since Link isn't the hero. The player is. Just a rumor, nothing confirmed. But I like where this thread is going. Might I mention that Tatl and Tael's names combined are also a pun?
  19. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good. Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty. Uhh... So he's not a lefty in those game right? He's at least ambidexter. My point is that Link, as a character, does not have the fact that he's a lefty or righty defined. He's left-handed when facing three of the four cardinal directions. The only time he isn't is when he's facing east due to sprite flipping issues. Miyamoto is a lefty, and rumors are out there (I haven't been able to find anything concrete yet) that Link's name comes from linkshandig, German for left-handed. I'm pretty sure he's intended to be left-handed no matter what. My major complaint isn't that he's right-handed in Twilight Princess - that just makes sense for the mostly right-handed population. My problem is that there's no option to change him back to a lefty.
  20. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good. Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty. Then stop talking about it. This isn't whining, this is discussing the character of Link and how his left-handedness (or lack thereof) affects his relationship to the player.
  21. How do you know it lacks this option? It is sort of wierd that Link is right-handed in this one, but I guess that makes more sense for right-handed players. This guy has an early copy of the game, and I quote him... (no spoilers in the quoted text) http://forum.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=803717&highlight=#803717/ is the page itself (SPOILERS WARNING). I don't give a damn about storyline reasons for him being right-handed, it's a matter of principle that Link is left handed. He's left-handed in Brawl, isn't he? It was always something I could connect with in him as a character... I'll deal with right-handedness, I just wish Nintendo had given me an option...
  22. I WANT MY LEFT-HANDED VERSION. I'm not happy about the fact that the Wii version lacks a left-handed Link option. I'm left-handed and I love left-handed Link, it helps him stand out.
  23. I thought it worked with WindWakers style. Just not a typical zelda ost Yeah, I suppose. I know he can do some good battle stuff (IT'S CALLED STARFOX 64 GODDAMMIT WE'RE ALL WARM-BLOODED 'MERIKENS HERE). Fix'd.
  24. I have to disagree with anyone who promotes expecting the worst - that just causes negativity on the whole, and then you start looking for things to dislike when it actually comes out. I support creating no opinion, avoiding both hype and anti-hype - that way you go in ready for anything and expecting nothing.
  25. Mario Kart DS' date=' Metroid Prime Hunters, [b']Meteos (the original, not the Disney remake), Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Tetris DS, Megaman ZX; this is just to name a few worth getting. Oh, and Animal Crossing: Wild World. I've actually heard good things about the Disney version of Meteos - the extra movements allow for an entirely new strategy.
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