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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. http://kotaku.com/gaming/rip/creator-of-2d-ocarina-of-time-project-dies-in-car-crash-246911.php You will be missed, man.
  2. Saying all anime sucks is like saying all movies suck - there's such a huge variety that you can't possibly hate all of it, unless you hate it for a really stupid reason (I.E. it's animated). Seriously, that's sort of... pointless. I'll say I love anime, but I by no means love all anime (there are many I simply refuse to watch because of the few scenes of them I have seen and what I have heard about them). You, though, seem to honestly hate all anime which... as I said, is kinda pointless. Also, I wholeheartedly agree with making a list of characters that actually have a chance of making it in (I.E. not from Final Fantasy). I would personally like to see Ganondorf in his Twilight Princess styling and one of the Hunters from MP: Hunters.
  3. http://theamazingrolo.blogspot.com/2007/03/wii-loop-machine.html Interesting, very interesting.
  4. I know I've been on 4chan /v/ too long when all I can think of when I see each game mentioned is what's wrong with it. I recommend SotC, FFXII (grinding isn't horrible, it's actually fun since you can screw around with the gambits), Katamari Damacy, Okami (was way too easy).
  5. English trailer for people who don't want to deal with Myspace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUFyw86c9JM
  6. And really, what other entries do you need?
  7. Oh, awesome, it worked! Thanks so much, Mac Attack! Screencap heaven, here I come... to celebrate, have a serious cabbit: http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5097/seriouscabbitsb8.png EDIT: Wait, wait. Looks like there's a minor issue with some episodes, VDM refuses to open them because of an error... "Only handle [s Text] subs at the moment". Any ideas?
  8. Mac Attack, your solution would probably work... if VDub could open .mkv files. Any ideas or plugins?
  9. I'm trying to capture screens (or screencapping, as some may call it) from an anime I've got here on my computer. I can't get anything to work - no matter what I do, once I've saved the image, it changes depending on how much the video itself has moved or, if I've closed the video, it simply goes black. I'm told its an issue with the way the computer does layering - video files go on a separate layer, making it more difficult to cut screens out of them. I've been using ZPlayer, both older and newest versions, but I've also tried Winamp and Windows Media Player to no avail. If you've ever tried to capture screens from something playing, you know the problem I'm having. Halp? I've searched online, and no one seems to have a solution (or I'm the only one with a problem). I'm to the point where I'm willing to download a new program to get it to work (SnagIt, for the record, didn't solve anything either). I figured if anyone would know, it would be you, OCR.
  10. Now all we need is Advance Wars Wii, using the Wiimote as a pointer, and we'll be set. Oh, and with online play.
  11. I completely agree. Personally, I think being a good player is all about being able to use items and stage hazards to your advantage when possible. It's like saying, "Hey, I can beat you at Street Fighter 2, but we have to play Ryu and Ken and use only Hadokens." It's stupid. Skill should be a matter of using everything to your advantage, not eliminating much of the game's main elements.
  12. In before /r/ of Chun-Li shower scene. Whether it's good or bad, you know tourneyfags are going to be complaining about minor imbalances for years to come.
  13. Right, but you know how easy it is to build hype for that game? One trailer is all they'd need of in-game fighting, maybe show a couple of new items, and WHAM. Done, hype train is HUEG.
  14. If you honestly thought that was all of them, you're going to be pleasantly surprised. HAL has some supreme secrecy going on, to the point that with Melee it took weeks after the game came out to get a concrete list of all the characters.
  15. It's always the last week of January.
  16. When you beat it, go back through to fight four of them instead of three. And ten floors before that, three instead of two. xD
  17. They can use the Sacred Realm, though Ganondorf sort of fucked that place up, too...
  18. I'm thinking of sigging that, incidentally.
  19. Point, but that was all mostly near the end. The beginning 3/4 of the interactions were interesting, and many were actually well-hidden - wandering around the southern continent in Tethe'Alla, you can get several skits of Presea's crush on Lloyd, which I didn't know about until my third playthrough. The interaction is optional, reallly.
  21. The character interaction is part of the reason I so loved Tales of Symphonia - all the optional Skit scenes where the characters would play out events in typical anime fashion ("Don't you know how to think, Sheena? Or is your chest the only part that's well-developed?" - Zelos). Great character interaction on the whole, though the storyline itself was considerably less involved.
  22. OoT: Saria, Malon, Zelda, Nabooru, Ruto, Impa. TP: Ilia, Midna, Zelda, Telma, Hena (fishing girl), Ashei. ???
  23. A fair point, I am slightly right-handed - I bat and golf switch, but do everything else left-handed. It makes it rather difficult for me to judge.
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