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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. No, he's exclusively left-handed, and has been since the original Zelda on the NES. I am left-handed and I aim slingshots and bows the same way he does.
  2. I'm dedicating a Super Mario Brothers speedrun to it. Haters, get out.
  3. As CAD has proclaimed, today is the first day of Wintereenmas! Play your favorite platformer today to celebrate! http://www.cad-comic.com/comic.php?d=20040125
  4. I think one thing to note about the difference between FF6 and FF3 is how FF3 rewards you for keeping with one job for a long time while FF6 rewards you for switching around constantly. I remember playing FF5 on an emulator years ago and mastered just a couple of classes within the first couple of hours of gameplay, but this time I'm switching around a lot and finding it a lot more enjoyable and rewarding (a monk who can do 200 damage in one round and cast white magic? A Mystic Knight with two handed? Awesomeness).
  6. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2006/11/23/zelda-on-wii-shield-thrust-de-mystified/
  7. I really want to sig that.
  8. Better yet, explain why we should have to.
  9. Can we request username changes? If so, I'd like to be The Mutericator instead of Pzykotikfreak... No idea who to PM about it, though.
  10. Successful troll, 18 to browse... oh wait. I was right on the successful troll part, though.
  11. I think I fail for double-posting, as the above Kirby would agree.
  12. A kappa? Looks like the one from FF6. I think you fail hard for abusing a meme so old.
  13. Both Kratos', preferably (God of War and the lesser-known-but-original Tales of Symphonia one. Yes I know the name comes from Greek mythology). A Metroiby would be amazing.
  14. I'm sigging that.
  15. Thanks for the offer, but for now I think I'll stick with CS: Source. Can anyone help me install this ut2k4mod? It's Damnation, and I'd like to install it, but for whatever reason Windows won't open the file with UT2K4 - I think it's because it's on my external, because Windows never lets me open things with programs on my external drive.
  16. Zelda: Parallel Worlds is a Link to the Past hack that was just finished. I haven't had time to try it, though. http://www.datacrystal.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Parallel_Worlds
  17. Wait, then what happened to the Wii and DS and PSP and other topics? Slightly off-topic, but it is sort of relevant.
  18. As thankless as the mods job may be, you're picked because of your ability to handle it. It's like the people who try to pass off Clinton's extramarital affairs by pointing out how stressful the job of President is - that's why people picked him (in theory), because of his ability to handle those pressures and make the right decisions. I can't speak as an Unmodder - I mostly lurked and only ocassionally posted, preferring to watch and learn from veteran members. I really can, however, vouch for the sense of community shown by the Unmod clan - a clan that all but completely excluded DJP's advice-giving moderators. I think instead of simply deleting Unmod or listening just to people outside it, it would have been a good idea to have a discussion with some of the more mature members - The Coop, once again, springs to mind - and to talk to them about what DJP thinks is bad about Unmod and why it's still there, what the merits of Unmod are, et cetera. Yes, Off Topic may have some of the same stuff, but the community may or may not be there. If it doesn't immediately get a strong start, I think many of the Unmodders who are lurking and waiting to see how it goes will leave, and then OffTop will ultimately fail. In a best-case scenario, everyone from Unmod comes back to OffTopic and keeps the best stuff - the community, the hentai threads, the ... and it made me smile threads, et cetera. In an okay-case scenario, the Unmodders leave, but a new community forms in its place. In a worst-case scenario, OffTopic becomes simply a slightly-less moderated GenDisc, provoking debates about its reason for existance in the first place. Thus, I have one suggestion, which I'd like all the members to weigh in on - if Unmod was backed up before it was deleted (hopefully it was), can some of the more famous topics - you know the ones - be moved over to Off Topic at its creation? I'm sure that by this point that OffTopic itself is already there, just not visible to normal members (the sudden disappearance of many gaming-related threads from GenDisc implies such). Help OffTopic to be what it should be - the best of Unmod, without the "crap" - by giving it a headstart. Don't make everyone restart all the old topics again, that just leads to confusion and aggravation. (If Unmod wasn't backed up before it was deleted, the old forums still have many of the same topics, albeit a week or two out of date - they could simply be imported again into OffTop.)
  19. Yeah, if someone would link to some tutorials, that would be awesome. I highly recommend Half-Life 2's Substance: GOLD mod - same storyline, but you can change characters - Big Boss, Liquid Snake, Solid Snake, and eventually Cyborg Ninja / Gray Fox, all in addition to Gordon Freeman. Big Boss is good at sniping and working in the dark, Liquid is good at close range (and gets some awesome bullet time stuff too), Solid Snake is awesome at sneaking around and tricking enemies (a particular weapon of his causes all Combine hit with it to start attacking each other or to stand around until they die), and Gray Fox is the amazingly overpowered character you get when you beat the game. All the extra cool stuff you get is balanced out by the obscene difficulty of the game itself. http://ludus1942.ngi.it/about.html
  20. Water Tower place is sort of cool if you appreciate the staircase - it's pretty awesome, good for pictures. (I've been up here for four months and still haven't been to most of the places... I need to keep an eye on this thread too...)
  21. I had a great idea that I can't remember now... dammit... Gordon Freeman. Or Doctor House. Or Doctor Who.
  22. Go back through again, floor 39 is three Iron Knuckles and floor 49 is four of them at once. Major pain, but I only used a single fairy after getting the armor.
  23. Then let me offer some final cheer to the remixers still working: come on, guys (and possibly girls), you can do it! We're all counting on you, make this project kick the ass out of all the rest of them!
  24. I did that once. It doesn't hurt the console, don't worry.
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