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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Very nice, needs a some more dynamics. The arrangement is great, but all the instruments stay more or less at the same volume the whole time. I'm not sure why, but it feels like it could be stronger if you put a little more into it. I'm not a great critique, unfortunately, so I can't really offer much advice here.
  2. I'd recommend Canvas Curse for pure fun. For platformer overload, get her NSMB and Squeak Squad too. Actually, I recommend figuring out if she's a dog person. If she is, Nintendogs is right there.
  3. Air Pirates? Kidding, kidding. And yes, Tales of Symphonia is another favorite of mine, but I didn't like the main character as much. He was a wuss. Lloyd, a wuss? I found him to be too much of a hothead and rushed in too often. Then again, it was all about Kratos, Sheena, and Genis to begin with. Those three kicked ass.
  4. Personally, I think the variety of tracks was what really made me like BT so much. I get bored listening to the same type of thing for too long, which is why even Hedgehog Heaven couldn't hold my ear for too long. BT has a great mix of offbeat, techno, and rock that keeps me from getting too bored with it. But, as most things, it's all a matter of opinion - and this one's coming from someone who found Chrono Symphonic to be one of the biggest wastes of time and bandwith since myspace.
  5. 'Cuz OCRemix is oh-so-official, am i rite?
  6. Wrong, Bound Together. Which was the best thing since KiC. If you can beat Bound Together, you're all promoted to godhood. Because I've yet to get sick of BT.
  7. I agree most strongly. I lost my old copy of Castlevania DoS that way, and had to replay the entire thing: perfect file, level 99, all souls, all best equipment, the whole damned thing. Not that it wasn't worth another playthrough, of course.
  8. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to use this, but here goes: Hey look everyone, an ad hominem.
  9. Why the fuck are you even on OCR? Yes, it does. Ever heard of a "role model"? If the project head doesn't seem to want to get shit done, there's no pressure on anyone else to do anything. Because you aren't pushing them to work. Communism worked in theory too, you know. To be honest, I'd almost rather see this project fall apart, so that maybe in a year or so we can have someone else try again, so it will be done two years from now. At least it would get done quicker.
  10. Here is something interesting for anyone paying any attention to the PS3.
  11. What would it take to remotivate the remixers on this project?
  12. Doesn't competition produce better quality? I really don't see how your arguement goes True now theirs 2 different audiences The Wii market and the Microny market But I really don't see how to companies fighting can cause each other to short circuit and die MS and Sony were both going after the same, identical markets. A market which wasn't big enough for both players. So, in the end, one would have to die. In this case, it was Sony blowing their nuts off with a nuke that's doing it. Not true at all. Two competitors can exist long-term in the same market - in fact, common economic theory demands it. Even in an oligopoly (competition between a few large companies with much marketshare) like this one, there will be competition. Any market in which long-term profit is being seen will inevitably bring in competition. Also, the market is plenty big for two competitors. The only problem is that Microsoft and Sony are trying their hardest to become monopolists and are relying heavily on brand loyalty and product differentiation instead of cost-minimizing like one might see in a standard competitive market.
  13. Feck, he's not helping. Sorry guys, I'll see if there's anyone else I can get to help.
  14. ^ Combine that with upcoming Wii games and we're going into debt... !! That's Nintendo's plan! Instead of just pricing up things to put us into debt like Sony is doing, they're trying to bring out a bunch of really good games of the normal price that will bankrupt us! (Why game companies want us bankrupt is beyond me.)
  15. trade him controllers I tried, but he won't use mine because the deadzone is huge. From waay too much smash. Make him go buy a new one if he's gonna be a whiny bitch.
  16. I just let my friend know, he should be here in a day or so.
  17. That was a very good and true post, just wanted to quote it for emphasis. Just don't let him screw stuff up like Prot and the Relics of the Chozo. "Remastering," though, sounds a lot safer than, "collabing or soloing every fucking song," and I trust Snapple a hell of a lot more than Prot... though I guess this would make this post irrelavent, I'll leave this up for anyone thinking the same thing as me.
  18. FFIII sold out in Japan, natch.
  19. That's odd. So far as I remember, KyleJCrb wanted to wait until you guys had been out for a month before he launched SOS. That's why I got pissed off when I saw that DJP had _finally_ posted OCR_1499. I was like, "Well, shit, now it'll be at least a week before he updates with OCR_1500, and it will be a while after that before Project Chaos, and a while after that before SOS." But yeah, I don't necessarily remember perfectly.
  20. That's odd. So far as I remember, KyleJCrb wanted to wait until you guys had been out for a month before he launched SOS. That's why I got pissed off when I saw that DJP had _finally_ posted OCR_1499. I was like, "Well, shit, now it'll be at least a week before he updates with OCR_1500, and it will be a while after that before Project Chaos, and a while after that before SOS." But yeah, I don't necessarily remember perfectly.
  21. Accoring to the moonpeople, ZS will most likely be awesomeness. ZX, not ZS, lol. And there's a Battle Network style game in development, too.
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