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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. I see no reason Sonic couldn't be included, considering the closeness between Sega and Nintendo right now. It's not like we have to worry about him being over or underpowered - if Sakurai can balance titans like Samus and Link and Kirby, Sonic will be no problem at all.
  2. Not RIGHT after: Projects should have at least 3-4 weeks of front page exposure before the next one rolls out. Oh, natch. Sorry for not clarifying there - I meant that.
  3. And I'm pretty sure SoS is reserved for being right after Project Chaos, which is after OCR1500. Don't quote me on that, though.
  4. Something's wrong with the track changes on the teaser site - track 2 keeps playing when I move forward to track 3 (clicking "mute" and "play" a couple of times seems to solve the problem).
  5. AMEN. that would be awsome, i was thinking about that my self. it be cool if you could then post them online. Whilst using the Wiimote to control camera angles.
  6. Don't worry about it. Back before DJP let mods have power in the ironically-named Unmod, there was a plan for a project, made by Unmodders only, with a similar goal - remixing final boss music. I wasn't sure if the project was still active (since it had its own forum at the .org), so I was just mentioning it. I'd trust Kyle if he says the project is dead.
  7. So is this gonna go head-to-head with Unmod R Bad Men when they both come out?
  8. The closest thing to that would be "God of War"...I guess Any JRPG.
  9. You should play me beforehand. Eh, I got owned anyway. Made it to the semis where everyone was Yoshi in the Egg Kart, and came last. Hey, at least I won a New SMB coffee flask and belt for knowing how many Mario Kart games there are- 6! O_o Wait, what? Super, 64, Double Dash, Super Circuit, and DS... what am I missing?
  10. ^ Thanks for the defense, David, Kyle, and Snapple. I was just kidding, Kureejii. Calling to attention the fact that he's being humble whilst jokingly insulting him (I can't insult someone's humility with a straight face). I think I see where you misunderstood me, though - I meant he was being too humble about his own work compared to everyone else's, not that he wasn't being humble enough about the project as a whole.
  11. Way to be all humble about it, ass. xD
  12. BUMP because this topic looks eerily dead...
  13. Change your name already. It's Italy the Absolute (ItA).
  14. Fails for you still being in End Boss Month ten days afterward.
  15. I likes. Great job, Hale-Bopp, this is great stuff, especially when you add in that most of the time I don't like lyrics... this is one of the few songs that I actually like for them (the only other two being Lover Reef and Da Black Market).
  16. I suggest to use the shuffle feature of your mp3 player. *sigh*no one can see a joke. I love to listen to tracks in order. Fair enough, joke's on us, we panicked. Good jorb. Now release the project already, I'm hungry.
  17. Really? i like the way the are now, that way there in the order that they pop up in the game. just my opnion. Ditto that, that's the way I always put them.
  18. Oooh, my sincerest sympathies, Usa, I've had something like that happen before (puting in bad RAM fried the motherboard, had to get new RAM and MB), so I know how it feels... good luck getting set up again.
  19. Lolicons? Ew, this is Gendisc, get back to Unmod!
  20. Let it go, he's just a noob. It's not like it means anything. Posting just to note his complaining only encourages him.
  21. I'm sorry, but this is asinine. Why are you complaining? What exactly are you looking for? How can you pretend to know how much progress there's been when a) you yourself can't see the private WIP forums or know what goes on among email/IM/PM? Don't whine about there not being "any progress" when we've all been working our asses off behind the scenes. Kureejii, don't fall for flamebait from a noob, please. Even I'm not that childish, so he can't deserve that much of a reply...
  22. I had over 500 lives and every Yoshi Coin ever before my little sister accidentally erased the file. I haven't bothered putting the effort back in.
  23. Huh? I think you mean Tenchu. I saw Tenchi there and immediately thought Muyo, which has been dead for years.
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