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Everything posted by Being

  1. Maybe somethin' with that pic. Seriously, whatever. But it would be cool to have a sig. Oh, and if you use the pic, could you change it up a bit?
  2. Emerald Weapon in FFVII. Though an optional boss, it was difficult to beat (unless you're one of those people who used GameShark invincibility code).
  3. Damns, Gorveg! You da man. Sorry I picked it up so late, but I haven't been on OCR since June. However, it is finally January. Big thanks.
  4. I would really like a sig, please. If it had as the main pic inside a black and white rectangular box (like all good sigs) and text reading, "Hey, is it January?" somewhere next to the pic. Thank you.
  5. Sounds kind of like something Joe Hisaishi did in the movie 'Kikujiro'
  6. DJP, your voice is quite awesome. Don't quit singin'. Oh, and I forgot to mention how much this sounds like that Cher song, 'Believe'.
  7. This remix is quite a step up from Gux's. However, while it lacks the sheer spaghetti-westernness of his, this one is artistically quite better. The combo of electric guitar and piano is awesome.
  8. Not quite Morricone. Were there a bit less on that same twang, and more trumpets and guitars, it would stand firmly and hold its head high. Still, it IS a fun piece.
  9. WOW. I don't quite remember this song, but it works great with the electronic portion. Well done, old chap, well done.
  10. One of the most original and fun ReMixes on this site. The clash between techno and the strings was fabulous to say the least, and better yet it still keeps that militaristic feel to it. One of the best pieces of music on this site.
  11. Great chill-out remix. It's very jazzy and serves well as an atmosphere tune. Brilliant mix.
  12. Argh. For some reason I keep comparing these tracks to some of Ennio Morricone's guitar work in "Il Tramonto." However, this piece is more like the 2-headed baby of Morricone and John Zorn.
  13. As the song rolls on, it reminds me very much of Ennio Morricone's "Il Tramonto (The Sundown)" from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." I think that having a song comparable to that of "Il Maestro" is quite a compliment.
  14. If it pleases you to hear it, "Sup, everyone up in the OCR community?"
  15. Hello, I'm Funkmaster Mike. What's crackin' everybody?
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