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The Mac Attack

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Everything posted by The Mac Attack

  1. I can't say I'm familiar with the game at all, but this is truly a marvelous work here. Although it starts out in a fairly cliche fashion, once we get well into it, the highly infectious melody just takes over and is sure to be stuck in your head for hours (if you're not just playing the song on repeat anyway ). Production-wise it's very well executed as well, and reminiscent of so many J-Pop songs I've heard recently. One of, if not the, best pop piece on the site.
  2. Haha - a very clever and fun mashup. Nice one!
  3. Hey, just thought I'd give you a heads up (in case you didn't know), that people at alternative-junkie.org are hosting the exact same file. Difference is that they say (according to the tags) that it's performed on a Yamaha PSR-280 Keyboard.
  4. ha - very cool!
  5. I'm indirectly participating - my entry won't really be one you can vote on.
  6. Hmmm, why would you need that? You're not remixing the remix, just adding vocals. Lemme know, though, and I'll ask zircon if you can't find it online. It's useful for working out the exact tempo and harmony.
  7. I've been working my way through the tracks, and I must say... Kanjika...YOU FREAKIN' RULE!!! I'd been following your Sky Sanctuary mix back when the WIPs were about on VGMix. Back then, it was one of my favourite mixes. Now, you have truly gone above and beyond - a masterpiece! And top work all round from everyone! (Hetcenus = pure class)
  8. Hi there! I actually did this some time much earlier in the year, and thought I'd share it with the folks at OCR* for the weekend (and a little into next week). This is one of the highlights from my portfolio so I'm hoping to get some positive feedback Like most of my music work, it's meant to be fun and a bit quirky... LINK REMOVED - Thanks for the feedback though, mono This was actually made at the request of one of my friends (I previously hadn't heard of any of the two main pieces). Includes: Gackt - Vanilla (DIY acapella) Opening theme to Scryed - Reckless Fire (instrumental) With additional bits including: 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor - Can't Help Myself The Mercury Theatre - War of the Worlds *Yes, for those of you with a really keen eye, I did write the same thing at GYBO.
  9. The dissance can be a little much to take at first, but overall I felt as though it was a perfect complement to the game. Nice stuff. Great to see some of the games I loved (and still love) making appearances on here.
  10. Hey there! I just want to send a big thanks to all those on the torrents at the moment - I'm now completely up to date and lovin' it all
  11. From the write-up I was under the impression it was going to be a full on Baroque arrangement. Whilst it wasn't exactly this, it still didn't dissapoint - nice work and effective use of harpsichord!
  12. I just wanted to log in to say how very impressed I am with this mix; in particular the singing by shonensamurai and the guitar work! Actually, everyone did some ! I would've loved for it to be a bit longer though, and maybe the lyrics didn't overly lend themselves too well to the melody, but it's fantastic nonetheless. More shonensamurai and more mega-collabs!
  13. Finally, it's here! I remembered this one from the WIP threads, and when I saw the yes, I was absolutely elated! Every day I visited OCR with the hopes that it would be posted. I am a huge Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov fan (Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini = all time greatest piece), and I think this has emulated their romantic style with great finese. Fantastic. Bloody fantastic.
  14. This is without a doubt one of the best remixes on the site I've come across so far (currently going through the torrents). Now, I've never even played Chrono Trigger (or even heard of it before visiting this site), so I think it stands very well as a piece in it's own right. The melody is just so expressive and the singing lends itself to it so well. It's gonna be a while before I can get this one outta my head - excellent job Star Salzman.
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