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Posts posted by SoloGamer

  1. Guess what? I needed my parents for help on that too. Guess we all sucked at that part as kids. :P

    My parents are Mexican immigrants, so I was shit out of luck when I got to that part in my first playthrough (I was pretty close though. I originally tried OYSTER). Luckily it was a rental, so I just screwed around in another person's save file.

    I had better luck on my second rental and made it all the way to the Valentina fight. Finally beat it in 2001 when I bought a used copy from Funcoland.

  2. Everyone I know reads it as "Overlooked Remix"

    and I tell them "Well, it's OverClocked, but there is an Overlooked Remix which is better"


    One time I walked into a game store with my OCR shirt and the clerk asked me if I had heard of OLR.

    Other OLR memories include driving a former judge insane and helping Nineko find pics that one time he screwed around with their database.

    Not much in OCR memories though, other than posting too much for my own good in '05.



    Incidentally, Midway released the full roster, and Kung Lao's not in it.

    Mortal Kombat

    • Scorpion
    • Sub-Zero
    • Sonya
    • Jax
    • Shang Tsung
    • Liu Kang
    • Raiden
    • Kitana
    • Kano
    • Baraka
    • Shao Kahn

    DC Universe

    • Batman
    • Superman
    • Catwoman
    • Green Lantern
    • The Joker
    • Shazam
    • The Flash
    • Wonder Woman
    • Deathstroke
    • Lex Luthor
    • Darkseid

  4. nice crosspost

    No a birthyear doesn't seem to be required for your name to show up (though obviously, it won't show your age). Right now, It shows Antonio Pizza's birthday even though he didn't specify a year.

  5. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I agree with DarkeSword: this is better off as a TV show. The fact that it was only about an hour and a half long didn't help that perception.

    That's because they just took the first three episodes of the new TV series and decided to turn them into a movie.

    I was somewhat interested in seeing this in theaters until I saw that TV commercial with the burping baby hutt. I probably will watch it when it airs on Cartoon Network, though.

  6. Care to point out another platformer that had a series of floating, round containers that shot out it's protagonist like a canon, and it was player-controlled?

    The only thing the player controlled was at what time they got shot out.

    How is this any different from any of the countless platformers where the player had to properly time their jumps between platforms?

    Care to point out a game that came out in 1994 that had a more influential soundtrack?

    vg music was garbage until DKC came around

    Care to point out a game released in 1994 that had more charm (i.e. a fake credits, or should I say kredits, scene)?
    That is not objective. That is your opinion

    Now hush.

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