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Posts posted by SoloGamer

  1. Judging by the fact that the original blog that said this was happening has been removed, and no explanation has been given, I think that it's likely that the blogger either made this up, or had some critical information wrong. And there has been no mention of any info related to Mega Man games coming to VC since.

    Fuck you, blogger.

    No, the blame rest on Nintendo. As I mentioned, SNK and Hudson had both announced SamSho II and Ys Book I & II (cached because the actual page is now gone) for August 4, neither of which came out.

    Maybe there was a crossed wire and these three will come out next week

  2. Source? This is some great news if it's true.


    posted over in the MM9 thread

    Additionally, we've got some news to report. First, Capcom has confirmed to IGN that Mega Man 1 and 2 will be coming to the Virtual Console soon. And second, Mega Man 9 will also release for Xbox Live and PlayStation Network respectively. No, it's not a WiiWare exclusive, but nevertheless, it's going to make an excellent addition to the libraries of all three consoles.
  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=33gouXpv75k






    he could've at least changed the titles

    People stealing OLR songs? Oh it's only OLR who really ca...


    it was actually from Hedgehog Heaven, Xenon just forgot to mention that part

  4. Oh hi Tony nice remix you got here. What recording software did you use? I am an aspiring remixer and I would like to ask you a question. Do you think it's easier to teach yourself how to use mixing tools or is it easier just to steal other remixer's work and say it's your own? Sweet just wondering get back to me asap.

    Mr. Venvik's response:


  5. Almost never. I originally started listening because nostalgia and my only other source for vg music at the time was vgmusic.com. Thanks to OCR and Zophar's Domain, I've discovered the wonders of emulated music and don't really need OCR that much.

    I still have all the OC mixes I downloaded, though I rarely listen to them anymore. I'll also semi-regularly check the front page for any source tunes I might recognize.

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