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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Yeah! That one is on one of my Christmas mixes, in fact. He did a great job with it.
  2. Hi guys! I know I haven't been posting as often around here as of late, but OCR is still very much in my thoughts. I'm always lurking... So what have I been up to lately? Well, like a mad scientist I disappeared into the laboratory for a while to work on my masterful new creation! It's true. I locked myself away from the world - shunning food and almost all forms of human contact (with the obvious exception of zircon) - in order to bring you.... Through Sand and Snow Release Date: November 25th, 2008 Preorders Available: TODAY, at JillianGoldin.com! Price: A modest $9.99 Songs Included: * Prelude * I Wonder As I Wander * What Child Is This? (a.k.a. Greensleeves) * God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen * Walking In the Air (from the classic animated film "The Snowman") * Silent Night ...Woo hoo! So what are you waiting for? Preorder a copy, and ensure that you are among the first to receive the new album! Now for some more good news: in anticipation of the holiday season, I have set up all sorts of discounts and specials offers for both CD releases. With every copy of Through Sand and Snow that you preorder, you'll also receive a complimentary gift card featuring the winter song "Walking In the Air." You can pass it on to a loved one... or even send it out with your holiday cards this year, for that extra special touch. It's a beautiful winter song (non-demoninational), so anyone can enjoy it! This gift card offer also applies if you preorder Through Sand and Snow with a copy of Origins, in the 2-CD Combo Pack deal. :> And finally, both CDs are now set up to offer discounts in bulk - so you will automatically get 2-4 dollars off each additional CD that you buy! I know how hectic the holiday season can be, and that is largely why I was inspired to start this project in the first place. For Andy and I, it has been a whirlwind of music-making, track-mixing, and hair-splitting... But the result? A breath of fresh (albeit cold) air. ^-^
  3. Thank you! Stay tuned for my Christmas album... Pre-orders will be made available in about a week. I'll post a new thread for it, though. :>
  4. Wow, I totally forgot about OurStage this month... Voting now!
  5. I love the facial expressions in that Technology Panel snapshot.
  6. The dimensions will usually vary a bit depending on where you get your CDs printed, due to bleed lines and cut offs. I would just download the templates off your chosen manufacturer's site.
  7. You guys did a great job with this video. We played it at the end of our Otakon panel this year!
  8. There are plans for a future vocal library of moi, in fact...
  9. For the past five years, my brother and I have been making OC ReMix playlists to listen to in our dearly departed car, which broke down a couple weeks ago. I couldn't even list all the songs we enjoyed over and over again, but they all tend to remind me of him. Driving and goofily singing along is like our special bonding time. Then there's 'Lover Reef', which has some very special memories attached to it. Hanging out and making music with zircon, Shonen, Taucer, and D-Lux was some of the most fun I've ever had at a meetup. And of course... that's where I met Andy in person the first time! ^_~
  10. Yays! Winners (including runners-up and honorable mentions), if you can shoot me an email sometime soon that would be great! I'll need some info from ye.
  11. The idea does have a certain appeal, doesn't it...? It'd be cool if there were remixes of more songs than just those three, of course. Andy has already done one of Shadows! Something I will seriously consider. In the meantime, I'll definitely be linking to the winning remixes as downloads on my website. (Currently renovating some of the content, so those will probably appear this week.)
  12. Actually, I am very familiar with the drum & bass genre. zircon (my boyfriend and roomie) has been working on an entire album of it, with a great deal of variety. I know they don't all sound the same... Your entry was very strong, FixBeat, and Skrypnyk also came up with a great d&b track! When I say it was a tough choice deciding on the winners, I mean it. Only 3 people were going to receive any prizes at all originally, and I tripled that list to 9 people. I didn't do that because I felt like being generous, but because the quality of entries was top notch throughout. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and tastes, but I don't much appreciate your attitude in the first post you made earlier. I stand by my decisions, and don't you think your fellow musicians deserve a little more respect than what you've demonstrated? Another Soundscape's remix was not "too close to the source" at all, and happened to be one of the most creatively excellent submissions overall. ChRoNic's mix was superb. (Besides, this isn't an ocremix contest. Never did I warn against submissions being too similar or too different from the source - just recognizable in some way. ^_~) ----- This goes for everyone: it is my hope that the experience of getting to play around with someone else's work for free should feel at least a little rewarding in and of itself. Whether or not you won something this time around, you should be proud of your remixes! Feel free to post them anywhere you'd like on the web (so long as it's not for profit and I am credited).
  13. WINNERS ANNOUNCED IN THE FIRST POST! And there are more prizes than before, so check it out! Too many good submissions to let people go empty-handed. <3
  14. Results will be out later tonight. Really sorry to keep you all waiting, but life seems catch up to me at the worst times sometimes!
  15. Patience, grasshoppers. I need a li'l more time... It looks like tomorrow, sorry!
  16. And may you be big timpin', rollin' low G's for many more years to come!
  17. Man, this is going to be tough... Everyone really put forth their best efforts! I should have the news by Friday or Saturday.
  18. Alright, I'll keep my eyes peeled!
  19. Yeah, sure. I'll just go ahead and accept anything until midnight tomorrow night.
  20. If anybody needs a tad more time, let me know. I don't have a problem with extending the deadline to tomorrow night (instead of noon EST).
  21. José: got it! And the excitement builds...
  22. Trucks passing by, dogs barking, squealing neighbor kids... >< *has a lot of pent up anger towards these occurences*
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