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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Okay! I'll make sure Kalé is one of them. And it's a fictional place I made up...
  2. Haha, and I included both drafts, too...
  3. Wow, OA... That was one glowing review. You are a good writer, too. Thank you so much!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm late, sorry! But hey, I also wanted to tell you that Andy and I went to a live coffeeshop performance of this very talented dude last week, and we were both imagining him as you. Haaa...
  5. Luckily, Wingless has a short attention span. It took him two weeks to order my album, after he told me on AIM daily that he'd do it as soon as he got home... XD EDIT: Damn, I should have refreshed the page before posting that. Guess he doesn't forget the "important" stuff...
  6. Onoes... not that. Wingless, what have you done?!
  7. Haha, oh boy... Princess of Bel Air is officially on YouTube. Why do I have the feeling that's going to backfire one day? XD
  8. When I first saw this thread title, I thought you were referring to a split Stradivarius violin... THAT would be bad. Never heard of this band, but I'm sorry for your disappointment. :[
  9. Wingless is a bum. Don't accept his dirty artwork!
  10. Yay, I have internet again! The answer is: almost undoubtedly. I was thinking of doing some sort of remix contest for my original music, like what Andy has done in the past. It would be fun, and I am so flattered that you guys asked! I'll definitely post about it when that happens. (First I gotta concentrate on unpacking and getting familiar with the new location.)
  11. Hehe, in that last pic of Xerol it looks like the blue bag went flying. He must have done some sweet kung fu BBQ move.
  12. Nice, Dom. Any way we could give you some OCR flyers for that space?
  13. Awesome, Adam! Disclaimer for everyone: I am moving to Pennsylvania tomorrow, so if you order my album in the next two days, I probably won't be able to ship it until Thursday! Gonna be without internet for a bit. No big deal, just wanted to let you know.
  14. We're badass ninjas See the bamboo? Totally badass. And that's all! Hope everyone can make it out to Otakon this year, and hopefully even a Philly meetup next month.
  15. DrumUltimA, q-pa, and José pixietricks and zircon Xerol looks wonderfully graceful! Arrowned and Xerol
  16. DrumUltimA, Ferret, Arrowned, Kulaman, and q-pa Happy flower remixers The Griswold stage at Peabody before the Computer Music concert Next morning at Xerol's BBQ!
  17. Woooo, that was so much fun! Here are my pics: José, Katsurugi, and Ben at GiGi's for lunch! Group clockwise from left: Kulaman, DrumUltimA, zircon, José, Katsurugi, Ben, Arrowned, Ferret, The Green Tentacle, and Jiggles McPuff Pig piiiile Another group shot, outside at the Flower Mart festival
  18. Yay, looking forward to it! And seeing the Noobular!
  19. Add Larry and maybe djp to the list!
  20. Wow... thanks so much, bLiNd. That was a very nice review! Nice hook in the title, too, because people probably wouldn't expect someone who loves Trance to pick up my album.
  21. You have my number Danny, right? Gimme a call if you decide to come! I'm not sure exactly where we'll be at that point, but it'll probably be somewhere either in the Mount Vernon neighborhood where the Flower Mart festival is happening, or down by the harbor.
  22. Hold your horses, Brad! You just ordered yesterday! I'm sending it out tomorrow, and it should take 2 business days to NY, I suspect. (Keep in mind that this is my final week of school, I'm moving to Pennsylvania in 5 days, and I've been getting a ton of orders... So I can't always send them out the next morning.)
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