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Everything posted by Vig

  1. the first thing that hits me is that the performance is sort of crunchy. However the opposing guitar lines present an interesting dynamic, some interesting harmonies, and a unique texture above the somewhat straightforward composition. The track suffers from medlyitis. The transitions are nonexistant. holy crap my ending is cut off. anyone else have this? 4:31?
  2. I'm hearing the icecap melody all through the second minute of the song, i dont know why you guys cant hear it. there it is again at 2:45. guys. there is ice cap all over this track. what on earth makes you say that? it's fairly straightforward. I think if you find that particular section to be too liberal, you need to redefine your standards. Are you guys sure you've heard the icecap theme before? cause really it's quite recognizable in this track. I would normally vote NO because i find the performance to be completely flat, but i have to give it a YES because frankly the two previous votes are rather off-base and I'm unwilling to let this thread lock without hearing some more reasonable opinions.
  3. The intro is great. Slick production, catchy, and I can recognize the original chord progression. However it starts to lose steam after about a minute...it drops just a bit, but it then remains stagnant for awhile. it's not going anywhere. Then the melody comes in, and the track has more or less lost all momentum. This track could be really excellent if it kept getting bigger instead of staying at the same level after one minute. Think Big. NO
  4. This remix does an excellent job of exaggerating the acidgrinder feel of the original. It's trippy, unpredictable, smooth and diverse. I get the impression this might be what the song would have sounded like if the composers had more tools at their disposal. YES
  5. I share the concerns about the strings. They aren't strong enough to be a solo instrument. Why does the percussion all drop out when the strings come in? Why did you even bother introdcing that idea in the intro if you planned on just cutting it out? This track could be more affective in terms of ambience if the ideas were not so discrete...first there's an intro with percussion, then that stops and there's a string section, then that stops and there's some piano thing. You need to make this more cohesive and internally relevant. NO
  6. the recording is just way too bad for OCR. Crappy quality, hiss, pops, mono, etc. NO
  7. I'm on the line with this one. It's quite a pleasant track, and it develops okay. My objections are first that the chun-li theme is only topically related. add any melody and the track would be just as appealing. the less serious complaint is that i'd like to hear it develop more, however it is acceptable the way it is. Id like to pass it, but chun-li just aint relevant enough. NO
  8. There's nothing too bad about this track, but it really doesnt do anything new. I've heard this a million times before. The roland air lead is really corny, and the piano sequencing is mechanical. The main problem is really just that there's nothing new on the table. NO
  9. This track on its own, is fairly strong. It's a good listen, and it's well-produced. Good break-type stuff. However, in my opinion the link to the original is thin. There isnt that much to the original to begin with, and this seems to sample it in some places, but there's nothing about the original that is very fundamental to the track. NO
  10. Comes down to a mechanical and predictable execution of a fairly original idea. Make more space, make sure the samples work for the parts they are assigned, and try to make the sequencing more natural and less repetitive. NO
  11. To be honest, none of us are completely sure that he still actually exists.
  12. hey, thanks for this..it really does mean a lot to me. my lif has been hectic as hell lately with my fiance's passing and if this will help me to get my name out there a little bit more than so be it...i really appreciate it. temp sound solutions and housethegrate - gyruss powar decimation - from the 'now youre playing with powar 5: arc of powar' record semper fi! -shawn phase temp sound solutions http://www.tempsoundsolutions.com
  13. I know I said this yesterday about Zyko, but he was one of the best judges the panel has had. So I guess this week goes to prove conservation of awesomeness.
  14. the first two minutes are definitely a very beefed-up version of the original. the next sexion has more original material, and while a lot of the harmonies are kind of akward, there's nothing close to a dealbreaker. the last solo section is lacking in a bass part. this leaves the harmony sounding thin. there are some akward problems with this, but at this point it's still a YES
  15. a lot of the instruments sound either cheap or thin. most of the samples could use a boost. the one-note string lines sound silly. the whole sound field needs to be beefed up. NO
  16. sounds pretty wierd...the beginning is very stiff..the string samples are sequenced mechanically. the first minute is pretty akward, the drums dont fit the drapes. er, something like that. the trend continues. the drums seem mashed on much of the time. there are moments when everything meshes, and it sounds great, but most of this song sounds disjointed. NO
  17. I have no problem with the pace of this track. there's plenty going on, although granted the arpeggiated synths are just filler. Other possible issues are that it's fairly repetitive. too much time is spent in the same place. sometimes the samples arent used well..zircon's right, the drums arent any good. to its credit, there are some good dynamic transitions, and the body of the song is fairly interesting. NO
  18. those fake guitars are hurting badly. what's here isnt bad, but it's suffering a bit because the track is sort of a one-trick pony. it's sort of the same thing for 3 minutes. lets hear some new ideas. NO
  19. great stuff. excellent dynamics, instrumentation, texture, composition. uh. yES
  20. hmm...the composition is fairly interesting to me. what i immediately notice however is that the sequencing is mechanical, and the sample kind of blows. The bad notes that larry hears are probably intentional and there for effect. i have no problem with them. the strings are similarly mechanical. the attack is too slow for the part. try and get some better samples, and work on making the sequencing more natural. NO
  21. groovetastic, ambient, atherial, but somewhat lacks direction. what are you remixing, foo? NO
  22. zomg groovebias. straightforward, solid stuff. I dont understand the comparison to shnabubula at all, but it's certainly good for its own reasons. YES
  23. this is very good stuff. the sax performance, while not flawless, is solid. koelsh's tone keeps improving. great key solo. this is a NO. Here's what needs to happen for it to be a YES: 1. Less reverb on just about everything. not necessarily all but at least some of the following, in rough order of importance: bass, piano, guitar, drums, sax. 2. sax should be slightly quieter, relative to everything else. not too much, i'd just like to hear everything else a bit more. mainly the first thing. please resubmit.
  24. straightforward, simplistic, and somewhat sloppy. Lack of harmony, lack of variation, generic instruments, lack of direction. gets more interesting towards the end. NO
  25. this is a very good arrangement. the samples arent great, but they arent grating. i'd like to vote yes, but right now it's just mixed a bit poorly. it needs more balance in the high end, and it could afford to be louder. easy resub. NO
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