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Everything posted by Vig

  1. this is a great idea. with some reworking this could be an awesome remix. unfortunately the execution is a little vanilla. i dont mind the drum patterns as much as the drum samples, which are too thin. need to be fatter, more compressed to kick the shit out of the mix. etc. the guitar work is just too straightforward and repetitive right now. needs a little more interpretation, and a little more life. also needs to be longer. keep working on this, it will be good. NO
  2. yeah those drum loops dont make any sense. The violin solo is very bare and sounds very shrill and tacky. The dynamic flow of this track seems somewhat random. often bare, drumloops seem to be glued on to fill space. same concerns as everyone else. NO
  3. some of the instruments are pretty cool..like at :55, but others are tacky, like the lead. The groove is slowed down, but the arrangement is pretty straightforward. The section at 2:00 is cool..but rather unrelated to the original, and seems to just be shoved in there to alleviate monotony. what's here is okay, needs more ideas. nO
  4. The synth design is pretty cool i think. I like the chaos, but it would be nice if the instruments sounded a little more different. I actually think this is pretty damn cool, but it needs more development. NO
  5. okay..so this is somewhere between straightforward and nonsensical. The instrumentation okay, but the form is cookie cutter, and there's random dissonance and solo sections that make no sense. NO
  6. Could be my ears today but this sounds rather grainy. Obviously the limiting factor here is the short and conservative interpretation. Create More. NO
  7. the into had me groovin. the instruments are somewhat generic but everything sounds crisp. But then the break... oh man. as soon as the vocal came in, i knew. This is just the melody pasted into a generic trance song. this comes out in akward rhythmic transitions where the melody doesnt quite fit. oh man. the production is fairly slick, but the arrangement is so generic and cookie cutter. NO
  8. This is solid (not liquid) stuff. The dynamics are fantastic, the interpretation is liberal (aka creative), but the piece is obviously MGS at its core. I dare Larry to come up with a reason to say NO to this. YES
  9. Eh..it's not that bad. it's a cute little soundbyte, but it's less than 2 minutes, it's really just a demo. I thought the instrumentation was fine, if basic. certainly nothing to nitpick over. the drums were repetitive. The main problem is that 1:45 isnt enough time do anything particularly developed. NO
  10. This is my favorite song off the OST. Original doesnt come in until 2:25. Up to that point you lay a good foundation, although it fades out before the melody comes in, which is disappointing. Once the beat comes in again it seems like the melody could be any melody...doesnt have anything to do with the background track. the harmony isnt integrated particularly well; sounds clumsy. This is a close one, because the track on the whole has a lot going for it, but once the melody comes in over the beat, it's not well integrated. close NO
  11. There's no real arrangement here. This is the original two tracks, pretty straightforward. aside from that the track could benefit from a boosted hi-end. NO
  12. heh...the siren is from episode 5, no? Or is it Alien? I have no problem with the synth guitar. Sounds pretty good to me. The biggest problem is that a lot of what's here is generic filler. The Bass and drums seem to force a groove on a track which otherwise doesnt warrant one. I dont really like the bells...too cutesy. i realize that's subjective. I guess the problem is that the groove seems really tacked-on. There's plenty in this track that is done well. A lot of the sequencing is pretty good, the guitar works, the instrumentation is good except the bells. The section at 3:20 is pretty solid. I'd like to hear what others have to say about his, so i'll say NO, but I wont lock it.
  13. This definitely sounds better than the earlier version I heard. The brass is still rough, but it's not nearly as bad as it was. Generally a lot of the samples sound clumsy. The brass is too punchy, the strings dont attack fast enough, the bells are pretty rough. I'd say the samples hurt this track a good deal. That said, the arrangement is solid, and the guitar work is pretty good. I think this one is close to the line, and so I'd like to hear some more votes, but I'll give it a YES
  14. I agree to some extent with all of zircon's complaints, however I ultimately feel they are stylistic choices and don't count very strongly against the mix. The drums don't really fit in with the more organic sound of the track, but at the same time, the drums do sound good, and they are far from overbearing. More strings makes anything sound fuller, but this track gets plenty busy without. As it is, there's a well developed dynamic curve. Guitarism is adequate not great...all that you really need is that particular tone, which is certainly supplied. The ending could benefit from a metaphorical penis-pumping to make it longer, however it could certainly be more atrocious. The ass, so to speak, is the only thing dragging down what is on the whole a well-concieved and highly enjoyable track. YES still well above the bar despite fairly weak ending.
  15. nothing here indicates that this piano tune is not original game music. lets try to figure this one out first.
  16. what is up with people encoding at 128 kbps on short songs? ugh. I feel like the ecoding hurts this song significantly. sounds pretty grainy to me. The instrumentation is pretty cool. I feel like this track would sound excellent if it werent hidden by fuzz. as it is, it could use more development and cleaner production. NO
  17. This is a prettty good concept, and a decent original track. I'm happy to see you try this on solo piano. What you have here is a pretty good start, but the solo piano bar is fairly high, and there are some fairly obvious things you could do to make this a lot better. The biggest thing for me is that most of the variation is dynamic and rhythmic; going from quiet arpeggiations to hammering out 8th notes. There's very little harmonic tension. Most if not all the chords are simple triads, maybe a 7th here and there, and a few diminished near the end. I'd like to hear some more complex harmonics in the chords and in the countermelodic lines to make it more interesting. Some of the rhythmic variations arent particularly subtle...like i described the hammered out 8th notes...eh..kind of blunt. another thing is that when you voice chords with your left hand, they tend to be too low and muddy. good start and i hope to hear more from you NO
  18. hmm...there are an awful lot of melodies in here for a 2 minute track. The obvious problems are here; not enough time given to develop ideas, arrangements are too straightforward. Also the instruments are quite harsh. Expand more please. NO
  19. great ideas in here. at points it reminds me of the Deus Ex soundtrack. The interpretation of the original is really creative in the first half. Unfortunately the second half is all new material as far as i can tell. Don't hear metroid at all. And while the first half is creative, it doesnt develop particularly well, in fact the first half of the song is fairly monotonous. Unfortunately have to give this one a NO but i look forward to future submissions.
  20. the first two minutes kick ass. then in comes the generic techno. What follows is as cookie-cutter as one can get. there are some interpretational additions here and there, but it's way too little. Take away the 4 on floor and there's no song here. NO
  21. NSF + Drums. Occasional change in instrumentation. Cover all the way through. we take arrangements. NO OVERRIDE
  22. a very pleasant opening. The samples are a bit rough, particularly when the strings go reeeally high they sound quite artificial. I anticipate sample quality will be the weak point for this track. Fortunately the arrangement is particularly solid. There are lots of different sections which are strung together with dynamically effective interludes. There's some degree of discontinuity due to the repeated decrescendos, but the sections come across as elements of a cohesive whole rather than independent ideas. YES on the strength of the arrangement.
  23. the bass could afford to be more pounding in my opinion. from a creative perspective, this isnt really my cup of tea. However it's very solidly composed. Plenty of ideas expressed, good performance. The track is quite creative, lots of liberties that work out quite well. In my opinion this is very solid material, and well above the bar. YES
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