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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I'll have to listen to the original. This has a lot of good going for it, but i feel like the harmony is too linear with the lead. I'd like to hear more harmony than just the root of the chord.
  2. hmm..the first thing that strikes me is that the one-note string part is really akward. the attack is slow, and the lack of harmony leaves it bare. While you do build the tension by making things louder and changing the key late in the game, I feel these things are superficial, and the arrangement is somewhat monotonous. The lead string parts continue to be somewhat akward. NO
  3. First, the track isnt loud enough, and it's mixed topheavy. I agree with DS that there are no strong statements. you should do something about that. talk about the war. insult someone's mother. anything. A lot of the rhythm section is repetitive and uninteresting. more dynamics plzeeze NO
  4. The sax recording sounds pretty good to me. Unfortunately a lot of the backing parts arent as solid. for instance, halfway through when the sax plays the main zelda theme, the chorus is repeating those four chords..sounds good independantly, but the zelda theme doesnt really fit well over them. In other places the rhythm section seems very repetitive, and at best doesnt elaborate over the course of the mix. good stuff so far, but make more of a dynamic curve. NO
  5. Not bad. Fairly well-produced. The problem I have with it is it's quite repetitive and simplistic. Not quite cookie-cutter techno, but close. not enough to copy-paste the beginning on the end. NO
  6. okay. i listened to the original, then the first version, then the current version. the update is SIGNIFICANTLY better. I have a couple of major concerns, the biggest one being the guitar. It's really rough. The performance is sloppy to the point of being irritating. Granted this probably bothers me more than the other judges. other concerns are that the arrangement is fairly close to the original, and it doesnt bring that much new to the table. This problem is more significant because some of the production aspects are still sloppy. This is by no means bad stuff..and you're clearly showing progress, but i think this needs to be tightened up. NO above all, keep practicing.
  7. yeah...the release on the lead is too long in the beginning. a lot of the instruments sound kind of similar. the groove is alright, and the execution is fairly clean, if lacking in subtlety. the first two minutes are repetitive, then there's a long break. after the mid section, it repeats again. i think the biggest problem here is that it needs more ideas presented. it's fairly repetitive as is. NO
  8. the samples really hurt this one. that and the first minute is essentially the original with worse part writing. the original was done professionally with ridiculous samples. this has got to bring something new to the table to compensate, and it doesnt. NO
  9. in trying to download this track i accidentally "bewerten"ed "sehr gut," which is opposed to "schlecht." I'm not sure I made the right decision. This is passable, if not revolutionary trance. can't however make a decision until i hear the original.
  10. This track has a lot going for it, and I'm torn. It has some really excellent and creative composition and sequencing. Unfortunately it also has some very simplistic and boring composition and sequencing. Certain parts jump out at me as being sexceptionally well-concieved, complex and emotional. Then two seconds later there will be some clumsy sounding string or lead part. akward rhythms, or parallel octaves/fifths, notes repeated..ugh. There are great dynamics, but then oftentimes the samples hurt. the strings in particular are raw. This is very close to the line for me, and I think it wouldnt take very much tweaking to push it over the top. to be fair, it might not be obvious to you what these compositional akwardities are, but please talk to someone who does and tighten it up. NO
  11. what we have here is straightforward. slowed down with a mellow groove. the samples, particularly the string lead, dont sound great....hmm..okay actually, the whole thing through is just hte original repeated over and over slowly. there is zero arrangement in this mix. NO OVERRIDE
  12. Awesome. Near-professional production. The track could afford to be about twice as long, as it doesnt really have time to develop as it should. However, what's here is tight, slick, warm, and for some reason is filling my writing with hysterical adjectives (yes, hysterical. Look it up). YES
  13. tune your guitar. NO EDIT: for the sake of elaboration, the arrangement is too simple and repetitive. Also your lead skills are not yet up to par for OCR. keep practicing.
  14. yikes, why is the same voice playing the lead and chords? overall there isnt enough contrast between different parts. other comments apply. NO
  15. Hmm...fatigue....flulike symptoms...sounds like mono. the piano that is. EDIT: Lots of listening after the piano intro, I cant identify anything from the original in this remix that's fundamental to the composition of the song until 3:00. The chord progression is the same as Pachbel's Ganon, but remixing that remix is not the same as remixing a zelda song. after 3:10, most of the track is identifiably a remix of either gerudo theme, title fanfare, etc. As for the song, this thing is very catchy and on the whole very well put-together. the singing is strong and very well arranged, the horns are fantastic, the composition of the song is just great. This song frankly rocks. we're talking about greater than 50% of the song that has either no remix material or only passing reference to the original. unless you count the lyrics. taking everything into consideration, i'm willing to use my liberal-arrangemnet stick to give this thang a YES beating. The song is incredibly tight, and the lyrics are brilliant and verymuch zelda. To me, these factors outweigh the fact that the chords/melody of the verse only relate to zelda music via implied chord progression. Pushing the liberal envelope, i know, but these guys did something really cool here, and really zelda. EDIT: oh and i'd really like it if we could hear from djp on this one; i feel like i can prove the quality of this mix myself, but it's a question of how much original material is acceptable etcetc.
  16. yeah...really bland. vanilla. Variety is the spice of life. The wave of the future. the language of love. NO
  17. okay. the arrangement is tight if conservative. the solo is mixed. there are some points which are harmonically/melodically interesting, but then it's generally sloppy. this might have been passable, but it's pretty much http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00704/ that song, except more sloppy. NO
  18. I think the density of the song is a strength, not a weakness. or at least it could be, if the song werent so dense the whole way through. as it is, this track could be great if there were some, ANY amout of dynamic change. the level is constant throughout the entire track. this is not okay. loud loses its meaning if it's always loud. you need to have quiet as well. NO
  19. 96 is not enough kilobytes per second. aside from that, the arrangement seems jittery. the momentum frequently dies before it can really get going. The second half of the mix seems to suffer from a different problem..that being repetition and constant dynamics. just gets tedius after 4 minutes. NO
  20. Larry...I think you might be missing the forest for the trees. This track is exceptionally arranged, has interesting instrumentation, and fantastic dynamics. There's an impressive amount of expression and elaboration for its 3:30. the criticisms you make that i can agree with...the brass doesnt cut through as much as it should...are way too minor to justify a NO. the biggest complaint i have is the fairly sudden ending. still well above the YES line. (waiting for source)
  21. okay. this is pretty much the original, except with less going on rhythmically. some of the parts are actually simplified. NO
  22. yikes, the intro sounds like the original but more mushy. up to :45 it's really just rehash of the original. then the synths jump in, which are way too bare at first. as far as I'm concerned everything's uphill from :45. This is definitely close. i think the deciding factor is that the beginning is so rough, and that towards the end it gets repetitive. This track could be longer, or it could be shorter. either way the ending needs to be better thought-out. please keep working, this is a good track NO
  23. Agree that this is a good first shot. there's a lot going for this track. The atmosphere is really cool. The instruments are interesting. The dynamics are also well done. it's generally a bit sloppy though..the strings seem bare. The delayed percussion instrument...would sound better if the delay were more split in the stereo field. some of the instruments are just better mixed than others. the other problem is that it cuts off...the mix could afford to be a few minutes longer. NO
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