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Everything posted by wormguy

  1. I'm hearing a lot of talk about people wanting Off Topic to be "The best of UnMod" and "A place that's UnMod without all of the bad stuff". But, that's where the problem lies. It was the good and the bad together that made UnMod, and when you take that part away, it becomes something entirely different. That's how I feel, anyway.
  2. Well, that makes me feel better. Keep me posted.
  3. Well, apparently I missed a lot of drama prior to and directly after the deletion of UnMod. Thus, I feel utterly confused and kind of unwanted by this decision. We saw some bad times with UnMod, sure... the sidebar fiasco and the like. But I don't see how anything UnMod could have done would warrant a deletion... it seems like an extremely drastic measure. I like Shpladoink's idea of a non-.org option for UnModders, but I'm afraid that the community has already been fractured irreparably. So...goodbye, UnMod. It was fun while it lasted.
  4. UnMod always gave me a good laugh. I don't think anything will ever be able to replace it. .org would just feel like a cop-out now.
  5. That's odd. I feel the opposite way. I guess it just depends whether you like the controls or not. But, I have to disagree with you on the flipped part. It's pretty much the same awesome design flipped or not.
  6. I am vastly disappointed.
  7. Once again, taking what I said WAY out of context and missing the point by a longshot. Usually you do crap like this just to make people mad, then after they respond you do your little "LOLZ i got a reaction," but for some reason you're still pressing it. So once again: IF you want to buy a PS3, you will also have to buy a BluRay, as it is part of the PS3. You buy a PS3, and money was spent on BluRay. Nobody is forcing you buy the PS3 in the first place, but I did NOT say that. Stop trying to make me look like an idiot. And yeah, it's always better to have more space. The question is how much that space is worth. After reading the responses to my last post, I'll agree that it was too early for me to assume that, because so far we have only seen launch PS3 games, as someone said. But you can't deny that someone without an HDTV who buys a PS3 is missing out on a huge advantage that people who have HDTVs would have. I know that from my perspective, I'm thinking I might buy either a PS3 or 360 sometime and I don't have an HDTV, so right now the 360 seems to be a much better deal, because until PS3 games prove that they can actually become unique using that much space, it's a waste of $200. And even if the games do, then you still have to decide if bigger games are worth paying $200 extra. If they PS3 only used the blu-ray player for watching movies, you'd have a point. But since it is integeral in playing games, you have NONE. It's like complaining that the PS1 had a CD drive. "Who needs 700 megs of space for a game? Any game I'd want to play could easily fit on this 32 meg cart. Those people without a fancy Hi-Fi Stereo Systems with $500 speakers are getting ripped off. My TV just has a crappy speaker, who needs CD sound?" Now it IS a little difference since blu-ray is not an established format yet, but no one is forcing you to buy the system. And just because you think games won't need more than 9 gigs of space (which is a joke because some games are already pushing the limits of DVDs), doesn't mean you know crap about making games. Are you a game developer? Programmer? Do you have any ideas for utilizing the blu-ray drives for games? No? Shut up? When we got a 20 meg hard drive for our Mac Plus for $1,000, we never thought we could fill it up. Next, it was 120 megs. OMG, HUGE! Face it, technology is evolving. Just because you don't happen to own the next generation of display technology doesn't mean the rest of the world is going to wait for your ass. Sure, Sony could have cranked out a cheap non-HD, non-blu-ray PS3, but how would that fare in 4 or 5 years? When HD is standard? $600 is a pretty big chunk of money now, but I'd say it's a decent investment. The 360 sounds like it would be more suited for you at the moment though, so why not buy that instead of making the same point that has already been brought up 25 times in this thread alone? I agree. Look how fast hardware of the old generation of consoles were outdated by PCs. Even though we look at PS3 and gawk at its specs, even they won't look that good given a few years. I think the point is that Sony doesn't want to restrict its possibilities in a world where technology advances so quickly - in a little while, there will be a use for all that storage space that Blu-ray provides.
  8. That would suck royally. Yeah, they'd better at the very least bring back all of the classic characters.
  9. I now decree that Gamespot's Wii editor fails at reviewing games. I think he was too busy trying to find weak points in the game to realize that is really damn fun. The gameplay doesn't feel tacked on or rehashed at all: it's just good, solid, refined Zelda, and that's good enough for me. I just want to see them bitch and moan when Halo 3 comes out.
  10. Same here. Nice try though. Maybe one day there will be a console with a time machine in it so it will be forward compatible too. Same. No Wii for me. I'll try again on Wednesday. But, I did get to play with my friend's, and I played the first hour and a half of TP. And it is a hell of a lot of fun. I can't wait until the story picks up.
  11. Hehe, I knew Corran could do it! This was one of my favorite tracks from the Remix Project. Keep up the good work.
  12. Back again, made it a little lighter, like you said. As for some new stuff, well, I don't have any good ideas right now. LT: Face feels a little too dark compared to everything else. It's a bit hard to see, but it'll be aight. Sure.
  13. Good, or too dark? I think the white might have been better, honestly. LT: Keep BSing with it. Doesn't need to be off-white, but that doesn't look too bad. Just lighten the shade of the background without making it too close to white. Good stuff so far.
  14. Haven't you ever played Marvel vs. Capcom? Ryu and Ken are the same character. You use a super bar to switch between them.
  15. Dark Samus turned out well, but I think Jin looked better with the border. Meh, it's still OK. EDIT: Added OCR3 Tan to the mix. LT: Dark Samus looks fine with transparency, the others don't. Just fill in the white color for the Jin one with some other color that works. The resolution on 3-tan isn't sharp enough. The only part of her face one can make out are her eyes. Plus, I don't want a pic like that to have a transparent background. Transparent background work the best on sprites, not traditional pictures.
  16. I just scrapped the old one and made a better one. You like? How about Dark Samus? LT: I'll take 'em both but can you give them non-white backgrounds (provided it looks seamless)?
  17. h8 u I've been hoping that by some off chance sonic would be in one of these games.. BUT NOT SHADOW. If they did one of those stupid fucking "SONIC AND SHADOW TOGETHER AGAIN" things I'll fucking kill CE You'll kill me if they put Shadow in it? Shadow is the worst excuse for making a game more "dark" ever. He's all angsty. Urgh. The only way I'd want Sonic in the game were if there existed a 16-bit mode. Then he'd be cool. We don't want no 3D sonics. Yeah, the last thing we need is angst in SSB. Ugh. I'm not a big Shadow fan.
  18. There, fixed those blank pixels. Funny that I didn't notice that. LT: Preferably 32x32. Picky, picky. EDIT: Sharpened it a bit. Take your pick. LT: They're both actually blurrier than the slightly smaller version. Don't just stretch the smaller pic to fit the standard dimensions or it messes it up.
  19. Uhh, it has to be 32 x 32. Way to read the guidelines.
  20. NO His primary attack is a freakin' jump. And I don't want to get spammed by idiots who just mash the homing attack button. Ugh. Not to pile on here, but it shouldn't be that hard to adjust him to the gameplay style. You're right in not wanting the homing attack; that's not really something that would work well in SSBB. However, no one ever said he has to use that. Infact, here's how Sonic could work: Up+B=Lightning Shield From Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Pretty simple. Light to moderate damage on the strike. The sparks from the base of the attack would cause light damage. B SMASH=Flame Shield Damage would be similar to Falcon Kick. Works exactly like it does in Sonic 3. Neutral B=Bubble Shield Would work differently in the air. On the ground, use it as a brief shield to deflect projectiles. In the air, it would do the basketball bounce, a la Sonic 3. Damage similar to Donkey Kong's ground slap. Of course, in the event that you use it off the edge, he wouldn't just keep falling. It'll stop after a bit and allow you to recover. Down+B=Spin Dash Would work just as it does in the games. Hold Down after executing attack to hold it in place. Tap B repeatedly to power it up, release Down to attack. It's effect would be similar to Marth's Shield Breaker(whereas Jigglypuff's Rollout is like Roy's Flare Blade). See? Easy. He'd probably be similar to Shiek and Marth; fast, agile jugglers. He would be somewhat weak overall, lacking in a truly powerful finisher, and would be fairly light. His Super could turn him into Super(or Hyper) Sonic. It would last as long as a Super Star, strengthening all of his attacks. He might take damage as it's in effect, though(it's draining his rings, afterall). I'd actually like to see him with this moveset. It'd be pretty cool, IMO. Bottomline: Look what they did for characters like Fox and Captain Falcon. Sonic would be a breeze compared to those two. Now this is what I like to see. Everybody else was like NO WAI SONIC WOULD WORK!!1 You proved me wrong. I stand corrected.
  21. Yes we do. We need adult link, and kid link, and WW link, and we need all the '4-swords' links, and then we need a dark link, and then all the Majora's Mask Links, and then the LttP link (his charge attack would rule), and then like, the wolf link from TP, and then a Tingle-Link hybrid/lovechild, and then an X-men link, and then... (blah blah blah) Hopefully the levels will have grass you can cut, which then gives items... Why not just call it Super Zelda Bros.? Or Super Smash Zelda?
  22. I'm giving Samurai Champloo some love here. Fuu, Mugen and Jin. LT: The resolution on Mugen sucks. Fuu is all set. Jin, for some reason an entire column of pixels on the left is blank. Fix that and I'll take it.
  23. NO His primary attack is a freakin' jump. And I don't want to get spammed by idiots who just mash the homing attack button. Ugh.
  24. The whole point of fighting games is to make people who would otherwise have no business dealing with each other duke it out. When you think about it, Eliwood and Marth are more "mature" characters than say, Mario or Pikachu. It really doesn't matter that much; it's Super Smash Bros., they'll make it happen.
  25. I'm pretty sure that Ike from PoR is already rumored, because one of the stages is purportedly a castle from that game.
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