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Everything posted by wormguy

  1. Your argument is flawed because items present mind games much in the same way that a fist fight does. Will I slash you with the beam sword? Will I dodge and throw it at you instead? You get the idea. It's not like items are completely random either - they're designed to fit within the game mechanics. You can hardly say that there are overpowered items, because all have their strengths and weaknesses. Removing items in Smash Bros. is like removing supers in Street Fighter. You're eliminating a huge part of the gameplay. If people want to bitch and moan about the "cheapness" of items, that's their problem. You didn't counter the item's effect correctly, so you lost. Deal. Also, capitalizing things makes them easier to read, especially in a giant post like that.
  2. Items and hazardous environments make the game. I'm so sick of people who will only play on Hyrule Castle or other huge boring maps. The fight always degenerates into a run-away-when-I-have-high-damage fest. Where's the fun in that? A good player should be able to adapt to any situation, hazard or item.
  3. After watching that trailer, I think I can safely say HOLY SHIT Well excuuuuuuuse me, Princess.
  4. All I've seen are some low-quality off-screen 30 second clips on IGN, which is really all that's out there. Yes, the animations look much improved. There were a few things that still looked clunky, though. I only hope for the best - I'd really like to see more pre-rendered cutscenes.
  5. I tried red and gray, because I couldn't think of anything. Any suggestions? And it's cool if you take the gray Okami avatar. It looks fine, and it'll work if the transparency is bugged out. Also, thanks for the props, folks. LT: Looked like Cerrax developed a nice orange gradient scheme based off his eye color. worm: Ha! That's good. I will use that. How's this color? LT: Too dark IMO, but you're gettin' there.
  6. Apparently the new Fire Emblem is being built on the Path of Radiance engine. Oh well. I just hope they have better animations this time.
  7. I don't care about how violent No More Heroes is, personally, and I don't think unnecessary violence would help it. It had better just be a kickass game.
  8. If this doesn't turn out well I will be so disappointed. No pressure or anything, guys.
  9. Actually, LT, that Okami avatar has a blank background, so it'll just blend in with whatever's back there. But, I made some gray shades. I like the blank one better, personally. Also, here's my version of Jehuty. And Anubis. LT: Looks good, just need some sort of colored background for Anubis, since there's so much empty space. Also mentioning that I tired the first Okami as my custom avatar and it didn't come up as transparent on the silver here, so I'm taking this other one instead.
  10. You made front page on Newgrounds. Nice work.
  11. Amaterasu! More on the way. LT: Need a non-white background color for Wolfy here. Other than that, it looks good, thank you.
  12. Settlers of Catan is an awesome game. Me and my friends play regularly. I have also been known to play some epic Diplomacy games.
  13. Alright, I'm back for more avatar-making action. I'll definitely take you guys up on trying to make Jehuty. It's been a while, and sorry if this has been asked before, but when do the new avatars get added to the selection?
  14. Yeah, tattoos are one of those things that you want to be positive you won't regret later. They can get removed, but it's an expensive and painful procedure. And if you're absolutely positive you want it, make sure you get it done right.
  15. Look, my point is that UnMod has always been UnMod, and nobody seemed opposed to what went on there until one day it was deleted. I think most of us are just pissed at the lack of respect with which we are being treated.
  16. Well, apparently mob mentality and post-whoring in general in UnMod were the reasons things spilled over into GenDisc by this logic, right? But I don't think that's the issue at all. I think we're putting a magnifying glass over the worse aspects of UnMod and looking over the good ones entirely. As far as I know, there wasn't any huge drama between UnMod and the other forums right before UnMod's deletion, right? So, why the sudden decision? No warning, and not even any decent explanations until recently. It's just not fair to the UnMod community. Pixietricks, I read your original post in its entirety three times. And it reeks of misunderstanding and false assumptions. Once again, it's obvious that those who were for the deletion of UnMod were not associated with or familiar with it at all.
  17. I fail to understand why this merits the sudden deletion of an entire forum.
  18. This is all wrong, and almost insulting to UnModders. Fad threads originated because we couldn't think for ourselves? With all due respect, are you fucking kidding me?! Fad threads were created because it was an UnMod meme. End of story. All threads should have a productive purpose? Define productive. Back in UnMod, if a thread made me chuckle, it was good enough to exist. I think most of us are afraid that Off-Topic is just gonna become Gen-Disc #2. I think maybe some of the mods mistook general UnMod mischief as post-whoring. But that's just one more piece of evidence that shows the people who authorized the deletion of UnMod just didn't understand what was going on.
  19. I actually used an upgrade disc for a fresh install on my computer. I was using a new hard drive, and I popped in the Windows XP "Upgrade Edition". Then it asked me to insert a Windows 95/98/ME/2000 disc for verification. Once it verified, I put the XP Upgrade install and it installed on a clean hard drive. I don't know if you'll be able to do the same thing with Vista, though.
  20. You know, I have to say that Sony's marketing department has really been on crack lately.
  21. I've been getting into SMOD: Tactical lately. It's obscenely hard, but fun. Especially when you play custom maps.
  22. I'm pretty sure that upgrading just installs the new OS on your computer and just checks to make sure you have the old OS on your computer before it installs. I don't think it keeps the previous install. Even if it kept your old install, you could delete your OS, and use the upgrade disk for a fresh install. It'll ask for your old OS install disk and then install freshly.
  23. SGX could totally melt their faces off. I sincerely hope he does.
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