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Everything posted by Zipp

  1. Hello again, everyone. Rather than respond individually to the 20 or so PMs I received, I'll let everyone know that I've gotten your PMs and will be going over submission materials in the upcoming week or two. Please note that film can be a very slow process at times, so if you do not hear from me right away it does not mean you were rejected. I will be individually emailing people who provided emails with further details about the film. There may even be a chance for a collaborative soundtrack, here. I need to talk with the director. Again, also note that we will probably use your talents for the next piece in our film series, which is starting in the summer. So it may take until then before anything major starts happening. I've also got the email set up now, so further inquiries can either be PMed to me here or sent to: stark@moontribestudios.com Thanks again for the interest! I'll be talking with the other producers and the director this week to see where all this talent best fits. To Abadoss: you are in Portland? You should come to one of our film meetings so we can meet you in person. We'll talk more about that if you email me.
  2. I concur. And, because this message is too short... I concur again.
  3. How did me saying that you get emotionally attached to the characters SOMEHOW get interpreted as me saying it was because they look real? Heavy Rain brings you into its character's heads because it's damn well planned out and decently written. The good graphics are just a bonus.
  4. Getting on the list: I'll post here again when I've set up my new email account. I'm out of town at the moment and I'm coordinating the set up with the other departments so it will be a couple of days. Hopefully no longer. Then I'll have you guys email me some things to that address. I'm waiting because I don't want anyone's name to get lost in the shuffle. Keep an eye on this thread. Darker, ambient, sounds are best for now. Again, we are probably to use you guys for the next piece of the film, which may have a slightly different sound than this one does. Right now, we would just want samples of your work so we can assess the mixing and the creative flow of the artists.
  5. Part of the point of the game is that you have to try to do things a little differently each time you play if you want the full story. I personally like the fact that there were things left unexplained in certain endings. That's life. And it's not like the information isn't in the game, you just have to try out different stuff to access it all. Pretty cool, actually.
  6. It's actually more gruesome than Saw because you're attached to the characters emotionally.
  7. Great to see some response over here. I'm going to set up a new email account to handle the flood of emails I've been getting about the project. It may take a couple of days because I'm currently promoting the piece at various businesses and putting together some packages for film workshops that we are offering. Once I've got it up, though, I'll post the address here. The first step would be to get some samples from everyone so I can put together a resume file on those interested. Again, there may not be a chance to score for our current project, but we are setting up for the future pieces (which will be filming after the Summer) and are taking names now. The list is going to get large fast, so the sooner you get your name on there, the better. Again, I really love this site, so this is the first place I've put the music call out to. We will work out compensation once we've decided who we will be going with. I'll drop the email here once I have it, thanks everyone for the interest. In the meantime, I highly suggest joining the Facebook page. Not only is it a good spot to get updates, but the majority of the producers are on there and it helps if I can point them to a face when we're deciding on hiring.
  8. Whoa, they have a French language option?! Did I miss this?! I LOVE French voice acting.
  9. I was reading over this post and realized that it might seem a little strange to just be throwing this offer out there on some forum. But in all honesty, I think some of the greatest musical talent of our time is contained on this site. I've heard amazing things in the decade that I've been a fan of Overclocked Remix. To me, this is an intelligent investment with mutual benefits. I'd be happy to give someone a career boost in exchange for the chance to use their talent in the film.
  10. I can't tell you how much this game deserves to be played. But if you do have to wait... YEAH MAKE SURE YOU DONT READ ANYTHING ABOUT THE GAME. One spoiler can ruin the whole thing.
  11. In answer to your question, nosense... OH... MAJOR SPOILER HERE. SKIP THIS POST IF YOU HAVENT BEATEN THE GAME. If you do manage to bring Ethan to the site, you'll learn that the poison was a hoax. The Origami Killer (who shall remain nameless... that's too big a spoiler for any forum) was schizophrenic as evidenced by his behavior throughout the game. The final test was one of willpower, a test of Ethan's faith.
  12. As some of you know, I am a movie producer in Portland. We're currently working on a series of pieces and are looking for talent to add to the pool. First of all, you should know that we are completely serious. This isn't some guys with a camera and a script written by their cousin. This is a legitimate movie with thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours poured into it. It is going to see theater release. In fact, we already have our musical director for this piece (he helped score the Saw films) so that position is taken. However, there will be more of these pieces set in the same world. There is also the chance that you could contribute to the score of this one in a collaborative effort with our current team. In any case, the first step is to check out our facebook page. The piece is Population 2: a piece I wrote about a woman who lives alone after the world has ended. Yet, though she is alone, every night she has dinner with someone... or something. The piece focuses both on her daily survival and her nightly dinner ritual, with a lot of dark twists along the way. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Population-2/290330079130?ref=search&sid=667564992.42334836..1#!/pages/Population-2/290330079130 I recommend at least looking at it. The posters really are bad-ass.
  13. Okj, here's some pressing questions answered for everyone: 1) It's not Indigo Prophecy. The game does not lose it's oomph anywhere along the way and, if anything, leaves you wanting a sequel (but emotionally satisfied with this story). 2) Not everyone will like this game. If you're looking for objectives and constant action, don't look here. If you're interested in story and tasks ranging from the anger behind killing a man or the delicateness of rocking a baby to sleep, then this is more your emotional outlet. For those who are into this kind of interactive experience, Heavy Rain is the BEST role playing experience out there. 3) It's going to be difficult to play a game after this that asks for emotional involvement from the player. Heavy Rain's emotions are so human and realistic and not forced that going from this to anime-influenced FFXIII I'm worried will be a bit like going from beer to whiskey, and not in a good way. 4) Animation is incredible. Over 30,000 unique animations in the game lend it the feeling that every scene is different and that the characters are reacting in real time to what's happening on-screen. 5) The choices are not just gaming choices. You feel drawn in to every scene that you have to decide something. You will probably see these points talked about more in an upcoming review of the game.
  14. I don't think so. Not considering the fact that the only people who can bid are those with a high bidder rating.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/FACTORY-SEALED-NEW-NES-NINTENDO-STADIUM-EVENTS-NTSC_W0QQitemZ140384097750QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Vintage_Video_Games?hash=item20af8b55d6
  16. I've been playing the game. The earlier recommendation of "Pulse Rifles" still stands firm, but once you get past the head-chomping, the plasma blasting, and the smart-gunning and start to look at game mechanics, you realize that the very first AvP by Rebellion, the one on the PC, was the best one. There's just too many little things wrong with the game. The Marine missions aren't tense enough and feel very scripted (usually a good thing, but here it kills the mystery and flow). The Predator missions are really poor approximations of stealth. The Alien missions handle stealth better but then expect you to master some odd combat system. Now, multi-player is pretty great and captures more than anything the AvP feel. Unfortunately, it's such a weird game overall that I'm not sure it's going to gain much of an online following. After all, most online gamers like straight up shooting. They don't want to use stealth... they want to shoot shit up. On the other hand, I've had players hand me my ass when they pick the Alien, so... to each his own...?
  17. Thank you for the truth in your words.
  18. Dracula in Castlevania 3. Holy fucking shit.
  19. Indigo Prophecy is NOT a bad game. It was a game of wasted potential and even then was captivating enough so that everyone who started it finished it. I think they just ran out of money half-way through. Heavy Rain had a much longer development time and much more money poured into it. I have high hopes.
  20. Yeah, I've read those reviews, too, and am a little trepidatious... but I think you said it amazingly well. Pulse. Fucking. Rifle.
  21. I didn't have any trouble, but then that's the fickle nature of the internet.
  22. This isn't Indigo Prophecy. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/106/1067755p1.html
  23. I speak from personal experience. I just picked up an HDTV this December and played on an SD for years. On an SD the text is hard to read, it's harder to aim properly, things get cut off from the peripheries of the screen, and the higher end graphical effects just don't excite in the same way. Probably the worst thing is that the colours are dulled on an SDTV compared to HDTV resolution (and no, you can't logically argue that this is false). Finally, for taking full (or any) advantage of the PS3's bluray player, you need HD. Trust me. I watched Advent Children both ways. Not the same on SD. Of course I'm not saying games WON'T RUN on SDTVs but at this point there is such a focus on detailed graphics and precise colouring that I believe you miss out on at least 20% of a game's offerings by playing it on SD.
  24. Been playing the demo: http://www.honestgamers.com/zippdementia/replies/30126.html If anyone is thinking about picking this game up, add me to your friend's list. I'd love to get a group together to play this. My PSN is zippdementia. Cheers!
  25. If you go into the helicopter (Hind D with Liquid Snake inside) fight and call the colonel numerous times, one of the things he tells you as advice in winning the fight is to listen to the sound of the helicopter to tell which side of the building it is on. If you have a mono-television, though, after saying this he gets a bemused tone in his voice and asks you if you're using a mono-television. Then Mei-Ling comes in and is completely surprised that you have a mono-television. In other news, damn html code for changing between forums...
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