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Oops, didn't realize there was a topic for this, obviously. I think it will come out finally. The crazy thing is that it might actually be decent. But who really cares anymore? Now it's just another game...
Yeah, I was really shocked when I heard the news a few weeks after it happened. I used to visit his site a lot. I think they've taken down a lot of the music now, sadly. It was pretty incredible stuff. Hard to listen to it now, without feeling bad. Especially the one where his sister sings with him.
Thanks for the support! It's very appreciated
Grand Prize is $5,000 and a chance to meet with an industry insider. There are numerous runner up prizes. Voting for us is easy! Just follow these steps: 1) go to: https://www.internationalmovietrailerfestival.com/index.php?p=trailers 2) type in "Population 2" into the search criteria box and hit "search" 3) scroll down to where you'll see the trailer and the button "vote for this trailer." Click on that to vote for us! On behalf of myself and Moon Tribe Studios, thank you very much for your support! Please pass this link on to anyone whom you think might have an interest in the film or in seeing our efforts be successful! Thanks again!
I've talked about it, I've built it up, now here it is
Zipp replied to Zipp's topic in General Discussion
Just wait until you see the final product. Also, if anyone is interested, here's an example video from our colorist about how footage looks before and after coloring. Little secrets of the film trade: http://johndavidsoncolor.com/before_after.html -
I've talked about it, I've built it up, now here it is
Zipp replied to Zipp's topic in General Discussion
Thanks, guys, for watching! The release date is sometime by the end of Fall. From what I've been seeing out of the editing room, I would suspect a late September release. You never know quite for sure in the film world... sometimes things change in such drastic ways that release dates can be completely over-ridden... however, I can't see this getting put off longer than October. Our distribution plan isn't set in stone yet. Local theatres (Portland, OR) are a given, as is some form of DVD offering. However, whether we DVD distribute ourselves or through a company is unknown. There's also a group in London that is interested in maybe purchasing distribution rights to either this or Moon Tribe Studio's other film, The Bobbsey Twins go to Hell. Two things might affect our chances at distribution. One, we will definitely be submitting to film festivals. If it does well there, that often can lead to deals for distribution. The other thing is that, in October, we are part of a contest that (if we win) will get us $250,000 to make another film. This could also affect distribution. The final thing is that we've been offered a chance to make a third film already, with full funding. We're working out the details, but it would have a budget of somewhere between 50,000 and 300,000. Depending on the buzz and the backers that get behind that, we may negotiate a distribution deal for Population 2 as part of the package. Thanks again for the interest! -
I've talked about it, I've built it up, now here it is
Zipp replied to Zipp's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the feedback! The actors were fabulous. Really got into their roles. They had trouble sometimes decompressing after the roles. The actress especially really let the part take her over. The music in this trailer is by French composer Edouard Brenneisen. Nicole currently has done music for one of our behind-the-scenes features and will be doing at least one song for the final cut, though we haven't figured out which scene we want her to look at, yet. Behind the scenes (music by nicole): http://vimeo.com/13351294 -
The trailer for Population 2: http://www.vimeo.com/13953680 This is the film I wrote the concept for, story edited the final script, and produced. The writing process began three years ago. Now we're seeing it barrel towards a release date. The director was the amazing Gil Luna and the director of photography the very experienced Kenneth Luba. OCRemix artist Nicole Adams will be providing some of the final music for the feature. Feedback is very welcome.
It really wasn't. But okay.
Metal Gear Solid 4. God. Fucking. Dammit. SEE! Big Boss talk to Solid Snake for the first time since Snake KILLED HIS ASS. What do they talk about? They reiterate the entire plot! In case you somehow missed it while you WERE PLAYING THE GODDAMN GAME. SEE! Twenty minutes of two old men in the park talking about things you already know! SEE! Revolver Ocelot make the big reveal that he was never possessed by Liquid at all! He was just PRETENDING. SEE! The revelation that one of the most stupid plot devices in video game history is, in fact, a stupid plot device! But it's all part of the Patriots plot! Ooooo.... SEE! Meryl, one of the strongest female personas in the game, admit that all she's ever wanted out of life is marriage! SEE! Her amazingly intelligent choice to marry a man who has spent the game LITERALLY SHITTING HIMSELF. SEE! Johnny awkwardly propose in between killing endlessly spawning guys! SEE! A black man talk to his monkey! SEE! Sunny finally makes eggs! That ending sucks.
So I meet one of the big names in film who happens to live in Portland. Her name is Mercedes Rose. We're chatting it up and it comes to me that I've heard that name before. I didn't realize until after, when I was talking with some other film buddies, that she is THIS Mercedes Rose: http://www.mariowiki.com/Mercedes_Rose Now that's awesome.
As some of you know, we put out the word a while back that we were looking for talent to help us on the film Population 2, created by myself along with Portland director Gil Luna and Director of Photography Kenneth Luba. All the music that was sent to us (and it was a lot) was good... and some of it was exceptional. Then things changed, as they often do in the movie industry. The musical direction shifted and an accomplished composer from New York stepped forward with an incredible offer to work for free on the project. It was an offer that couldn't be turned down. Yet, despite this, there was one OCRemixer whose name kept coming up. Months after the decision to go with the composer had been set in stone, we would still come across certain members of the production team (including myself) playing her demo reel on their ipods. Finally, the production team talked it over and we decided to ask Nicole Adams if she would like to add some music to the film. The first piece she has composed for us is appropriately titled "Looking Back" and has been featured in one of our "Behind the Scenes" videos that shows some teaser shots of the locations, make up, and costumes that permeate the world of Population 2. For those of us who worked on Population 2, the music adds a strong touch of nostalgia to our looking back: http://vimeo.com/13351294 As has been said of her here, Nicole has been incredibly easy to work with and has an amazingly quick turn-around on her productions. She obviously holds herself to the highest standards and we're all looking forward to seeing more of her work featured in the final film. For now, this short video is being shown to filmmakers all over the Portland area, including Gus Van Sant and people involved with the making of the television show Leverage, as part of the build up to the official release of the Population 2 trailer.
Here's some behind the scenes footage from the latest film by Gil Luna, Kenneth Luba, and myself: Population 2. Stay tuned for part 2 next week. This is all leading up to an official trailer release at the end of July. http://vimeo.com/12998686 This video captures the inane giddiness that often strikes people while working on a movie set. It's a lot like a summer camp... or maybe better, a war... you meet a lot of people, become friends very quickly, fight and laugh a lot, and then leave each other behind forever. In my case, I've been fortunate that many of these people are still my friends and partners in the business. We've managed to build a community of talent with this project. The experience has been amazing.
Me, taking a break from filming outside of the abandoned insane asylum:
OK, we wrapped shooting today. Jump to the last few pages of the album to see the Shanghai Tunnels and The Center for the Feeble Minded. Crazy pics of those places and you'll get a feel for how the movie really looks! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=165710&id=76295867195
This is the film I was looking for musical talent for a few months ago. We ended up being fortunate enough to involve Nicole Adams (congrats again!). The FB page is here, should tell you more about it: http://www.facebook.com/population2?ref=ts For a brief description, here you go: "Population 2” is a short film about a young woman who is abandoned in the wake of the apocalypse. Every day, Lilith wanders the remains of civilization, scavenging what she can from the deserted refuse of what was once a bustling city. Every night, she returns to her home underneath the dead city and contemplates the past that has left her alone. The film prompts one to explore the themes of loss and loneliness, as well as to show the consequences of the choices we make, and don't; as a society and those consequences that could follow. It warns about the dangers of taking things for granted, including our planet."
I know I promised pictures and stories... stories are still coming, but below is a link to some pictures of the production! It's been really crazy, in a good way. We laugh a lot and everyone gets along very well. The locations are incredible and the talent is absolutely untouchable. The photographer is AH-MAZING! He's absolutely one of the best photographers in Portland. I'm sending his website, too, so you can check out his ridiculous work. Stunning photography and such a nice guy. He's volunteering his time to the project because he believes, like everyone working on this, that it's going somewhere big. We're shooting for the Oscars. No joke. We think we can make it. More on that as it develops. And if not... we'll still have an excellent film on our hands! I'm proud to have written the concept for it and honored that so many people are working so hard to bring it to the screen. Enjoy the pics! If you know anyone who you think would be interested in seeing the film, please feel free to pass the links along! Population 2 pictures: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=165710&id=76295867195 Levy Moroshan (photographer): http://www.levymoroshan.com/
Update on Film Project and the musical submissions
Zipp replied to Zipp's topic in General Discussion
We have a deal through the discovery channel that extends that agreement a bit. We have access to some of his unreleased albums. Constant networking. It's all I do every day. -
Update on Film Project and the musical submissions
Zipp replied to Zipp's topic in General Discussion
Update to our list of musical talent. We've added some scenes to the Population 2 piece and, along with that, have picked up some more musical talent to be used. First of all, Moby will now be contributing music to the project. Also, one of OCRemixes' own, Nicole Adams, will be adding her musical talents. This piece is going to jammed full of amazing music! -
Hello, everyone, Zipp here with an update to all those who submitted music to Moon Tribe Studios for the upcoming Population 2 and attached project The Threshing Floor. Like I said when I first put out the call, wheels were already in motion on Pop 2 to bring on a musician. The director ended up finding someone who does primarily orchestral scoring and we've decided to go with him. His film resume is impressive and he was willing to work for free, so we couldn't pass up the opportunity. However, as I said before, all the people who submitted music are now on file for when we do our next piece, The Threshing Floor, which starts planning this summer. Also, your work has now been passed around to several big names in the industry (including people who work on the TV show Leverage and people who crew for Gus Van Sant). For updates on the project, you can go to our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/population2?ref=ts In the meantime, here are some tips for those of you who are serious about working in the film industry: - solicit yourself all the time. Find companies, especially independent companies, and find out what they are doing. Send them emails with samples of your work and tell them you're interested in working on their project or upcoming projects. - Remember that independent film makers are in just a crowded a pond as musicians. If you send them a message acknowledging their work, it makes them feel like they've been noticed and are getting somewhere. They get excited and they like to take people up on their offers. - You will probably have to work for free on your first few movies. When you send a message out to film makers, let them know that you'll work for free, but do it subtly! Don't sound desperate. A great way to let a director know you're interested in working for free is to say something like "I've reviewed your films and they really interest me because... and I'd be willing to work on credit just to get a chance to be part of the project." - Always ask questions of the people you send to. Ask them what their vision is for the film or if they have a sound they are looking for. For one thing, it makes them feel compelled to open a dialogue with you, which is always a chance for you to further advertise yourself. Also, it shows that you are actually paying attention to their work and not just mass soliciting (even if you really are). - Keep sending emails. Keep checking in. Keep asking questions. Yeah, it might annoy the production team a little bit, but more importantly, it will make them remember you when they are sifting through a hundred musical submissions. Always be respectful and polite in your messages and they won't remember you in a bad way. - Resume building is extremely important. There is no such thing as a bad movie when it comes to your resume. Try to get on any film you can, even if it's some small independent company that has no chance in hell of making it in Hollywood. As long as the project gets finished, you will have a film credit to your name that will let you crawl one rung up the ladder in your next project. Eventually you will get a credit on IMDB and can link people to that. From there it's not far to getting a paid position. Hopefully this advice is helpful to those of you who aspire to work in the film industry! Always have confidence in your work but always strive to make it better. It's a rule of life: hard work and focus pays off. It never fails. Sometimes it doesn't pay off in the way you expected it to, but it never hurts. Keep sending your stuff out there and one day it will be picked up. Maybe by us, in the Summer, for the Threshing Floor project. If anyone is interested in seeing press kits for Population 2 to get a sense of what the Threshing Floor is about, let me know and I will send you one. Cheers! Jonathan Stark
sgx + zircon featured in the new arcade game "Pump It Up Pro 2"!
Zipp replied to zircon's topic in General Discussion
Very good, very good indeed. -
Alright, it seems fastest to just post my review, rather than try and sum up my thoughts: http://www.honestgamers.com/reviews/8734/Final-Fantasy-XIII.html I gave it a 6/10, if you want a quick idea of what I thought about the game. The review isn't long, so it seems pointless to summarize any further. If I had to do a two-line review it would go something like this: "We waited three years for a battle system?"
Quick update for everyone. I had a major network crash this week which wiped the new email I'd set up (and a bunch of other stuff, too). Until I get the problem fixed, just PM me here. That should work fine. Thanks.
Alright, I finally got my review up for the game: http://www.honestgamers.com/reviews/8719/Heavy-Rain.html I suggest reading this review afterward: http://www.honestgamers.com/reviews/8694/Heavy-Rain.html Together, those reviews should give you a really well-rounded idea of what Heavy Rain is about.