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Everything posted by Bladewind

  1. I doubt it.
  2. This is sad. Now I see why people hate Halo 2 so much. When I play LAN all the time I have lots of fun, everybody is pretty much on the same level and we can compete. On Xbox live I'm having some serious fricken problems. I'm only lvl 1 but yet I keep getting wasted by 1 person every match. There always seems to be one uber person who just obliterates everyone else. I can't STAND IT! I get spawn kill after spawn kill after spawn kill done to me. I'll try again later because maybe it is just the christmas season.
  3. Invite me, my screename on Xbox live is BladeWind. (exactly like that) Thanks.
  4. Well sixto, you've done it again. Rocking me till my socks are off and my feet are bloody. This song is very good. Not the best I've heard, and you really should have used a more powerful, less electric organ, but you have shown the world you are the master of guitar solos. I bow before you now and your wicked guitar skills in this song "Wicked Six"
  5. where do I go or who do I ask when I need some to draw some concept art? I have a character named Ian Lancer that needs his pic drawn bad. I need some basis for character appearance. I figure you guys would be the guys to ask, since you are are all artisty people.
  6. Another good mix from DJP. What a suprise. From 0:01 to 0:30 is starting up the "in the desert" feel. Really catchy here and it fits perfectly. 0:31 to 1:01 is leading up and building a little suspense. Building to a climax, with the guitar still shining through. Nice little acoustic guitar there giving it the desert feel. 1:02 to 1:21 really caught me here. I figured it was gonna be a mediocre mix but this part makes the song worthwhile to download in itself. The background acoustic guitar starts to get louder and the lead guitar starts to play the song we all know and love. 1:23 to 1:52 is where I started to feel a little disappointed. I thought the song was over, much akin to the seiken densetsu 3 song "HostileButCuddly" where there is only one nice climax and then the song fades away. But it'll catch you off guard. Acoustic becomes very quiet here. 1:53 to 2:11 aha! So it isn't going to fade away on us. Lead guitar goes into some kind of slow guitar solo and starts to build again. The beat begins to increase as it goes on. 2:12 to 2:24 getting more climatic. Little background flute here. 2:25 to 3:00 pure ownage here. Like 1:02 to 1:21 except much improved. all the instruments come in here from the flute and acoustic to the bass. Really love this part and this makes this song good enough to buy from the site. Hats off to DJP for really treasuring the guerudo memory. Only he could have produced such fine music. 3:01 to 3:27 like the beginning only backwards. Slowly fades away instead of getting louder. Nice ending in my opinion, but really is annoying how you are all pumped from the climax and then afterwards it kinda drags. Better than a sudden drop though. All in all this is as good as getting dogmeat to the end of fallout. I rate it 47.6/50. Good job DJP, this is what remixing is all about.
  7. Wow. Ok. How about just using this with zero standing in his little idle stance in a background of snow. (like on top of a mountain) No moving background, just zero, standing on a snowy mountain with my name "Bladewind" written in steel letters on the bottom right corner. (The text should be in the same area as it is in my current sig) Because frankly, I don't want to wait on The Coop getting here. It'll be spring by that time and my sig will be useless then. Here goes... I know, I know... It may look awfully familiar with the SuperTKO one but I frankly think that it's not a bad thing (considering the fact that I consider the SuperTKO sig to be one of my best work to date). I may work on a REDUX version of this sig later so... in any case, I hope it will do the trick for now. NICE! Nice! captures the winter theme here perfectly!
  8. I'm not trying to be uppity, sorry, I just don't want to wait for The Coop or Wingless. I could create my own sig if my evil photoshop program would allow me to put the gif in the pic I made. Once I figure that out it should be fine. I even got an animatior program...
  9. Wow. Ok. How about just using this with zero standing in his little idle stance in a background of snow. (like on top of a mountain) No moving background, just zero, standing on a snowy mountain with my name "Bladewind" written in steel letters on the bottom right corner. (The text should be in the same area as it is in my current sig) Because frankly, I don't want to wait on The Coop getting here. It'll be spring by that time and my sig will be useless then.
  10. Who is the hottie in your sig Joyzilla? I dont know, ask Rent about it, she did the sig so she must know! she? What if it IS Rent...?
  11. Who is the hottie in your sig Joyzilla?
  12. I know that a few months ago I asked for a sig but could someone come up with a sig containing this: (use this gif) I only need zero though. I would like him walking across a snowfield with the day turning to night, then back to day again. Also I would like my name "Bladewind" in there. (written with steel bars (you know like in the terminator) in the bottom right corner.)(without "The Truthful" or "The Honorable" in it of course.) Thanks in advance. I'm only a novice photoshopper so I can't do this sort of thing yet. and yes, I'd like it animated plz.
  13. How come no one is doing rolling cradle! That is probably one of my favorite boss songs!
  14. I LOVE the part from 1:05 to 1:22 I wish you made the whole song that way. The beginning is quite good, definetly something I'd listen to. But then we have everything after 1:22. After that point the song mellows down to the point of boringness. We have a lot of mellow songs at OCR. Why not some more fast paced ones. So, If you decide to submit a revision at VGMIX or someplace, let me know, because I'd love to hear it. Without the cool part I'd say this was 5/10 but with it, it raises it a whole 2 points so in other words, you get 7/10. Good job.
  15. for emphasis, and to make sure no 1 forgets my request If you can get me Ken's sprite I'll be happy to try this one for you. Couldn't find, but this'll do.
  16. for emphasis, and to make sure no 1 forgets my request
  17. I'd like a sig with a flaming background (Hopefully akin to the first level background of Castlevania: Dracula X) and I'd like Ken from Street Fighter 3: Third Strike to be to the left and I want him to do a flaming shoryuken then pose. I also want my name to the right, written as if someone had cut my name into a piece of paper. Thanx you all so much. I will wait any amount of time possible for this sig as long as I actually get it.
  18. I think you're taking this a little too seriously. It's more like the song Ken would listen to before he goes into a street fight, of self-empowerment. If you want it to inspire you somehow just take Ken as a generic name. Realize you're mecca! I agree with Atolmazel here. BTW, I liked the old version of The Ken Song better. I HATE this version. Too...Bleh. The other version was rocking and cool and the new version seems like very bland and without any feeling. Seems more like rap than rock. Does JD do the vocals for this? Whoever does sounds VERY much like Ken. I could so totally imagine him saying "Shoryuken!"
  19. SF2. And change your sig. I was kinda embarassed when my mom came in. I had to close the webpage quickly before she saw it. Woulda banned me from this site too.
  20. OK! I've learned all of Ken's moves now and OWNED a ryu friend of mine! The WHOLE TIME I thought of this song and could practically imagine it playing in the background as I nailed a couple flaming Shoryukens on him. This song fits ken so good and if JD were to send an instrumental in for the next SF game I am sure he would get in right off the bat. I would be so happy to hear the lyriced version in the ending credits for Ken. This song rocks! Realize you're Ken!
  21. 1:30 to 1:20 (BTW my winamp counts down not up) really recreates the halo feel. I think there are better vocals here than in halo itself. Wish sum 1 would make the strings theme tho
  22. This song is purely amazing. It reminds me of Japanese culture or something because of its foreign style of flute and drums. 2000/10 man. You hit a home run here.
  23. I admit, I am a chun li person (I always find a way to work in her rapid kick move into play.) But I enjoy Ryu's song and I think this captures his personality perfectly. I haven't, unfortunatly been able to learn any of his moves (could sum 1 pm them to me) so I could learn his story. I don't wanna have to go through the game using normal punches and kicks to learn it so
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