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Everything posted by AeroZ

  1. Love that "scream n terror" feeling to it. Love the tight drumwork.. psycic tunes. Love the depth at 01.31 the organ gives. You rock my ears. This is Top 5 for me.
  2. Hi and tnx for the feedback. Im really stuck into the FF5 soundtrack. It's really a goldmine. So many good tracks to play with. Im even thinking of starting a FF5 Remix Album. If anybody is intrested joining, plz leave a pm. Thanks again.
  3. Yeah.. this track puts a smile on my face. Reminds me that the world isn't a bad place after all. the videogameworld ofcourse.
  4. Yeah.. I was there too. The mood was very nice at the place. Everybody had the same intrest.. really cool. We should have made a sign that said: OCremix or something, to discuss and make some contacts But we might be able to organize it next year. The Dancing Mad was cool.. but as you say, the soundtechnican did badly. The choir was also gone in the start of the concert. But the Darkness soundtrack n Oblivion was wonderful. Also the zelda tunes.. Well it was a nice experience.
  5. Really... I was touched by this song. Just because that it's out of tune sometimes.. Don't destroy the piece at all.. Just making it better in my opinion. Really touching piece. I was shocked in a very good way.
  6. Gratz man! Happy Birthday.
  7. Refreshing song this one. Opens the register alot in the OCremixes I think. Unique and very nice to listen to. Please continue making this sorts of music. You will have at least one listener in all weathers.
  8. This one is great. Darn, can't sit still. Changes alot in variation of sounds and different instruments. Love that square-solo at 2:14. Mm.. Tweaking and just living it out. Gj Mate.
  9. Thank you so much for your comments. It really means alot to me. Finished a new mix this night so I will post it up very soon. Thanks again. /Sebastian
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00588/ When I saw the topic this was the first one I thought about. Haven't tried yet though
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