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Everything posted by AeroZ

  1. Yeah.. you got me on this one Anso. It's really great. Simple melody but very much groovy stuff in the background. Don't know how you can produce so much good tracks in so short time really. Never seen anyone grow so fast in production and evolving as you. Love this funky tune man. Keep it rolling man.
  2. Happy birthday ye bastard Ha den äran! /another swede
  3. Get me a cello and I will play until my fingers bleed
  4. Couldn't agree more. When he charges from 1.39 to slowly up until 2.53, and just goes KILL FRENZYY! Amazingly well done. Woah.. this is so good music. Made my times in the car today so much better.
  5. Im shocked. So young with so much more music to give. His music is very emotional and understanding. His tunes will touch me forever. RIP
  6. If anyone buys me another flight ticket or a new cello-case I'll bring my cello.
  7. Still looking for a slot in room.
  8. Right. Flighttickets has been booked and prereg complete. It's gonna be an adventure I'll never forget.
  9. Ok. I have got permission from work to go to MAGfest. Now I wonder: 1: Who got a place for one more in a room? 2: The one who got room for one more, how long are you staying? 6th, 7th? 3: I don't know if Another Soundscape is coming, but I have to order the tickets very soon, because the prices is rising. Need some answers to get things rolling.
  10. Track is updated, see top. Still working on the outro, mastering etc.
  11. Im ok with anyone
  12. Comments Plz. Tnx /Seb http://freijman87.googlepages.com/FF4Suspicios.mp3 UPDATED! (Temporary lower sound, working on mastering) http://freijman87.googlepages.com/Suspicion.mp3
  13. Yeah.. that's just the kind of problem I have. Otherwise I think you found it pretty well.. Just get the Theme more in some extra ( Im not a good person to ask about sticking to the theme btw ). The intro beats after the Final-stuff rocks my ears. And the theme and the bass aswell. Go expand the whole shit and make it Phatter than evva! gj
  14. Damn.. I love this one. 2 of my favorite tracks in videogame history. And you do such a good job with it. Think you raised the standards for OCremix a bit with this one. Very good job.
  15. Yeah.. I know what you mean. If the DJ would play this one instead of Timbaland, while I hold a beer and talk to girl at the club.. I would cry too.
  16. Here we go. MM4 Toadman - Slippery Bastard (W I P) http://freijman87.googlepages.com/SlipperyBastard4Default.mp3
  17. Yeah.. I dig this. Listen to it at work. (slavery job) Makes my day go a bit faster. Love that bas. Sounds lika a lazy bastard like my self. Like that organic drumsection with the guitar. Lightens up abit. Really cool. Anyone more than me that can hear Kefka pouring out that poison at 03.16?
  18. Is Toadman still free? Im intrested in doing it.
  19. Yeah.. I love this. Very experimental with chords n Pizz. You have the score for this? Would love to try arrange some stringplayers to play this one. Im a celloplayer myself. Would be so great to play a such good mix on super mario bros. Very very well done. violin, violin, viola n' Cello right?
  20. Thanx for the Feedback. I agree on all fronts. It's just an groundidea for now, but I'll give it more energy and complexity as soon as I can. Though my problem is to make those kind of abrubt feel-changes. Don't know why I do it.. Kind of my weakpoint. I'll fix it ^^.
  21. This is a mix in progress. Halfmade in structure. / Sebastian "Amazons Afterwork" http://freijman87.googlepages.com/AmazonsAfterwork.mp3
  22. that's a shame. Im half through with the mix already. But I can post it as a individual track at the ocremix submission. I'll see if I can finish it and start on another still avalible track. /Seb
  23. I think it's a great idea. Like the groundthing about this one. The Intro is cool, but you may extend it twice as long and some more detail. Cause you reveal the whole track already at 0.15. Let them suck on some harmonies before going full assault. Some background harmonics would be nice. A countertune after a while? The new type at 01.22 is a nice second half. There you need some more harmonics I think and more advanced drums. Now this is just my opinion, but I have a feeling this would be a great remix. Good choice for a Hardtrance.
  24. Im intrested doing "Female Turbulence" if it's still free. Need something new to work with.
  25. Ye.. I know the feeling. I was at the hospital for the same reason 2½ weeks ago. Went pretty smooth, but it hurted badly before. The funny thing was that I was feeling better at the hospital. Then I thought I could go home with no operation, but the bloodsamples showed that the infectionrisk was getting higher, so they took no risks. And they were right. Got 3 holes aswell.
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