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Posts posted by V___

  1. LOVE this. Whenever I start a new song, I do the lead synth first, and beatbox the drums (very badly) over the top so I can get rhythm/sounds etc organised. Then I try finding sounds like the ones I made, which I couldnt, so I'd end up with subpar ones. Iv replaced 3-4 drumkits already with your sets (majorly processed, but still) And Iv made the best bass's I ever have with your samples.

  2. V wants to do Days of Summer as well. i use reason - pm me if you've got a question, man. assuming you're using reason 2.5, i can do your production/drums through rewire in fl6. since fl6 is so much better at production than reason 2.5.

    naah, too many people are going for the track (all tracks), plus theres a nice WiP floating around here now. I'l back away and wait to see if a track needs filling in the future... or i could go try save the Links project.... or the Dodgeball (tried that, failed)

  3. If you are going to have the vets collab on the final track, why not have the n00bs collab on the first track (with a little guidance...if needed)?

    Awesome idea.

    I still have no idea how we define 'n00b' and 'vet'....

    Started 'Days of Summer', is coming on decently so far... Who here uses Reason?

  4. 2. It is finished in a remotely short amount of time. Lets face it - most projects nowadays last at least 6-10 months. They shouldn't. They do because mixers sit on their lazy asses and never finish anything. I am well aware you're busy - I'm taking 20 credits this fall, working full-time, mixing for a movie and a game, and I have a girlfriend - but that's why we're giving you three months or so to do your track. We'll set a WIP deadline after school starts back up, but after that if your WIP isn't on time and you don't tell me why, I'll cut you from the project.

    I like you.

    I finish my project tunes fairly quickly, then spend ages touching them up, then overtouch them, then child services arrest me, and by the time i get out of jail I need to restart the mix cos Iv improved and have different ideas.

    Listning to the soundtrack and LOVING it, great choice for a project. I'm REALLY wanting to do mix but my net access is sparadic and limited so the collab idea would probably screw me over. I'm still thinking of doing a mix of this though, its almost a crime not to... (/me glances at 'Days Of Summer')

    Actually whats the criteria for the collab? How much has to be done together etc? Cos I'm have alot of ideas, but need help on drums and production...

  5. I like to layer two synths for basses a lot. One more 'buzzy' that lacks enough low end to be good on its own, and one that's more like a sin wave sub bass sound.

    Also, unison can be bad news for bass - width is good in the mid-high freqs, but usually bass freqs you want mono and centered to make them tighter. Use the mclass stereo widener to make the mid+highs wide, and the low centered.

    Any combi patch's available? :D

  6. That said, if this project does get off the ground and if you can convince me that it will be any good, I'll talk to PriZm and the Prophet about redoing our old mix of "Gathering Stars" for possible inclusion in the project, if you're interested.

    After you record the guitar part for my TA: Forest mix :P

  7. Just noticed there is no link to V's "La-De-Da!" in the shownotes.

    My word, willest thou provide yours truly with a hyperlink please? "O-kay," thank you, goodbye.

    ... :wink:

    Actually, V_Gasm said he has a more updated version of the remix, and so would prefer us *not* link to the initial submission. Sorry d00d.

    Well I posted it at OLR yesterday night, and its off the list this morning... I'm assuming it got accepted...? Hopefully have a link for ya'll soon

    EDIT: btw, thanks for the publicity :D *tries to vote twice*

  8. BACKGROUND MUSIC used in Episode 051, in the order in which it appeared:

    Solitaire 'La-De-Da!' by V_Gasm

    Stunt Race FX 'Thin Glow' by analoq

    'Race' by McVaffe

    'Sabat' from the Makai Kingdom OST

    'He's a Pirate' from the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack

    Guardian Legend 'Red Spiders' by Shnabubula

    Donkey Kong Country 2 'From Within' by Darangen

    Final Fantasy 7 'Chocarena' by Draggor

    Gauntlet 'GAUNTLET!!' by Mustin, Nate Cloud

    Castlevania Series 'Dracula-Demonic Castle' by S.S.H.

    'Moonlight Sonata' demo song from the Superwave company

    Tetris 'McVaffeQuasi Ultimix' by McVaffe

    Secret of Mana 'Holy Night' by bLiNd

    Megaman 6 'Master of Flame' by EvilHorde

    Ducktales 'The Amazon Session' by Gux

    I'm releasing it under the name of V_Gasm on OLR sometime soon

  9. where do I vote again? I keep asking but Cyan_Ide keeps linking me to the picard song....

    You can't be serious. The link is ALL OVER THIS PAGE!

    But in case you're too lazy to scroll up one post above you...


    What?! Where?! ARHH!!!! PICARD! *shakes fist*

    pst, i'm not serious...

    Where might we download a copy of this mystical "La-de-Da!" Solitare remix, since it sounded pretty sweet.


  10. hey, at ZTNet, my order still says "Pending." what the hell does that mean? i ordered it at the end of may, and there were shirts of that type and size in stock. those all shipped, but i never recieved them. i feel cheated by this website.......

    Stock number decreases as soon as you confirm your order. Its most likely that other people ordering the same product never received theirs either, they are on the pending list as well I'd guess. So dont worry, it not like you were skipped over. The orders will ship eventually, or so I beleive/hope, but a little more patience is in order. I ordered a hoodie back in March, and others had pending orders from before then too, so we're all in the same situation.

    DJP is in the process of fixing the store situation... give him a bit more time.

  11. Mojo was MMG? o.o

    No, Arek is just stuborn :P

    I'm interested.

    Can I do Sturm (Advance Wars)?

    I was doing a Sturm mix of that on the side for a request... I didnt think of combining it to this project XD Either way, take Sturm if you want, I'm not sentimental about it

  12. the fuzz could be some bad speakers or headphones...?

    And also, check to see that something else isnt killing your soundcard too, like Chavous said... I remember I used to get buzzing when I had MSN open; MSN would make a sound while i was musicing and until I restarted my music program, there'd be a distinct buzzing.

    If its neither of those, compressors/limitors are your friend. But it takes a while to learn how to use them well, so get ready for alot of patient work...

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