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Posts posted by V___

  1. Nice and light, very enjoyable. I especially love the ...'beat'(?) that comes in at 1:05; gives the song a great texture and contrasts nicely to the other instruments. The improvisation of certain instruments (ie, the electric piano at 1:05) seems regid when compared to the backbeat, as does that asian-y instrument at 2:10. I prefer the minimalistic style of the piano improvisation (like from 1:28 - 1:40). The transition to the different speed (is it a time sig change) at 1:42 seems a bit abrupt, but easy enough to adapt to.

    I like how the peice builds without moving. It has a feel good vibe, great coffeehouse music. Definatly somthing I'd CD for home use

  2. whoo!! that is pretty sweet. looks like we beat "crybaby emo kids" but we all know what's gonna happen to the listeners of that now.

    What, they'll go cry in their corner and not bother us at all?

    we are still behind mugglecast, but meh.

    I'm a casual MuggleCast listener myself. Definitely don't love it as much as VGDJ tho; I never voted for them ever, so don't get any ideas.

    Right now Mugglecast is doing "Harry Potter Chapter-By-Chapter" where they discuss every chapter of every Harry Potter book and it's pretty damn boring. :roll:

    Still, HP people can be vicious...

    *insert non-derogitory observation about religion* :P

  3. Why all the hate?? WHY all the hate?

    Because you dont keep your promises!! you were sposed to sing my name, biatch.... :P

    Oh yeh, and it finished downloading, mustv been cache. Cool show, but i dont know how to vote, whats the link? :lol:

  4. My default template is a 14:2 Mixer, with 3 sends filled (Reverb, Delay, Foldback distortion) -> a default Mastering Suite Combi (bypassed) -> interface. This doesnt limit my ideas at all... its all just within handy reach. I'm thinking i'm going to put a NNXT with a piano preset loaded in there... i tend to use pianos when i'm not quite sure what to do with that certain instrument yet.

  5. Guess what i spent all of Sunday doing? Music! Guess what I remixed because my other inspiration was like nil? ... no guess. Seriously, just guess. i dont care if your... JUST GOD DAMN GUESS!!! yeh good guess, the flower stage is right

    This one is AWESOME if i do say so myself... MUCH better than the original idea. Its finished, imo, mabey a bit of tweaking with the piano, but otherwise, complete. I'l send Bren a link when i upload it somwhere

  6. Seems like they would have told you more about what they had in mind. Do they have the video for this spot made yet? It would probably be very helpful to see that.

    All the information i'm gettin off my brother-in-law (corey), who gets back to me after ive had acouple of drinks and just before i'm going to sleep :P That said, he doesnt have alot of information as is.

    The video hasnt been made yet (to my or corey's knowledge), the channel is in the very starting stages. They have acouple of shows purchased and planned, none yet produced. All the other information i have is upward in the thread.

    When posting this thread initially, I think i just kinda paniced without thinking too much about what I was asking here... i mean, chance of a lifetime pops up that i'm not quite ready for... hmm. Its probably best i make a WiP n get feedback on that, and if the final product isnt good enough, i'l try and refer him to another musician here (preferably in Australia).

  7. And for gods sake, make sure you get your synchronisation royalties. Do not sell exclusive rights, license it. Synchronisation royalties = big fucking money.

    thanks for the advice, will do.

    I found out last night that the jingle will be used in the channel promo thats shown between programs (I'm guessing the stereotypical people-happy-on-the-beach-fade-out-to-logo type of promo) I'l check out the BBC theme etc later on. I'l work on a peice this weekend, see what I can come up with. Thanks heaps for the support.

  8. The channel is primarily going to be documentry/reveiw based with talkshows and skitshows (with some community programming) from what iv been told, so i'm thinking chilled/ambient jazzy-type peice would fit...?

    Anyone have an suggestions for structure? its always been my weak point, i tend to bring out melodies a bit too strongly, and i dont think thats going to be good in this situation.

  9. A while ago, i was outsourced by an extended family member to write a song for a life coaching video (he works in television media production or something similiar) I did that, with a tiny amount of feedback, n got paid a small amount. I was happy with it, its wasnt shabby, its still one of my cleaner works.

    I got a phone call from him the other day... he's got a new customer that needs some music. However, its a bit more high end; he's looking at starting or taking over a TV channel. At the moment, the guy wants a 50-second promo jingle type tune that can be cut to 30 secs and 10 secs. I KNOW i dont have that skills for that. Chances are this wont pan out (it'l cost close to $3mil for the client) but if it does, i'm not sure i can do this without help. hell, probably not even with help.

    I have minimal software, minimal hardware and minimal experience. I'm hoping some peeps here can help me out with writing a channel jingle... From the ones iv heard, they'r mostly live instruments, somewhat pop-y. Anyone got any hints for starting (other than research, i'l be doing that)?

  10. I've asked Bren a million times to drop me from this project, but since he hasn't I guess I'll post a WIP :P

    It's short because I've started over literally a dozen times, and it's named deadend.mp3 for a reason. (Yoshi's theme)

    I don't think I'm going to be able to make something for this project. I simply don't know enough to do anything I want to do. Maybe in a couple weeks when I graduate into unemployment I'll have time to learn more and work on this again.

    Because I think you can do this.

    gawd, i got SGX - Lofi Attitude (his new one) playing in the background, so when i read this it was like an inspirational moment just before the climax of a movie. 'its named dead end for a reason' 'you cant do this Vindkast!' 'I DONT THINK I"M GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING FOR THIS PROJECT' 'YES YOU CAN!' 'how do you know?' '... because i think you can do this...' *silence* (oh and its raining btw) *someone nods knowingly, close up of handshake* '...lets do this' *action scene with lots of ass kicking*

    uhh... yeh, my home computer died. Not the entire thing, it just has brain damage, ie harddrive is down. ie all my project files EVER are gone. .... luckily i uploaded my forest rns file about a month ago, so i can work again on that. My flower tune wasnt so lucky. I still have to disapear, so i'm gonna cut myself out of that one. Sorry...

  11. Iv been using Reason 3.0 for a while, which doesnt have VST support. So in order to do some things (eg scratch with the wave traveler, 'vinyl-ize' with Izotope Vinyl etc), i use the FL Studio demo and export a wave sound, importing it back into a sampler in Reason. It was only being used occasionally, but i seem to be using it more recently. Another VST i use heavily is the Firium demo. I rewire Reason through my FL demo, watch the spectrum, try changing things on Firium, and if i like the way it sounds, i perminantly tweak the EQ in Reason.

    I wont be gettin FLStudio anymore (project5 seems to be more 'me', and it has the VST support that i primarily wanted from FL6.. more research needed anyway, still need the new FL d), and i feel kinda guilty bout doing these things really. However i'm conflicted because I dont release a majority of the songs in any way, shape or form. If i do, its just a mix on OCR. However i know i'm getting use outta these programs/plugins...

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has a heavy reliance on demo's, and the legalities of using demo software for production.

  12. Thanks for the help guys. I was going for a hiphop stop/start sound, exporting and re-importing samples seems to be the only way to get the desired sound (though the automation of the Enabled switch got it very close)


    You could always wire the dry and the wet signals into different mixer channels, invert the CV from one of the synth's envelopes, and wire it to the volume CV of the wet signal.

    That was an awesome idea, not the effect i was going for but gave me some ideas :P

  13. On the samplers, i can select wether i want it mono or polyphonic. After the sampler, a chain will follow, obviously, usually with reverb. If i choose to have my sampler monophonic, and press another note over a held one, the old sample cuts out, hurray. However its remnants remain in the reverb.

    Is there anyway to set it up, so that when i press a new note on the sampler, the reverb unit clears itself? Would i CV the sampler to the noise gate on the rv7000? At the moment, i'm exporting alot of loops to get the effect i'm after...

  14. Heres a cleaned up version of my entry to the PRC:A 10 comp. If you havnt voted, get there and do eet! http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=79996 <--- there ya go!

    Anyway, its in the zip file as an RNS (not RPS) because i'd appreciate any help with it. Even if its just 3-4 little tweaks on a synth, if it cleans up it, i'm happy. Feedback is also awesome. Enjoy!


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