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Posts posted by V___

  1. To Do:

    Win PRC so I can use the song I've wanted to use since PRC10... or something.

    We should collab, kick some ass

    5 new songs on my to-do list, only one gone :(

    EDIT: Decided to make my updated list.... damn, I gotta start finished stuff.....


    - Within A Dark Forest 'Lunar Cheese Extraction Facility'

    - Solitaire 'Ta-Da!'

    - Transformers 'Unicron's Theme' (AR) (Can I get some feedback PM'ed to me anyone?)


    - Tetris Attack (project) 'Flower Stage' (cleaning up)

    - Tetris Attack (project) 'Forest Stage' (waiting on recording)

    - (AnimeRemix stuff) Full Metal Alchemist 'Recollections' (waiting on recording)


    - Beyond Good And Evil 'Dancing with Dom'

    - Advance Wars 'Sturms Theme'

    - Battlefeild 1942 'Main Theme'

    - Current PRC

    - Gauntlet 'Game Over' (OLR project)

    - DragonsQuest (i think) (its a request) 'Darts Theme'

    - (AR Stuff) Full metal Alchemist 'Melissa'

    - (AR Stuff) Full Metal Alchemist 'Scar'

    - (AR Stuff) Madlax 'Saints'

    - (AR Stuff) Cowboy Bebop 'Green Bird'


    - Bahamut Lagoon 'Main Theme'

    - FF6 'Kefka's Theme' (Vocal jazz mix)

    - Devil May Cry 'Lock and Load'


    - Super Mario RPG 'Here's Some Weapons'

    - Super Street Fighter 'Honda Stage' (Vocal mix)

    - Legend of Zelda:OoT 'Hyrule Field'

    - Metal Gear 2 'Opening Title' (ex-PRC)

    TO DO

    Parasite Eve

  2. I long time ago I ordered a large black OCR shirt from the ztnet store, I think it was in March. I waited a few weeks and my shirt never came. I sent them a few emails regarding this and never got a response. I gave up on it for a while, but I met analoq at Anime Expo and I was persuaded to try again. I don't know why i didnt post in the forums sooner, but can someone help me?

    Apparently no. I, as well as several other people, are in the same situation, still waiting on a goods ordered ages ago... Ordered a hoodie back in March, several emails and months later, I'm still naked. DJP said in a different thread that there were problems with ZTNet at the moment, and if they arnt sorted by September he's finding somewhere/someone else, so we'l wait to see what happens there. Keep in mind this isnt an isolated incident; everyone I know who got somthing off this store had to wait at least a month for any goods or information... so at least your not the only one suffering (keep in mind that 'joy multiplied, pain devided' quote :P)

    Also, keep in mind credit card information is deleted a month after it is given, so youl have to give it again, thats if ZTNet ever does get back to you.

  3. Well, my list has changed slightly.... I finished:

    - Within A Dark Forest 'Lunar Cheese Extraction Facility'

    - Solitaire 'Ta-Da!' (submitted to OCR)

    Added the following :

    Transformers - Unicron's Theme (AR)

    Madlax - Saints (AR)

    SMRPG - Here's Some Weapons (<--- thisl be fun :P got some ideas...)

    FF6 - Kefka's Theme

    FFXI - Xarcabard

    And gave up on:

    - Planescape 'Ignus'

    - Random 'Windows' Remixes

    I need some way to release all these songs too. I dont want to just stop working on them, theres no closure like that. I dont have a site I release new stuff on. I dont wanna send in crap to OCR every 3rd week. BAH!

    EDIT: reworking my E.Honda mix too... got some lyrics as well

  4. I'd be inclined to sugest not to order anything from there atm.... wait until the guy who runs the store (leviathan) comes in here and posts something about it being alive again, then rush-order within the next week.

    Ho-hum, been over 3 months waiting for my hoodie now, begining to loose hope (and getting a little bitter, I wont have my hoodie for the AU meetup...)

  5. Whats a good site for movie quote samples? The ones i keep finding are very low quality...

    EDIT: Ok just tried Google (usually use Altavista:Sound) and found acouple of good sites. Still list acouple in case I cant find what i'm looking for :P

    EDIT 2: Ok i can find random samples, but I'm trying to find ones of someone saying 'Destiny' '... save the world' 'are you ready!?' and '...fate'


    - Within A Dark Forest 'Lunar Cheese Extraction Facility' (cleaning up)

    - Tetris Attack (project) 'Flower Stage' (cleaning up)

    - Tetris Attack (project) 'Forest Stage' (waiting on recording)

    - Solitaire 'Ta-Da!' (cleanup)

    - (AnimeRemix stuff) Full Metal Alchemist 'Recollections' (waiting on recording)


    - Legend of Zelda:OoT 'Hyrule Field' (btw if any hiphop artists want to help me out, give me a PM, I need techniques to thicken/vary the sound, and help with lyrics)

    - Battlefeild 1942 'Main Theme'

    - Planescape 'Ignus'

    - Current PRC

    - DragonsQuest (i think) (its a request) 'Darts Theme'

    - (AR Stuff) Full metal Alchemist 'Melissa'

    - (AR Stuff) Full Metal Alchemist 'Scar'

    - Random 'Windows' Remixes

    - Super Mario RPG 'A song from the game'


    - Bahamut Lagoon 'Main Theme'

    - (AR Stuff) Cowboy Bebop 'Green Bird'

    TO DO

    Parasite Eve

    Devil May Cry

  7. Also, I'd rather like to see more popular characters from more games rather than having a bunch from fewer. For example we really don't need three Links.

    Yes we do. We need adult link, and kid link, and WW link, and we need all the '4-swords' links, and then we need a dark link, and then all the Majora's Mask Links, and then the LttP link (his charge attack would rule), and then like, the wolf link from TP, and then a Tingle-Link hybrid/lovechild, and then an X-men link, and then... (blah blah blah)

    Hopefully the levels will have grass you can cut, which then gives items...

    Why not just call it Super Zelda Bros.? Or Super Smash Zelda?

    Silly billy. Couldnt do that. They all sit around and drink tea together and bitch about Ganon, thats not very Smash-y....

    Super Smash Zelda: Domestic Violence.... I'd play that....

  8. Also, I'd rather like to see more popular characters from more games rather than having a bunch from fewer. For example we really don't need three Links.

    Yes we do. We need adult link, and kid link, and WW link, and we need all the '4-swords' links, and then we need a dark link, and then all the Majora's Mask Links, and then the LttP link (his charge attack would rule), and then like, the wolf link from TP, and then a Tingle-Link hybrid/lovechild, and then an X-men link, and then... (blah blah blah)

    Hopefully the levels will have grass you can cut, which then gives items...

  9. I have a song which is (imo) well balanced at the moment. I have the mid and high volume levels organised, however the quieter parts are way too quiet. I'm trying to boost only those quieter parts, and keep the louder parts at the level they are. Iv tried playing around with compressors and maximisers, but that screws up the mid-high balance. Anyone have any idea how to fix this (without automating volume levels, and preferably using things available in Reason 3 [with bloody no VST bloody support :evil: ])

  10. "Tokyo Slapdown" is mostly just the original theme and a heavy baseline, but I like that minimalistic approach. After all, they say genius is in simplicity. I think the heavy base reflects our character very well. By the way V, what's he saying at 2:25?

    :P Yeh, I only had like a week to work on that (entered the project very late)... The guy is saying 'Hello Gentlemen', I beleive the samples from Cowboy Bebop, it was sposed to work in with the rap which never eventuated. I wanted to change it to japanese females saying somthing in Engrish, but didnt have the sample on my computer...

    So far my only disapointment with the project is the fact it doesnt go on a standard CD.... I had to cut down some tracks to make it all fit on...

  11. Umm this is going to be a weird request... but does anyone have access to samples of the Teletubbies? I need the teletubbies voices, the narrators voice, them singing, and that baby-sun laughing.

    If noone has the samples direct, can you direct me to where i can download an episode i can rip the sounds off? i cant use P2P programs, only net access is at work

  12. Well done, guys! All the music really keeps with the mood of Street Fighter, I can imagine kicking ass to this music. I especially like the vocal works from José the Bronx Rican; really crowd-stirring mixes. Again, congratulations everyone.

    Additionally, my honda mix was originally going to have a rap over it, which may still be completed in the near future (however my lyricist has disapeared for the moment...) So keep an eye out for the mix.

  13. Don't emphasise the 'bane'. Pronounced 'Brisben'. :D

    Somebody pointed that out last week. I think he did it intentionally this time, as a joke. ^_^

    hmm... *is now waiting to hear 'V-underscore-underscore-underscore'...* :P

    Will download and listen later (Blood on the Asphalt download first)

  14. to clear something up:

    I used to go under the name of V_gasm, which was chosen because of a minimum 4 letter nickname requirement. Due to lameness, I decided to change my name to my prefered 'V' and to fill up the space i put in underscores as they appear somewhat invisible. So its not 'V underscore x3', its just a simple 'V' (said 'Vee') and no longer V_gasm. Just had to clear that up


    oh and the Aussie meetup looks like its gonna happen x3.

  15. Lately, Iv found that I have little to no inspiration to do any original works. I do 3-4 bars with 5-6 instruments, save and never go back to it. Iv found that I get more feedback and appreciation for the music if its a mix (thats here at least, but i dont hang at any other music sites). Aditionally, a part of the song is already written, giving me a head start in the process. Seeing as I dont intend to sell my music, I can imagine that I'l cut out original works completely, I pretty much have already.

    Have any other mixers here found a lack of drive to create originals? And whats the ratio of your remixs to original works?

  16. That list is huge load of BS. All the characters in SSBM are extremely well balanced. I've seen Kirby's kick the living shit out of Sheiks of the same fighting ability.

    I play as Link and I do very well against all the characters.

    Its all about knowing your character and exploiting everything you can. I personally think Sheik is a fairly bad character. No real long range stuff. His attacks are all mainly short range attacks. His speed can make up for it, but even when you switch to Zelda, the long range capabilities are highly under par.

    Like wise, Mewtwo has some really good mid and long range attacks, as well as very strange movements (which definitely work in your favor). Overall its like I said before, its all about how you handle the character. Even Pichu (who I notice is at the very bottom) has a HUGE advantage (hes the smallest character. Good luck trying to hit him). Even though he accumulates damage every time he attacks, he is fast, small, and fairly powerful for his size, and that speaks volumes about what he is capable of.

    Plus how can Marth and Roy be so far apart? THEYRE FRIGGIN CLONES!!

    No, it's actually bullshit for an entirely different reason.

    They are pretty much 100% correct in saying that the characters are tiered.

    The problem is that they adhere to this.

    The game is meant to be played for fun, fuck the smashboards level of dedication.



    Stock 10

    No items

    damage ratio 0.5

    One CP lv9 Handicap 9 Falco

    One CP lv9 Handicap 9 Fox


    You Handicap 1

    Lots of fun. Even more fun if you record it and then slow-mo parts where you do something really cool (like the time a jumped right between Falco and Fox's lasers and then slashed Falco off the stage and kicked Fox into the ground)


    Stock infinite

    Bumpers only Very HIgh

    damage ratio 2.0

    One CP lv1 Handicap 3 Fox


    You Handicap 9

    Ever wonder what a fox looks like when he's bouncing around the stage like a red furry pinball?


    Stock 5

    Items on or off (take your pick)

    damage ratio 1.0

    One CP lv9 Mario (Red Team)


    Two CP lv1 Jigglypuffs (Blue Team)


    You (Green Team)

    The green guy (you) is a pimp. You much protect your bitches (blue team) from the evil pervert (Mario). Keep your bitches in line while you give Mario the ass-whoopin he deserves for tryin steal your skanks.

    oh they are gooooood.....

  18. Well now my billing period has expired and I haven't been billed so.. How do i cancel the order?

    Sir Arek the Absolute>> Many people (including me) have had problems with the store (just read the last few pages in this thread). We're assuming the guys at ZTnetstore are dead because no one is getting any reply when emailing them and lots of ppl doesn't get their order.

    It's a shame 'cause they could have sold a lot of stuff, and i really would want a OCR Hoodie :)

    It would be good if someone with higher authorities could contact them and find out what they are up to O_o

    Time for dave to look for a new store to sell his shiz.


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