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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. Fine...heres an Art update >.> Something I did before all this hurricane crap. Anyway I'm gonna start doing roughs of my final WIPs soon. Enjoy hehe
  2. Numero Uno! (#1) I would really like to see this.
  3. I think my sig is Kirby enough, gotta support Rock
  4. Hi, just dropping by to say I'm still alive Actually its been kinda hectic with 2 big finals for this week, though I will show you this I did in a boring class. I really hope after Thurs. I hope I can start working hard on this project again >< Its evil Meta-Knight fighting with Dark Matter from Dreamland 2
  5. Alright! I just finished these (well kinda, I stopped cause I didn't have a reference to finish some of the coloring), still kinda getting the hats down but now I should start sketching out senarios and maybe backgrounds. (Also continueing to practice drawing Meta-Knight and Marx...for a little guy hes tough to get down ><). Anyway here ya go and enjoy: Edit: Yea I know Capsule J isn't orange, thats just an "underpainting" type thing. I wasn't sure what shade of blue/grey he was.
  6. Nicely done. I really like the pages on Floria, nice texture, shading and over all look. I like how in that and Aqualiss the page's shading goes from normal to dark in the middle. On the others I can see how one page has it but the other doesn't. I would say use the same pages you used for Floria for all of them, just change the color.
  7. Alright, well with Sir Arek's approval, I am doing the flashback fight of Meta-Knight. Just to recap what I have so far: Jet, Plasma, Bomb, Ice, their buddies, Meta-Knight, and I'd like to get Kracko and Fatty Whale as my bosses. I'm also working on a separate project on the side, hopefully I can work on it enough so it is added to this project ^^
  8. Welcome back, sit down, relax....AND GET TO WORK!!!! hehe ^^
  9. Well....let me give an Art update!!! Scanned Cover Art - I still need to add the backgound, been kinda busy lately. Scanned version fo the Kirby powers I choose and buddies I showed before New sketches with some color of powers I did not choose just to practice around - Also Wispy there is from Dreamland 2 just to play around...and yea Kirby stole Link's Sword and Cap And Sketches I did of Meta Knight - I also am kinda interested in doing a short animation of Battle between Kirby and Meta Knight. I've got some storyboarded but if I do this it'll take some time...seeing as it'll be my first real big animation ><
  10. I would like to see the Kirby vs. Dedede easter egg also
  11. Ok well I forgot the deadline is in the weekend so...heres a colored preview of the cover with no background: Kirby! And also heres a few of my sketches of Kirby and his powers and buddies in color: Power and Buddies hehe
  12. Alright, alright....here some sketches I've done for my powers (btw can I add Jet?). Any Here for picture!
  13. I would like to have Ninja, Bomb, and Plasma.
  14. wow that is awesome...I should really learn more of that program >.>
  15. Yay! Badges! I will do my best My Captain hehe Btw...Kwarp said I could be part of the artists, could you, if you don't mind, add me to the list ^^;
  16. If you still need any help in the art portion of this project I can help if you need me. Heres a few examples of what I have: Kirby and Gooey Kirby I did last night Example of color pencil #1 Example of color pencil#2
  17. Alright! I've dabled a bit in watercolors in the past but I mostly work in either photoshop or color pencils for color. I'll start making some sktechs and show thm to you guys to see what you think. Oh and for an example of my color pencil heres something I did a few years ago (sorry been a while since I worked this well with color pecils.) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/Neo_Forte/Art/Untitled-6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/Neo_Forte/Art/Untitled-4.jpg
  18. Hello there. I just recently learned about this great project of yours and been reading up. Well I wonder if its too late to do this but heres some of my Kirby Art I have done: This is a Kirby Dreamland 2 drawing I did after you beat King Dedede and Dark Matter's first form comes out (I messed up on his face cause of a bad refernce. I plan on fixing it soon): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/Neo_Forte/Art/KirbyDream2.jpg This is from Dreamland 3 at the end of the game when Zero is defeated. Kirby and Gooey with the Heart Power are floating away: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/Neo_Forte/Art/KD3.jpg And finally a MS Paint I did of Zero: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/Neo_Forte/Art/Zero.jpg Let em know what you think, I will be drawing a rough sketch of a cover and see what you think.
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