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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. yay Diddy Kong specials!
  2. Holy crap I want a freaking Kid Ikarus with these graphics! Damn you Sakurai for teasing us so! btw http://www.sendspace.com/file/5rjnfb for FLV of the movie
  3. Alright just beat the game and all I gotta say is wow. What I expected to happen didn't and what did was cool. Pacing seemed a bit quick though at the end but really tense. Anyway I love this game. Time to beat it on Hyper mode (probably use up some of those tokens I have heh).
  4. Oooooooooh this makes things interesting.
  5. From my impressions on the demo, its a traditional RPG with some strategy thrown in to charge attacks and make enemies fight each other. It seemed a bit easy and from what I've read story wise its not very strong and characters are kinda bland. Dunno, I'm still renting it but I am not going to buy it anymore.
  6. Right, your right it did. Stupid Wiimote icon threw me off lol.
  7. Wow old Andross, awesome! EDIT: Another Double Update. Meta-Knight moves! Well more specifically using control tilt to show how to do special moves.
  8. I haven't had problems with the Sixaxis yet but I hope this is fixed when the ShockAxis is released
  9. Previews and Reviews writers were different so you get different opinions on it.
  10. IGN MP3 Review 9.5 overall
  11. Awesome @ Kirby Dreamland 1 reference! This should be cool to use.
  12. Petey update. Not playable (thank god) but pretty cool boss I would say.
  13. Ooooh Animal Crossing music. Sounds nice. Edit: Missed Yoshi. Holy Crap its like they mixed all his Mario World Special powers into one
  14. Hehe maybe he'll steal the princess away from Mario and Link after he rescues them.
  15. Diddy Kong!
  16. Seriously I wanna battle people.
  17. OMG! ROB am confirmed! seriously this is actually kinda cool.
  18. Dunno if anyone has beaten the game yet but:
  19. Link: Kentucky Fried Cruelty All I have to say is wow....I wonder if this warrants Nintendo legal action?
  20. Ah i see, hehe anyway Boomerang effect should be cool to use. As is the chargable Spin Attack.
  21. Joke? Oh that, meh everyone who saw it by now knows the truth
  22. Link special moves.....interesting
  23. Hey cut me some slack.....I haven't been online much this week >.>
  24. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/characters/bomberman.html ... nothing to see here fake btw >.> ....
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