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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I rather you see the influences that the old guys have had on scores like that than change your opinion on an artist. Plus that piece is a good one; I'll give ya that.
  2. All I know is that in the end... I want to fight someone on Blazblue sometime either today or tomorrow... I already picked out the sound track to crush the competition to.Be of good cheer when fighting me. :> Beating you all would be a personal achievement for me Edit* to those that actually know what I'm referring to in that second to last sentence, I know it's the wrong track but that one is pretty awesome in its own right.
  3. For the sake of achievements, if anything, for winning over 10000 rounds straight in a row, with realistic gameplay time of course.Not only going in the Guinness book of world records BUT a video of YOU doing your favorite character's move crushing the competition on both XBOX LIVE and PSN vid networks free for all to download and marvel. :lol:
  4. Woah woah woah MY POINT... is that a lot of good things were lost to the passage of time. All of the currently existing improvements, from graphical to musical compositions are a boon and great thing. Just that while we have them, we lost what made such things as achievements or legendary stories truly worth creating and sharing with friends and family. As of now most of them, personally imo, just "feel" shallow. There's no real recognition where ANY ONE can do it. Yes any one CAN however just having it sold rather than created by players just do not hold the same value. Not to mention some are pretty inane or ridiculous. No one cares if I pass the first section of Deadspace on any skill level. (especially on easy mode)Yet it's a trophy..? Really..? Also please look at my post before this one if only for entertainment value :3 Also I wouldn't mind going a few rounds with ya meph on a multiplayer game Isn't it preferable to at least be known to have played an awesome game and beaten it hardcore with everything along with possibly funny or wild moments, over a tag with digitized trophies..? The game along with the experiences of all should be the focus not some commercialized achievements in this regard.
  5. What ever happen to endings? (SPOILERS FOR SH2 FOR THOSE THAT HAVE NOT PLAYED IT AND WANT TO: ONLY WARNing!!) What ever happened to ..?What ever happened to ?What ever happened to game play modes? {Golg I think you'll love this)What about having truly climatic, poignant, rewarding, or at the very least satisfying endings for games with no extra possible endings that make you want to relive/replay it again? WHAT ARE WE PLAYING FOR..?! virtual trophies... :L
  6. Gonna post more pwads to check out then. IMO they are overlooked over here and that needs to be changed >:L. If only to show old school gaming is still awesome.
  7. Oh wow what's that? Are you also wearing a strap-on or is that a Playstation controller jutting from those "form-fitting" pants you're wearing? Are those cords coming out of your pants with what look like plugs a fashion statement? Man I thought extra belts and chains were "hot" but I didn't know orange extension cords were the shit too~! okay perhaps that was forced but cmon...
  8. Shameless plug in as well as it's for Megadave Also good luck to ya Jackal, hope ya find the passion for playing the piano no matter what!
  9. Is that a playstation in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  10. I sent ya a PM for further details.


  11. This is fine as there's something about getting upclose to ur prey rather than being a safe distance away free from fear and danger. Nonetheless I missed out on the xbox ninja gaidens due to my loathing on the Xbox. :L @ Meph Halo 1/2/3 got nothing on
  12. Whatever happened to using the PS3 controller? It's the same thing except wireless and responsive!
  13. oh shit sony sent out a peripheral to allow PS cds to play on a PSP or do you magically stuff it in the dying UMD slot?
  14. I'm rather the opposite here. The game can look as ugly as sin and I most likely play it or at the very least try it. DOOM & Quake never lost its charm for me nor even the original SMB game on the ole NES. Atari is where I may draw the line though... Generally my mind replaces the graphics which makes it much more personal as I immerse into a game. Nonetheless my biggest issue with games is not so much the aesthetics but the challenge or simply experience. I enjoy what many would regard as masochistic games (Warning may not be worksafe) that often feel rewarding being able to complete them. If a game doesn't have the challenge, at the very least .
  15. While trying these out make sure you've updated them as well as installed flash before trying out Youtube. In fact reserve IE for times when webpages do not function; heck Firefox has an IE Plugin where you can quickly switch the rendering engine of a tab from firefox to IE on the fly with a click on a button. I know sites like Megaupload would always fuck up and say I've already used them when in fact I haven't. Switched the engine to IE and soon enough it worked as it should have.
  16. I like these. What Monobrow posted earlier should be noted Oh yeah drack & Darth Lime I sent ya pms...
  17. I'll pm ya as well soon as things are ready. Just deciding how I'll do it. Just keep an eye out for that message.
  18. Classical only to get of results.Oh yeah screw Jeremy Soule, you're making me hate him simply out of association with you. edit: god fucking damn it I was slow and yes those songs are awesome like that. If you're interested pm me
  19. Perhaps when they announce the FF7 remake you'll see it on the 360 library instead, of course first being made for the PS3.
  20. I'll pm you. Currently at work but give me a day or two. Trust me there so much out there THIS BLEW MY FUCKING MIND WHEN I FIRST HEARD IT! Awesome rendition and very reminiscent of Persona 3/4 to me but more rock oriented than pop
  21. Jeremy could touch even with a ten foot POLE! Seriously though do give a chance to the alleged "big dudes" in classical music. There are even obscure composers that, while not as well known, their work are very much in the face of every one as the more renown ones are. Edit: if any one actually sees each link entirely, don't be thrown off by the last one as I put it there as emphasis. YES they are work safe... unless you have speakers on full blast with no head/earphones.
  22. Better hurry lately I've not seen a single copy on the shelves at the retail boxes where I am... You could always try online though if you can't find it Also you just reminded me of the sequel supposedly coming out for the PSP... damn it...
  23. I got an ugly first impression of you after I read that part there >:L This confused the hell out of me since you have great disdain for classical composers yet considering Jeremy's works got deep roots in classical music but gets grandiose; considering what they were for it's not unexpected, but still that just confused me...
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