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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Should I feel bad that I've built a new guy with the name Gurigamesh! with the full intent of being a complete asshole; Scraping Spear and all..?
  2. It was over for me when I got wind of the first Guitar Hero being made. I just didn't see the fascination at all. Now this, turntables, seriously...?
  3. Alright I'll bite. Out of the various reviews I watched from him, he comes off rather flat; almost as if there's a requirement to take him seriously only to pity him for not having anything else better to do. It's as if he's doing it for the attention rather than the actually trying to entertain his audience. The best way I could compare this would be watching someone back in highschool, trying to give a report, putting up a facade, and trying to be cohesive as well as not boring. Perhaps I should consider looking at his other stuff, but overall I felt I was given false advertisement considering your attempt to make comparisons to AVGN; even the nerd is just a gimmick as James is just some guy doing a show about the exceptionally bad game titles along side the rare good ones, this as well as looking back at a large variety of movies from monster-mash flicks, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, sports (rocky series). Perhaps this spoony guy only just started and may have a following of some sort, but I wouldn't try to make a comparison imo.
  4. Hmm... Overall I've only cared for the driven tracks as the slow ones remind me of tracks from the old days way back on MP3.com when it actually gave free mp3 downloads of various bands trying to make a name for themselves before it went to shit. Some of the stuff was ok but not really my thing... 7.9/10
  5. Like the arrows, you'll want a weapon that can pierce but do enough of a satisfactory amount of damage. I found swords to be best oddly enough as you'd think a spear would be more suitable for piercing its' armor. Spears are good but one problem, they seem to take up more stamina than swords do with similar damage rates; at least from my experience. Personally I thought my battle axe would shatter its armor but noooooo I may as well be hitting it with a plastic toy mallet.
  6. Yeah I thought about that but that wouldn't make it feel like a satisfying victory for me, not to mention it felt exciting fighting something head on when it's actually doable. Bastard sword double-handed swinging wishing I had a huge meat cleaver instead to swing around. Would have been more enjoyable to me if the running/rolling issues didn't hinder me.
  7. Curiously can Black Phantoms kill other Black Phantoms or is there a limit to how many can invade one player's game? I've also noticed certain spells in the faith section can banish B.Phantoms as well. Oh hey I wanted to add this~! First Red Dragon kill was annoying but totally worth every arrow... Oddly enough the Tower Knight isn't necessarily difficult to kill, so long as you can heal your self from times to time, but the mother fucking crossbowmen WILL fuck you up unless you take care of them first. I will say my real complaint about DSs is this, when I'm trying to RUN THE FUCK AROUND THAT FUCKER'S SHIELD BASH I DIDN'T SAY ROLL LIKE AN IDIOT! RUN YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT DON'T ROLL!! Sometimes I don't like the running mechanics as its too sensitive at times doing one or the other to where it crushes your balls when you die needlessly. OH GOD HEAL HEAL GOD DAMN IT. CAN YOU EAT WEEDS ANY MORE SLOWER OH GOD!!!
  8. Iron Blue Intention - Castlevania - Judgement Septette for a Undead Princess Dear Eastern Blood (perhaps the best choice? Seems like it to me, just replace the strings with flutes) Goodluck on your search!
  9. Nice, I've been wondering about causing some nice griefing on some one but holding off till I'm much stronger; or at least more confident about it. As for Bayonetta, we need to remember that we're evaluating our experience on a demo rather than the actual game. If anything the issues with the demo ought to be a good enough reason for Sega to really work on the PS3 port before shuffling it out on January...
  10. That's a shame, kinda like the texturing issues I've seen on some articles about the ghostbuster's game PS3 port; where as the 360 version is flawless.
  11. I take it you can't just have one ST guard the engies? Oddly enough sometimes if you have the engineers face a certain direction it helps them fend off scouts to a degree; but not by much.
  12. That track was pretty sweet but I just don't see it being used in a title. Maybe as an arrangement extra for the fans but that's it; I could be wrong though.
  13. Well if the video was any indication I actually experienced that a lot. At the same time though I've been enjoying it quite a lot. The game just feels like it has great potential for replays, especially when trying different character builds, between being a tanking mofo, to a powerful magician, it's quite amazing. edit* Oh yeah I'm preordering VC2 as well
  14. What's this problem, is it related to the weird reports of some PS3's getting bricked by the 3.01 system update..? Oddly enough my PS3 is fully updated and ran just fine even when I was playing .If not that then what's happening..?
  15. OH HEY AUSSIES NOW WILL GET L4D2. Ban lifted http://www.news.com.au/technology/story/0,28348,26182654-5014239,00.html However your copies will be 'gimped' so to speak...
  16. I never would have pegged you to want to play it. Or maybe it was Brushfire I'm thinking of... on a semi-unrelated note my deluxe copy of "Demon's Souls" arrived but still in its shrink wrap on account of me making this post among other things to take care of.
  17. Nice heads up, though I thought by now most recent copies of VC already have them included, unless that's just exclusive in Japan..? (I may have missed that in the article)
  18. At first I had the impression of them being nothing more than breast pockets... Now I'm not quite sure, gonna have to play again on hard mode to put more thought on it... Oh yeah Gollgagh the game does have a couple of addons... ~ Wikipedia
  19. It's refreshing to say the least.
  20. I made a thread about it a good while ago but it's nice to see an update. A November release however...
  21. That's what the mute button is for. I actually wouldn't mind seeing something like for the PS3.
  22. It was just another alternative site to OCR back in the day, often leaning towards metal/rock from my time there though I may be off base... Found some great arrangements there too... Lately though DoD been something of a VGMix replacement imo...
  23. Eh fair enough though I have a hard time seeing how one would spend that much time on it and ruin thy health as well. I may seem like I play 24/7 based of my recommendations and experience but I think I don't play any more than something around 2 hours a day; and even then it can be sporadic. Also try looking at the Wii VC section and check out some oldies like Super Castlevania IV...
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