Quite a number of those games are also found on the Ultimate Sega Genesis collection on the 360/ps3...
My old genesis is missing a cable to hook up to the tv so no go for me on that system
And I'm too lazy to find it again in the abyss that is my attic...
I'm fine with the Berserkesque brutality in both the realism as well as the high difficulty that's been mentioned in other reviews. While I wouldn't mind importing, I can wait till it's released here; not to mentioned I've already preordered the Deluxe edition which includes an art book, and a soundtrack album among other things.
Been hearing the same thing elsewhere as well, shame really. May just get it as a cheap rental or if it gets real real cheap via bargin bin.
Makes me wonder about demon souls though...
I'll have to try the Uncharted 2 demo out it seems... Recently tried the WET demo and so far I like it. Reminds me of No More Heros except without the waggling.
It'd be nice, however I can't see myself playing Fatal Frame on Squintovision. Disgaea 2 worked and oddly enough the recent(?) release of Silent Hill from the PSOne section also seems to work fine. But I can't see myself playing any of the fatal frame games on the PSP.
Have you tried checking out Dwelling of Duels? They may have what you're looking for; though as I recall some of the really good ones are actually part of large medleys and even then I doubt that particular track is in them. Doesn't hurt to ask around.
Or... you know... just get a 100 dollar ps2 that plays ps2 games just fine assuming one missed out on the ps2 library...
Most likely already have a PS2 in one variation or another; especially since I got both a PS2 Slim and a fat PS2 as a hand me down from a friend. (both work beautifully)