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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. So... "ZOE3 Forever"..?
  2. DLC has gone way out of hand if it goes deep into PC Gaming. DLC on PC games traditionally mean it's free, unless its an expansion pack such as Opposing Forces/Blue Shift ect. DLC as we see on the consoles is practically non-existent as most of the mods and extra stuff are either provided freely by mod communities or by the creators (usually as fixes or enhancements). Unless a website can not provide bandwidth to host content such as mods/maps there wouldn't be any restrictions to using bitorrent technology or even websites dedicated to hosting files like Mediafire. Certain servers usually give out addresses to the owners website, especially communities dedicated to the game. They usually have servers provide the content by having you download them as you try to enter a server. With all that taken away, you may as well go play on your 360/PS3 as it's the same thing only restricted and worse.
  3. fucking hell why didn't I notice it as it looked that way in my mind.
  4. Modified weapons/character/object skins are usually the norm when it comes to modifications, unless a team making a mod-game have shit resources but that's another story. Some times mods are not even for aesthetics at all but for refreshing the gameplay, perhaps even improving said gameplay. Dedicated servers are already monitored freely as those that make one choose to take up the responsibilities. Those that neglect them will find their servers quite empty at times/regarded as, "that shit pub's just like all the other shit pubs". Writing stuff in caps usually helps emphasis the importance of a particular word. Unfortunately people still regard it as some one yelling when there's no exclamation marks to accompany it.
  5. so... WoW:Zelda64 as EQ2:Demon's Souls..? Is that fair for me to say..?
  6. Care to be more clear on that first part? "Make a mod to give the game the aesthetics of the other?" What do you mean? JoeFu and many others are perfectly free to make their concerns about a potential purchase known. Chances are if it's truly enjoyable, they'll come around. Until then it's skepticism hardcore. Dedicated servers, assuming the admins/owners are a competent/sociable lot, can provide the best experience out there compared to L4D's/any other game's match making services. Certain servers would know their regulars, who are capable of enjoying themselves and booting the assholes who have nothing better to do but ruin the experience of the majority.
  7. AMEN. If everything people said came with their picture, real name, and address, all this hostility would turn to farcical imitation of hospitality in a hurry. Most of the time, you're dealing with people who do all of their venting from their repressed social lives online in probably the most healthiest of ways because they know it's few places in life people are free to express themselves without retaliation. Even in places like LIVE, where people take things way too fucking serious, no one gives a shit about LIVE. I've even played with friends who I ought to know are "allegedly" decent folks; they would make me realize at how they sometimes turn into crowning moments of hilarity when they play online.
  8. What exactly are these grievances placing dedicated servers as the source for said grievances..? I don't see how irrational it is to not buy a title that is more likely not worth one's time versus finding another that is enjoyable. Similar to how I would NEVER buy a Dell PC and just build one myself; Main point being finding an alternative... Change is always in effect, however its blind to who it benefits. Most rather steer it where it makes sense rather than stupidly hurt others and vice-versa. One cannot make a mod emulating dedicated servers with all the tools needed for a server admin, that's just silly if not outright ignorant to think otherwise; unless you feel Hamachi would be a viable solution? Patronizing others also makes you look douchebaggy unless you've got an established presence around here; even then not many can pull that off without the stink wafting off of them.
  9. You have to admit, gamepad players at that time made bots look good. No fun smacking around the useless if they can't put up some resistance. Hey JoeFu add me on ur PS3 friend list. Also did you see my DOOM Showcase thread?
  10. If you and a bunch of buddies earn enough ISK, you can trade that ISK for game time last I remember. Personally I never earn enough to do that and I tend to blow my ISK on special projects.
  11. Okay so hey turns out something did blow out as I noticed a small little crater where a module would be. Amazing what different sounds would generate from it. Replaced the card with a new one and had sent the dead one to the manufacturer as it had been a couple of weeks before it bit the dust. Works just like new, considering it is new it better stay that way...
  12. I wouldn't blame you considering I'd hate having to pay rent to live in a dump with no utilities; not to mention I've heard of places that when they say they provide free cable, they even throw in cable internet, though no phone service which does and doesn't make much sense to me. Nonetheless it's cheap, how ever the utility companies fuck things up with price gouging. On the flip side paying something twice as much as a Casual player poorly shows benefits on account of no cable tv or internet for the Hardcore player. Seem more suited for the casual player who can go by with just dial-up and basic digitelly.
  13. You're saying one side pay a higher rent than the other? I thought the Hardcore players usually pay a minimum of $670 with the utilities included where as the Casual players only pay something like $345 with no utilities but free cable.
  14. Doesn't the Model 2/NES 2/top-loader/NES-101 play all cartridges regardless where it comes from? I've never had the second iteration of the NES, just the first one.
  15. eh semi-off-topic What are covered on your PS2 Collection, genre wise I mean?
  16. Considering I've played Front Mission on the DS, yes.
  17. I don't know about the whole blind love for the Wii, but I find it rather ignorant to say there's nothing actually good for the Wii, let alone any console. (except for the 360 only because PC trumps it but that's just my opinion lol) Then again I do have the Wii and PS3 so I must have a whole lot of nothing We should wait till it comes out to see if it's shit or not.
  18. I can't wait to hunt you down! >:J
  19. But then they'd have nothing to be bitter about or will worry about their rep as well as not earning trophies that amount to nothing! D:
  20. I thought you hated all of anime in general. As for the Wii, being the most popular, shouldn't it be expected to have tons of shit on it? For all we trash on the PS3 for lack of content and the 360 for shoddy hardware, The Wii is the con-artist's dream come true in the gaming industry. Despite this, The Wii does have some actual worthwhile gems on it, or at least have titles that are good and bound to entertain someone. Animal Crossing Baroque (You'll have to really get into this mindfuck to enjoy it) Battalion Wars 2 Castle of Shikigami III (OH SHIT A Wii SHMUP title!) Deadspace: Extraction - (typical rail shooter but does a good job of it, mostly for fans of DS only) De Blob Dokapon Kingdom: (trolls and those that enjoy shitting on your associates would love this - Atlus has dubbed the game "friendship destroying" in their marketing materials) Final Fantasy: (almost anything from the franchise is good on the Wii depending on the gamer so long as said gamer lets go of preconceived prejudices) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Ghostbusters: The Game (surprisingly decent on the Wii) Guilty Gear XX ^ Core Harvest Moon (I know some still play the series for as long as it's chugging along) Mushroom Men No More Heroes (It was awesome and with upcoming sequel, who's to say it won't be more awesome) Okami - (prefer the PS2 version myself personally) Resident Evil (looks like Capcom's gonna port the rest of the original series onto the Wii, Zero and the remake already ported over to the Wii) Rune Factory Frontier - {Harvest Moon with swordplay) For all the "Biggest Loser"s, "Rock Band"s, and "Barbie/Bratz" garbage, there are some actually decent, if not good games for the Wii. Didn't even mention Mario or Zelda this round.
  21. It helps if you provide some samples or links to them so they can get an idea of what's being asked. That said I'd recommend looking around, searches such as "CROWSCLAW", "Godspeed"(more like Godbeef if the rumors are true) Here's Crowsclaw rendition of The End of 1000 years as well as Godspeed's rendition. Try finding the albums: Type-Moon HR/HM Arrange 17 Division "Melty Blood" Arrangement Album ESTATE respectively Goodluck.
  22. Danny Wells starred as Luigi in the live action segments as well as did Luigi's Voice in the cartoon segments; just like the Captain Lou Albano doing the live action along with the voice of Mario. Danny Wells's 68 years old as of now.
  23. The card does have a second output which also gives me the same results when I've tried it with the lcd moniter; and the lcd monitor works just fine as I'm using it now on my pc.
  24. So yeah recently an associate of mine just built himself a new pc. It ran fine for a couple of weeks. Then one day when he had to restart it after the usual windows update, for some reason, while the PC would boot normally, the screen would stay black, as if the monitor isn't recieving a signal. At first I was thinking it had to do with his old tube monitor so I brought my flat screen to check it out. switched it and the same results, black screen. I've taken the side cover off to see if either the Mobo or vid card weren't running as usual. Vid card was recieving power as well as mobo, checked connections to the card as I recall he had accidentally tried powering it up forgetting a power connection to the card, after that issue was resolved it ran fine till now. I'm stumped so I'm guessing it might be the vid card because the PC itself still seemingly boots as normal, just not showing anything except a black screen. Unfortunately the mobo does not have intergrated graphics so I can't seriously check to see if its actually the mobo... Any help is appreciated!
  25. I just found out that the entire series is also on Youtube That said, it made me smile and made the day awesome. I will say I prefer seeing it in its original form. Never noticed one episode can go for a good half hour though.
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