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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. I'm keeping track of the totals as they come in. There's a 3-way tie for 14th place, so this is looking fun! The difference between 9th place and not making it at all is only 5 points. MOAR VOTES, keep 'em coming!
  2. Had to cancel at the last minute, but there's always next year.
  3. My bad, you didn't even do nothin' in this track. ALL CREDIT TO OA! (Kidding, I stand corrected. What a team-up!)
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. Fixed. But fingers crossed it can be resolved soon.
  6. I wish you guys would just give him what he's asking for instead of trying to give orchestral examples. For example, "Ancient Stones" would have been OK, but then it gets very loud around 1:15. "The Streets of Whiterun" is also good at the start and the end, but around 1:50 (if not by 1:20), I'd argue the additional part-writing makes the track too full and attention-grabbing (for spa BGM) until 2:30. Guys, it's difficult, but not THIS difficult. He's looking for very passive, low-key music; texturally, it shouldn't get too full at any point or have big changes in volume; it's supposed to be for a spa setting. I will come back to this later today and see if I can find something for you. There are some potentially usable tracks like , but I don't know if you'd find it too short/repetitive.EDIT: (possibly too dark)
  7. Not necessarily. In some cases, it's a matter of preference, and some people don't do apostrophe-S at the end of proper nouns/names that sound like plural words. http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/apostro.asp If you'd verbally say "Risky Boots's boat", do apostrophe-S, but if you'd verbally say "Risky Boots' boat" without the extra syllable, then forgo the S after the apostrophe. In this case, I'd lean away from apostrophe-S because I wouldn't say it that way, but it's not a huge deal either way, and it could reasonably be said either way.
  8. Production-wise, it's now cramped & muddy. Also, I'm underwhelmed by the sound design and would love to hear something to give these synths more personality and uniqueness. This got the job done when the mixing was cleaner and more spacious, like a strong club mix, but now it's just murky. Arrangement-wise, it still gets it done. I'm surprised I'm changing my vote, but the first version was cleaner, and this unfortunately isn't. Maybe I'll be the outlier again, and I don't know which way others will go, but this was a significant step back for me re: the mixing. NO (resubmit)
  9. Great point by Chimpazilla on the percussion intensity being static and boring after a while; the core pattern was mixed too loudly, which exacerbated the problem, IMO. It's definitely a ding against it, because it undermined the dynamics of the piece, but I didn't think it was a dealbreaker. I can get past it, but the way this was mixed was needlessly cluttered. Emu mentioned not being able to isolate what was causing it, but maybe someone else can. Anyway, no dealbreakers here, just issues I would rather not have heard. The theme's handled creatively in terms of the chiptune and guitar treatment of the source tune, and the chorusing of the two parts first done at :58 sounded pretty sweet, IMO. At 1:36 when the extra padding dropped out to clear up the soundscape, things sounded better until 1:55. And even though the soundscape was then loud & cramped again, I could distinguish the various parts easily. As I like to say, on the seesaw of what works vs. what doesn't work, this is tilted enough towards what does work. I think Emu makes a good case, but for me the good arrangement and OK-though-not-ideal production should be a pass. YES
  10. The water SFX combined with the ambiance ended sounding lossy, but the overall soundscape was OK. I didn't have any problem with the bell at :53. The way the track faded out at the end was too fast/abrupt as well. The change in styles is apparent, so the approach is certainly personalized, and this would have been a lock in the older days of the site. For the present though, I felt like I heard 2 and half iterations of the melody (:05, :53, 1:34) with some observable but relatively minor variations, some good weaving of some brief original writing, and the SFX, and that was it. It could definitely use another minute or two of further ideas and development. If this passes, I wouldn't have a problem with that, but IMO the concept, while subtle and good, could use further fleshing out. I didn't agree that this felt like a fully realized piece. NO (resubmit)
  11. Damn, she was awesome. Loved her work.
  12. Thanks for the game correction for the pic. I think Dafydd's implying the quote is odd in the sense that maybe someone killed Ryo's father in the Sega All-Stars racing game series. But yes, the quote is accurate.
  13. For any musicians at MAGFest who want to use an afternoon to create a VG soundtrack or SFX, Global Game Jam's gonna be holding an event during the festival. Check it out:
  14. Sounds lovely. A couple months ago, we tested it on other browsers and it was Chrome only. Looks like djp's gotta address it as a broader issue.
  15. We're definitely aware of this, but thanks for bringing it up again. It's a Chrome thing, and this doesn't happen in other browsers. djp may be able to explain what's changed in Chrome but I'm not sure if he has plans to work around this issue vs. working on OCR v6. IMO, it's ENOUGH of a UX annoyance that we should see if it can be fixed.
  16. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  17. Super Mario Wario'll be out for New 3DS in no time! Might as well feel free to do callouts for the two front runners in the new mascot voting, Banjo & Kazooie and Knuckles (see what I did there?).
  18. Don't be a dick, it's needless. De-escalate, plz.
  19. I'll nag djp about that, but even with a last-post-first layout, there's still the first post to look at. Gotta look!
  20. You can delete you own threads by clicking to edit your initial post and deleting it. That said, I see mostly Remix Requests. That stuff's fine, we like those. In my opinion, don't worry about it.
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