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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Not sure about that, otherwise I'd have 0: http://www.ocremix.org/artist/4755/liontamer When someone has a recently posted mix, the site takes a day or two to update that artist's stats to reflect the new mix. Since djp will read this, I'll note it hasn't updated artist stats to reflect the addition of the last 5 mixes.
  2. We're were against doing genres, then we realized we could make tagging more powerful than that. So we decided to keep the genres pretty broad and not use that as the only classification. We'll eventually tags all of the ReMixes. Enjoy.
  3. Yes, he could have googled it, but you know, there's no need to be a dick when people are trying to find interesting VGM; help a brother out. http://simcity.ea.com/coolstuff/sc3k_music/index.php http://vgmdb.net/album/5385 Follow our Twitter feed; I pimp a new, legally free VGM album every Friday. We had goat last week, and I've pimped SimCity 4: Rush Hour in the past. As far as the original post, I wish I could help, as I wish more VGM jazz was hitting me, but jazz is definitely a popular genre within VGM arrange albums. SimCity 3000's has numbers that belong in a club; good stuff. I loved "The Wind and the Earth" off Genso Suikoden III Music Collection ~Rustling of the Wind~: http://vgmdb.net/album/676 CHz could possibly rattle off a bunch of stuff.
  4. I know there are several tools/apps out that allow one to extract YouTube and other videos. I wanted to know what the best one out there was that can extract the video without a quality loss, like if there were an HD version of a YouTube video, I could extract that at that original HD quality. Thanks for any insight!
  5. This one is dope. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know the game and decides not to check it out. A huge mistake.
  6. For some reason, the Dreamhost link didn't work, but the other 3 were definitely working.
  7. Sorry, Mick. This is a cool track, but checking out Postal 2's chants, nothing sounds melodically similar enough to be called a valid rearrangement. Gotta confirm Fishy's NO Override. Keep kicking ass though. I hope GAA's pulling in plenty of business, and that we hear some more great subs from you!
  8. Oooh, wait a minute, I missed that part; Good catch, Vinnie. Nah, that level of drum sampling from the original is too heavy, and the pad sounds too similar if not the same. I disagreed with the whole thing sounding too similar, however; it had the same tempo, but I thought it had meaningful alterations & additions. Regardless though, the level of sampling in the 3:40 section was enough to knock me down from a borderline YES down to a NO (resubmit). Didn't seem like the sampling had been too involved beforehand, but see what you can do, particularly with those last 30 seconds, to make it your own rather than sampling the original.
  9. This already has the 3 NOs, and I've got nothing new here, but I vote on everything anyway. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14692 - Track 12 As was mentioned, the theme was there the entire time with the perc patterns and bassline without exception. But once the original writing entered the picture at :25, the source tune was relegated to the background where it was barely audible. You guys marginalized it, when it should have been emphasized. If this had been mixed with the new writing in the background and the source theme in the foreground, and the source melody and perc had more interpretation/variation, this would have been a contender. This isn't a bad arrangement, but it de-emphasizes the source tune too much, and, when you strip away the additive parts, doesn't get interpretive with the source material. Would love to hear you guys perform a more involved and developed version of this arrangement. NO
  10. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14690 - Tracks 1, 2 & 6 Yep, and you know I'm gonna bust your chops on using the source. I have to keep you slackers honest. There's also 4 seconds of silence at the end that needs to be trimmed off. Here's what I got: :27-1:06, 1:11.5-1:17, 1:18-1:23, 1:26-1:28, 1:31-1:37, 2:08.5-2:17, 2:27.5-2:38, 3:19-3:27, 3:43.75-3:51, 4:03-4:37 Unless stuff I didn't cite is from another game tune, or I'm missing some other usage, then this was just under what I'd consider a pass for overt source usage. I heard the way the source was arranged from 3:27-3:41, but felt it was too liberal given how drastically the rhythms & notes were altered. So I'd give it 125.75 seconds or about 45.4% source usage. If you credit the section I felt was too liberal, it just squeaks by over 50% source usage, so I'll live. But that part was way too liberal and I'm a stickler who wouldn't count that for anyone else. So while I enjoyed the arrangement of course, you can enjoy a borderline NO from me.
  11. Hey everyone! We're not entirely sure if this is blatant overkill with your AMAZING OST coverage of SSF2THDR having hit OCR itself already, but we did our own Ken arrangement as well! SFIV and HD Remix rekindled our love for the old SNES days where we'd beat the tar out of each other, and with that, the music as well. Ken's theme and stage always stood out to us, along with that lonely girl on the boat... err, anyway-- We hope you enjoy our take on Ken's theme! Again, if there's anything wrong with it, don't be afraid to let us know in all your critically acclaimed power! XD It worked wonders last time for Castle of Tears! Details: Your ReMixer name: Digital Element a.k.a. DigiE. Your real names: Maurice Willems & Sanjay Sampatsing. Your email address: NemesisTheory@gmail.com Your User ID: 2761 Additional details: Name of game(s) arranged: Street Fighter II - The World Warrior. Name of individual song(s) arranged Ken Stage. Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Not too sure what more I can say, the trailers for SFIV hit and it was just a blast back to the past with all the classic characters returning. Add that with getting back into SF2 with Turbo HD Remix, it just really hit us; Street Fighter is awesome. Initially we had a bit of a hard time figuring out which stage to remix, but like I said before, Ken is something of a hallmark for us, it was the simplest choice to make in the end! Well, that's about all she wrote! We hope you guys like it! We don't have a reserved web space anymore, so I'm gonna attach the song to this email. Best regards, DigiE. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Ken Stage" (sf2-09.spc) Short and sweet. Good energy, but conservative, and I'd argue on the underdeveloped side in terms of the melodic interpretation. The high frequencies also seem cut out for some reason. Leaning toward NO. So, this could use some further interpretation & development, as well as a boost of the high frequencies, which look like they got lopped off.
  12. The console exclusive characters were listed under the console release, which was in 2009. The PS3 & 360 releases were the same day, so I picked PS3. The other characters in SF4 were already part of 2008's arcade release. And there's no SF4 mix planned; it's just an important recent game appearance to note. That doesn't happen in Chrome, but djp's already aware of the issue and will be working to fix that; that's an issue with all category pages, not just Darkstalkers.
  13. Already added after you mentioned it to me earlier. DB needs to be synced up to reflect the updates.
  14. Hi there, first proper submit for me A remix of a track from the game Unreal, which for me still has one of the best game soundtracks and in fact inspired me to start making my own music for which I thank it to this day The original K_Vision.umx has always been a rather loud and intrusive song which I tried to soften up a little, as well as bringing it to the 21st century in terms of sound quality. I hope my own influences make it stand out enough from the original, though I couldn't help reusing a few of the key samples that made this song into what it was Now for the necessary information: Link to the remix: Remixer name: Mimo Real name: Tim Kok Email: furymus@gmail.com Website: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=19742770 userid: 27359 Name of game arranged: Unreal Name of individual song arranged: K_Vision.umx (File)/ Nightvision (Title) Additional information about game including composer, system etc.: Released in 1998 for PC by Epic Megagames. The soundtrack was composed by Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos, with some incidental tracks by Dan Gardopee and Andrew Sega Link to the original soundtrack: Enjoy! (I hope ) ~ Mimo --------------------------------------------------------------- I was gonna say, it sounds like parts of this were sampled from the original, so it made sense to read that in the sub letter. What's with the Unreal series submissions and the need to sample from the originals? Regardless, this didn't involve direct sampling as heavily as "Forgone Conclusion" and this was a pretty straightforward but interpretive take on the original. I'd actually would have preferred the levels on the everything but the drums raised a little, because the energy's a little underwhelming given what's written. I could have done with the core beats using fills more often to change things up every once, but what was in place was pretty solid. More textural complexity would have helped this, as it could have been more interesting. The arrangement ideas were good, but the production's on the bland side. Overall though, arrangement wins, so this squeaks by for me. YES (borderline)
  15. Nah, too tough. Ultimately, we can bear the bandwidth, and the mascot changing up top made djp click through them en masse to randomly read the bios, so I see other fans doing the same. Thus it's not a bug, it's a feature.
  16. You editors get a title too; I want folks to be able to find you guys and contact you whenever they have questions, so you all get GLORY!
  17. Added a forum title for you, David. GLORY! Also, I went through myself and manually added mascot pics into each of the entries, and also changed the companies in the "Created by" sections to the OCR organization links, or MobyGames/Wikipedia where applicable. My fault for not asking you guys to handle either before. I'll see what to do with djp about an announcement.
  18. So clear your cache. You don't think Polo would have posted that animated GIF if they didn't work, do you?
  19. April being OCR Support Month isn't just about us asking for donations; this year, we're upping the ante by rolling out some cool features. Among them, we're proud to present several in-depth interviews connecting YOU with the creators of the music we all enjoy! Making up our latest trifecta, we have: David Wise, career-long in-house composer at Microsoft’s Rare, co-composer for the Donkey Kong Country series and Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise, and composer for the Battletoads and Wizards & Warriors series Christopher Tin, co-composer for 2K Games’ Civilization IV; and Steffan Andrews, OC ReMixer and co-composer for EA’s FaceBreaker Be sure to read up (and spread the word!) on all 3 of these excellent interviews, then follow it up by checking out our other Q&A's with Beatdrop, CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright), Grant Kirkhope, McVaffe, Michael Gluck (Piano Squall) and Patrick Zimmerli! The OCR community's also been being giving their own interviews all around the net, so stay on top of what's been going on lately with the links below! Summoning of Spirits: Higher Plain Music / Tales Union Podcasts: Life Inside the Box / Xbox 360 Fancast (Joystiq Xbox) / Into the Score ReMixers: Game Music 4 All (Nicole Adams/injury) / GameDaily (Mazedude/McVaffe)
  20. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/15745 - Track 1 & 3 http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14690 - Track 1 ("Overworld BGM") Just listening through for all of the connections, there were a lot of instances of altering the melodies while retaining the rhythms, which was pretty creative. The arrangement was definitely rocking my socks off, and I enjoyed the chiptune elements. I was thrown off on the cursory listen, but this was a great example of a liberal-sounding arrangement that was grounded nicely in the several themes. Great stuff from both Ben and Andrew; that's fuckin' teamwork! YES
  21. Don't listen to him. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy Read the Terms of Use section. Basically says, 1. you can't use the ReMixes for profit & 2. please give credit to the ReMixer(s) and give the http://www.ocremix.org so people can find the music if they like it.
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