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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Haha, I vaguely remember that. "Goodbye forever, OCR" or something like that. We miss you, Andy. Could have used you for HD Remix, but you never answered your mails.
  2. Just noting that our PayPal access has been restored. It took some persistence on djp's part to say the least, but now everything's cool. That said, we did have another contest idea just for musicians that we may be able to use some prizes for, and I do like Jimmy's idea of thinking of another giveaway angle unrelated to the donations. We want to give you guys something, so I'll think of a way we can do that for this month!
  3. Jay provided a breakdown, added to the first post. Please check whether your vote would change given this new information, and of course new voters are welcome.
  4. I'm seeing it used in Rez in November 2001, and the other version you're referring to released on Freeland's album Now & Them in September 2003. Is there anyone who can explain when "Mind Killer" originally came out?
  5. BTW, Dale North & "Spacecat" are win. Big favorite of mine from SquareDance.
  6. SquareDance was a production by the now-defunct KFSS Studios and the still-going-strong OneUps Studios. OC ReMix had nothing to do with creating the album, even though djp & several OC ReMixers are on the album. You can learn more about the two versions of the album here: Standard: http://vgmdb.net/album/1591 Limited: http://vgmdb.net/album/1590 In terms of getting a physical copy, eBay, as all the copies were sold out a long time ago.
  7. Just noting that that list is not complete, and we're not looking for suggestions until we fully populate the list with the tags we've come up with. As you may be able to see, we're going beyond genre to come up with a broader set of tags that are more useful.
  8. The only issue I have with Newgrounds' setup is that it rebrands the MP3 tags. I'm not sure how it worked with the free downloads at Last.fm, but if Dave was cool with the tags being altered through uploading to Newgrounds, it's something we could do. I'd lean against it, no hate on Newgrounds.
  9. We're aware of the issue, which had something to do with the encoding. Down the line we may be able to swap in a fixed version, but that will probably be months down the line. But if you just want to fix it for yourself, download the Windows version of MP3val and repair the file yourself. It may be able to fix other MP3s in your collection that don't properly play on iTunes, etc.
  10. Opening sounds a lot like ParagonX9's Super Double Dragon "No. 5 (Snapdragon)", only his sounds were a lot beefier. The opening synths sounded thin and generic and the percussion work (generally the clap pattern) is simplistic and flimsy, so the textures are empty. It doesn't support a 5+ minute song. The lead at :31 was OK, though it should have been more upfront, IMO. Flesh out the supporting instrumentation with a little more complexity, make the leads stand out more, and make you don't clutter up the soundscape while attempting to do those things.
  11. Some of you are fucking crazy! Who's dumb enough to not fly the colors? You all better have flown the colors!
  12. Could anyone provide me some specs on uploading HD videos to Vimeo, and would anyone recommend we pursue that as well?
  13. I tweeted about it. Thanks! http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/1447118905
  14. Nice; looks like I'll have to caption stuff down the line.
  15. Yep, if you shop Zzounds through our Zzounds link, that's a way to support!
  16. Excellent, excellent stuff! Gun.Smoke's got some good cuts in there!
  17. The following link leads to my submission to OverClocked ReMix, entitled Brittanian Tavern. CONTACT INFORMATION Remixer name: Olarin Real name: Bradley Mellen Email address: olarin42@yahoo.com Website: http://bradleymellen.com OCR forum userid: 23257 Please include as collaborator: Remixer name: smokris Real name: Steve Mokris OCR forumserid: 27484 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Game name: Ultima VII: The Black Gate Song name: Marketplace ADDITIONAL GAME INFORMATION Published in 1992 by Origin for DOS Composers: Dana Glover, Raymond Benson, Kathleen Jones, Herman Miller, David R. Watson, Kirk Winterrowd Original soundtrack: .ogg recordings available here: or here: original midi files available here: (the .ogg files are recordings of the midi files on the sound card they were intended for) Screenshot suitable for entry in OCR database: http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/ultima-vii-the-black-gate/screenshots/gameShotId,8717/ ADDITIONAL SUBMISSION INFORMATION This submission is actually a relatively old track; it's a live performance from 2002, from my high school band, pragmatic illusion (http://pi.softpixel.com). Hopefully the production won't be too much of an issue; there's a lot of ambient noise from the coffeehouse where it was recorded (including a friend of ours playing with a set of wooden domino tiles at a table in the back), but in this case I think all the background sounds lend the recording an appropriate ambiance, since the original tune was used in taverns and other sorts of social gathering places in the game (hence the ReMix title), and I wanted to give it some additional exposure so as to share it with anyone who might enjoy it. If this is accepted, please give credit in the write-up to the musicians involved: Bradley Mellen (Olarin): keyboard (lead) Steve Mokris (smokris): electronic drumset Jenna Dalbey: electric violoncello Tina Kemp: keyboard (bass) Steve would like to be included as a collaborator; I included his forum ID above. --------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima VII: The Black Gate - (09) "Marketplace" The recording quality's pretty strong, even though the overall levels were way too quiet. No issue with the ambient noise of the room; it was a nice touch. If there are individual recordings of this, I'd redo the mixing, but I imagine that's not the case. Overall though, the performance was a bit bland. The textures were pretty sparse, thus there was too much empty space. I thought the comparative fullness of the lead keyboard from 1:24-1:36 made me think that issue was over, but after that it was still pretty empty. The bass has no presence at all until 3:07, which was a shame, since that was supposed to anchor the arrangement to the source tune at all times. Then at 3:07, the bass was creeping toward the muddy/indistinct side. Gotta find the sweet spot. The cello performance was a good concept, but a weak link as far as the performance IMO; perhaps that's just me, so I'd like a second opinion on 2:24-2:36. Both the bass and the cello should have both been louder. The percussion sounded good, and did a decent job of filling out the soundfield, but needed to be pulled back some (except during the percussion solos). Arrangement-wise, the dynamic contrast was a bit lacking. I'd probably be able to get over that if the mixing was well-executed. Interesting arrangement with some expansive qualities, but I thought the sum total of smaller issues was enough to hold it back. Obviously this can't be re-performed, but if there are separate master recordings of the parts, this could be put in a passable state. NO (resubmit)
  18. That wasn't Dave in the stock photo. Also, Txai doesn't realize that I don't care about French horns, I care about snare drums. No one gets those right. As far as this year's joke goes, we're busy people. So we had fun doing a simple cybersquatted page. Definitely got emails from people asking if we'd be hacked or got pwnt by Conficker, so mission accomplished!
  19. Not even sure what you're talking about though. Everything in the Albums section is completed, everything in the Projects sections is in-progress.
  20. ReMixer name: Chinballz Real name: Marcus Lundmark e-mail: Hellmeppo_92@hotmail.com Game: DonkeyKong Country Song name: Fear Factory -theme Remix name: ape Fear Additional: A couple of weeks ago I had a moment of enlightment, remembering just how much fun the DKC-series was, remembering how I used to play them a toddler. Before I changed my mind I went to the computer and tracked down a copy of it. While waiting for the game to get shipped I started working on this remix, a remix of the wonderful theme to FearFactory. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hahaha! Your handle is pretty stupid, Marcus, but let's see what you got. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkc - "Fear Factory" (dkc-20.spc) I hear the kind of trancey/club style you're going for, but the arrangement's a bit too repetitive and underdeveloped for me to fully get behind it. From 2:46-on, the ideas basically retread, and it didn't retain my interest. Even before then, the arrangement should be doing more in terms of melodic interpretation, and the beat patterns during the verses got played out pretty quickly. I enjoyed the dynamic changeup during the chorus (featuring the piano) the first time. It was close, and I don't mean to shortchange what does work about this, but a bit more development and evolution of the ideas would make things more interesting and put this over the top for me. NO (resubmit)
  21. Kraid's Varia Jazz 3:38/192kbps/5.01 MB Contact Information ReMixer Name: J3 Email: softsynth@gmail.com Userid: 24227 Submission Information Game: Super Metroid Songs: Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area, Opening ~ Destruction of the Space Colony Comments: I've always enjoyed this track. There have been plenty of rearrangements of it, but I tried to make this one stand out. I'm a remix n00b, but I tried to get a lot of interpretation into this one even though my production isn't stellar. I used the best free soundfonts I could find. Using 128 MB of RAM and a 450 Mhz processor, I pulled this together, almost frying my hardware. So enjoy. Special thanks to the WIP board where I got tons of advice. Thanks -J3 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) Not terrible, but not cohesive either. Those snare drum didn't fit, and the piano sequencing was mechanical. Since those were the two main elements of the track, the whole execution was going to suffer as a result. Creative arrangement though, Jay. Hopefully the other Js can give you some good feedback on how to improve your usage of these sounds. NO
  22. Hi, included is a submission of my band's recent recording of the Underground Theme from Super Mario 3. It is in the middle of an original song, but for the submission I have edited it to just the Underground Theme. It will still be called Fire of the Mind though. The remixer name is MarbleGarden. Our website is myspace.com/marblegarden. Our real band name is Marble Garden, but my name is Angelo. ID number is http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=27366 Enjoy!
  23. Forgot to mention, Tony hooked me up with a strongsauced version on 3/12 that gets rid of the shitty snare. It's ready to roll!
  24. Some major quality disparities with the guitar synth, but some redeeming qualities - LT Hi there, I'm submitting a recent arrangement I had to make of the Halo 3 themes most prominently found in "Finish the Fight" — the iconic track on the original soundtrack. The requested details are as follows: Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Mathazzar * Your real name: Marius Masalar * Your email addres: marius.masalar@gmail.com * Your website: www.mathazzar.com * Your userid: 20770 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Halo 3 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Finish the Fight" * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): You folks seem to have the original Halo added (here: http://www.ocremix.org/game/halo-xbox/) but not Halo 3 from what I was able to see. Either way, it's pretty well-known; a game for the Xbox 360, with the soundtrack still written by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. * Link to the original soundtrack: As for my own comments, it's interesting because I'm actually not a fan of the Halo series myself, as funny as that sounds. I think they're fun and I've played all three but I can't say I was particularly moved or intrigued by any of them. Nevertheless, I'm quite fond of the music (even though the choral theme is pretty blatantly ripped from Jack Wall's Myst IV theme, but I digress). This "remix" came about because of a recent small machinima scoring project I had where my music was being used in conjunction with the original soundtrack. As a result, I decided to make use of the original thematic material while giving it my own feel, without compromising its ability to coexist with the original. I had a lot of fun with the track; I tried to give it a driving, motivating sort of feel while retaining the primarily cinematic orchestral style it had before. When I was done, it occurred to me that the community at large may like to hear it as well. And since it's for a fairly smale-scale, charity project, I retain full rights to it and I decided that the best way to share it around with the gaming community would be to showcase it with you fine folks. In any event, here is the link: Thank you kindly for your consideration and I hope you enjoy my work! Marius Masalar Mathazzar Studios Composer for Media
  25. ReMixer Name: Maxo Real Name: Max Coburn Email: maximum28@aol.com Website: myspace.com/maxoelectronic Game: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Name: Aqua Star (or Seashore in some OSTs) Additional Info: -Composer: Jun Ishikawa -System: Nintendo 64 Link to original: Comments: It's been a very long time, and through rejections and other frustrations I stopped submitting remixes I had made to the site until I got good enough to blatantly outdo myself. Sure enough, I've .. blatantly outdone myself. Sooo, here I am with a new remix. After getting an almost disgusting amount of practice remixing every song in Kirby's Dreamland 2 (I wanted to, I really did), I listened back to some Kirby 64 music, and the theme for level 3-1 stuck out as something I could really get creative with. So I did, and I polished it off in one night. Now... I might regret that, but I think it sounds great. The original has a fittingly tropical feel to it, but I decided go for a funkier sound. However, I meld it with some other styles later on. It gets pretty heavy. I think that sometimes, with remixes I miss the mark entirely, but other times, like this one, I'm spot-on with what I'd like to accomplish. I'm really confident in this one. Thanks! The file is attached! -Max -------------------------------------------- http://hcs64.com/usf/sets/kirby64usf.zip - 20 "Aqua Star" Not bad, although the sounds are thin and the lead at :28 was too bright & upfront. Compared to "Syrup's Secret Stash" the mixing here sounded too squeaky clean and could have used a little more room ambiance or just something to glue the sounds together more. The guitar at 1:18-1:25 padded the track out nicely; gimme some more of that. What's up with the perc from :57-1:11? The cymbal crashes sounded more like static than cymbals; seemed to crowd out other elements in the soundscape. The background at 2:23 writing seemed dissonant with the melody. The ending at 3:04 was a TERRIBLE resolution. It cut off abruptly too, but I'm talking about the writing. I'm feeling the arrangement, even if some of the synths were shrill and unpleasant. Perhaps touch some of that up, but the main thing I'd like to see is the soundscape fleshed out and glued together better. NO
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