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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Alright folks. We're fast approaching the return of VGF. I'll be doing a preview show for Season 2 this coming Thursday night from 10 PM to 12 AM EST. There won't be any requests, since I'm saving those for next Saturday, the official "OMG Thingamajig" celebrating the return of of the show. As usual, we'll be hanging out in the "VG Frequency" chat room on AIM, so if you're not familiar with the show, hit me up on Liontamer87 to get into the chat. (Guess the name of the chat room for no prizes!)
  2. Sorry if this was repeated earlier in the thread: Will the BT URL be permanently added to the Goodies section up top?
  3. We're getting pretty close to VG Frequency starting back up again, so I'm feeling good on that front. I'm hoping to put up a section on the VGF webpage devoted to the show's playlists, plus I still have some AIM interviews I'd like to get out there down the line. The current rundown of the Season 1 playlists is coming pretty soon. I'll just edit the post once I host the document. Then you can go "OMG, I've been played X times!" or "WTF, Larry? Play my stuff more often, bitch!" Once I listen to the archives of shows #10-13.5 later in the month, I can provide call-in and interview details for the later shows, but for now you'll just have to settle for a rundown of tracks on those episodes. If you're not busy now (i.e. if you have yet to start classes yet) and would like to do a bumper/jingle/station identification for the show before Season 2 gets underway, please do (preferably with 3 seconds of silence at the end). I'm hoping for some new blood on a couple of bumpers. If you're down with an interview sometime down the line, let me know as well. There's always room for you and your communist rantings on the show.
  4. I found out a few days ago that I will indeed be coming back next semester. You may have noticed in my sig that the next show will be on January 24th, shortly after WMRE has us DJs go back on the air. I really appreciate everyone's well wishes in hoping that I'd be alright and that the show could come back, so I wanted to briefly let people know why the show was in jeopardy before I get to a few things I'm planning to do for next semester. For those of you who don't know, I suffer from one of the forms of anxiety disorder, and I have a tough time going to classes much of the time (as well as going out to other places that involve strangers). Most of my classes has attendace components or pop quizzes that factored into 25-30% of my grades, and I almost got lower than a C average, which would have flunked me out of Emory. Luckily, I was able to talk to my professors, and in conjuction with me working hard to fight my anxiety interacting with others over the last 2 months, I was able to pull my shoddy GPA this semester to a 2.0 exactly. To be perfectly honest with you, by all reasoning, I probably wasn't coming back. Frankly, it was busting my ass combined with a LOT of luck that's keeping my around, so I don't intend to let things slip so dramatically again. I actually function a lot better meeting new people when I have someone else that knows them as well, which is pretty much the only way I meet other people, otherwise I keep to myself (which is what I generally do every day). Hosting VG Frequency allowed me to meet a lot of new people, thanks to them taking the first step of breaking the ice with me, so the show's certainly been a worthwhile experience. Besides, I don't experience an abnormal level of performance anxiety performing in front of large crowds or doing a radio show, since that's another form of anxiety. Anyway, that's the briefest summary I can give you (instead of an autobiography) of why the show was in danger of ending, but don't worry about me at this point. I don't wanna make a big deal about it, plus I intend to be a lot more proactive in regards to handling my problems now that I've been jolted into action. Now that that's cleared up, lemme first thanks every single person who's listened into the show, even though we all hate the RealPlayer webstream. We always have a good crowd chillin in the AIM chat room and they make the show enjoyable for everyone, including myself, even when I'm hectically working on things over the course of the program. I'm also glad that loads of different mixers and fans have been able to interact and get acquainted with each other because of the show. Thanks a lot to Species for archiving the shows every week, which I honestly never expected as a possibility when I first started the show. Everyone, especially the people who have called in for interviews and myself, has really appreciated being able to have copies of the shows to listen to. I can't provide the shows from #10 to the end of season 1 until I go back to school and its high-speed network, so be patient on getting those archives. The holdup is all on my end, and not Species, who always works hard to master the shows and compensate for any problems the stream may have had. Thanks to all the interviewees and callers who have participated in the show that way. I'm not afraid to say that having people in the remixing community on the air definitely contributes a lot of legitimacy to the show as being something that people involved with OCR & VGMix should go out of their way to check out. For the people I interviewed, I hope I did a good job of being fairly knowledgeable about your works and providing you with relevant, intelligent questions. Everyone who's made a bumper also kicks ass, especially OverCoat & Rayza. I can't say I expected 21 bumpers instead of maybe 3, so the turnout over the course of the season was great, plus I didn't get a single shitty one. I'm glad everyone who made one had fun playing around with ideas. Keep 'em coming! If you wanna check out all of the bumpers created so far, go over to my webspace here and snag 'em. Every time AIM Fs up on me, I'm glad I have guys I can count on like The Coop, OverCoat & others to hook my up with the show's weekly chat transcript, so people can look back on how unbelievably stupid we all were. Looking back on show #6, I know we're all going to hell. And of course, at the heart of the show is the music, so in addition to being glad about playing regular VGM, thanks to all of the mixers who have provided me with material to spotlight on the show. I never thought I'd have a easy time filling up the two hours of my show every week, but once I hit show #4 I was always pressed for time to fit everything in. Everyone's been great giving me the heads up on new material and providing me with SECRET glimpses into WIPs and releases, and Ignis generously hooked me up with free overnight shipping on a copy of FF: The Black Mages, so we're never at a shortage of stuff to play. Of course, everything's tentative, but I do have plans for future shows, including IMC & BEER spotlights, spotlights on the Psyscapes & ReVamped soundtracks, the H*R interview with the Brothers Chaps, another all-originals show featuring only original music from the VGM remixing community, as well as a show with only regular music tracks picked by mixers. And of course, we'll be pimpin' out video game music and mixers, along with interviews on a regular basis, so be sure to be along for the ride once we get started again next month on January 24th. I may be able to slip in a preview show sometime between January 20th & 24th to kick off season 2, but of course I'll let you know about that. In the meantime, everyone enjoy their holiday breaks, and we'll start back up in no time.
  5. Great stuff by showdax here. I was lucky enough to lend an ear with some of the EQing on in when this was a WIP, so I think everything sounds well done. I know zyko was kinda critical on the guitar synth used here, but getting a guitarist isn't something that can just be done when you want it to be. Shadow did some nice work programming the guitar synth and giving it a lot of energy. Compared to the original theme "Bazaar" from EB/Mother 2, "Funky Bookas" rocks out a lot more. Dax'll kill me for saying this too, but the EarthBound soundtrack is pretty strange. To me, it doesn't seem musically coherent, since everything's composed with weird sound effects. "Bazaar" is one of the better tracks from EarthBound, but Shadow succeeded in creating something more well-rounded musically. As the resident EarthBound music enthusiast at OCR, Shadow's got plenty of great stuff coming up as well. I think you'll really enjoy "Live at Jackie's" as well as "Oceans of Mud". Check those WIPs out at VGMix or the OCR WIP forums and drop some comments on those. They're just as ambitious as Funky Bookas. Excellent stuff all around.
  6. Yo, folks! I still don't know anything about the status of the show next semester, but again, I'll let you know as soon as I can. In the meantime, here's the playlist from the final show from a few weeks ago. Of course, I would have put it up sooner, but finals were approaching, and I needed to put all of my focus on that. If everything was smooth sailing, I would have snuck into WMRE and did yet another show on the 13th. Here's the playlist for the VG Frequency finale, or #13.5 if you want to call it that. Thanks to everyone who called in with their well-wishes for the show and the holiday as well. I don't believe DCT actually cut off, but we'll see when Species has the archive available. I'll be hosting the chat transcript sometime later over the weekend: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 - 10:05 PM - 12:45 AM EST 1. Syusaku Uchiyama - "Title" [Mega Man 8 OSV] 2. Nobuo Uematsu - "Walls of the Sacred Beasts" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 3. DarkeSword - "Distance" [http://www.darkesword.com] 4. Nobuo Uematsu - "Revivication" [Final Fantasy II (Final Fantasy Origins) OST] 5. shadow - EarthBound "Oceans of Mud" (Render 4) [VGMix2 #572] 6. Keiichi Suzuki & Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka - "You've Come Far, Ness" [EarthBound OSV] 7. Nobuo Uematsu - "Underwater Temple" [Final Fantasy I (Final Fantasy Origins) OST] 8. bLiNd - F-Zero 1 "Lake of Firefield" [F-Zero Megamix] 9. Hiroki Kikuta - "Spirit of the Night" [secret of Mana OST] 10. Gecko Yamori - Mega Man 2 "Chill" (WIP 2) [VGMix2 #537] 11. Star Salzman - Mega Man 2 "Tickle My Wily" [http://www.starblast.org] 12. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Shadow Forest" [Chrono Cross OST] 13. DCT - "The Throwback" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 14. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Earth Dragon's Island" [Chrono Cross OST] 15. SuperGreenX - Dance Dance Revolution "A" (WIP) [http://www.supergreenx.com] 16. Hitoshi Sakimoto & Masaharu Iwata - "Repose" [Final Fantasy Tactics OST] 17. Nobuo Uematsu - "Costa del Sol" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 18. shadow - "Personality" [http://www.dackz.net] 19. Children of the Monkey Machine - Secret of Mana "Pure Lands Total Darkness" [OC ReMix #1084] 20. OverCoat - Metroid 1 "The Brinstar Beat" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 21. Hiroki Kikuta - "Far Thunder" [secret of Mana OST] 22. Nobuo Uematsu - "Dark Messenger" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 23. Jared Hudson w/zyko - "The Sting" [http://www.hudsonstudios.net] 24. Destiny f/Species 8472 & Liontamer - Seiken Densetsu 3 "This Heart (Tribute to VG Frequency Mix)" [VG Frequency] 25. Charlie Y.K, Hiya & Hiroshi - "Solo Sortie" [super R-Type OSV] 26. Star Salzman - Final Fantasy 7 "It's Hard to Stand Next to Me When I'm So Freaking Seasick" [ironMix Challenge X: The Big One (General Discussion)]
  7. I'm doing a special finale wrap-up episode of VG Frequency tonight from 10 PM to 12 AM EST, so I'm looking for as many people to be here as possible, as long as it's not getting in the way of finals or whatever else you have going on. The show will have a couple of fresh tracks and some other stuff, but will hopefully be based on call-ins. If you can call in and shoot the shit on the air for a few minutes, I'll be glad to have you on. The number for WMRE is (404) 727-9673. I'm hoping to have as many people as possible call in for a few minutes. Even if you can't make it tonight, thanks for your support throughout the semester, and again, I'll have some final thoughts about the show to post when I have some free time during finals. Hopefully, I'll see you around tonight.
  8. Thanks again to Shadow for the OGG mirror he provided tonight, as well as The Coop for our chat transcript. Species recording may be pretty iffy, since RealPlayer was messing up for more than a handful of people for some reason. Not a big deal though. I'm really appreciative that he's been recording the shows. Look for MP3 archives for shows 10-13 when I have time to get them from him. Like I was saying in the chat and on the air, I may be able to do a fill-in show on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday as a free-form wrapup show with random mixes being played and a focus done on call-ins so we can chill around. No promises though, since I don't know if anyone else will be giving up their time, plus it's getting to be time for finals. For all intents and purposes though, VG Frequency is wrapped up. Thanks a lot for all the feedback and "No, don't be over" comments. [smiley face] I'll be doing a nice lil' sentimental post sometime later, and I'll be letting you know the show's status for next semester as soon as I can, which'll be a couple of weeks. Here's tonight's playlist, and thanks again everyone for tuning in: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, December 6, 2003 - 10:15 PM - 12:05 AM EST 1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper 2. NoppZ - "Midnight Samba" [http://www.stationmp3.com/noppz] 3. Juverna - "Blackberry" [http://members.dsl-only.net/~bullard/candy] 4. DarkeSword - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker "Ancient Hero" [VGMix2 #453/OC ReMix #1079] 5. DarkeSword - Chrono Trigger "The Beautiful Traveller (Starlight Mix)" [http://www.darkesword.com] 6. Masato Nakamura - "Casino Night Zone (2-Player)" [sonic the Hedgehog 2 OSV] 7. zyko - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Pokerface" [VGMix2 #523] 8. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper 9. JigginJonT - F-Zero 1 "Silent Progression" [VGMix2 #492] 10. Cool Ethan - "Ode To the Guy Who Stole My Wallet" [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont] 11. bLiNd - StarFox "Space Cowboys" [starFox Ultimate Collaboration Project/VGMix2 #525/OC ReMix #1083] 12. shadow - "Badger Freaq" [http://www.dackz.net] 13. Nobuo Uematsu - "Dancing Mad (Part 2)" [Final Fantasy VI OST] 14. Dhsu - Final Fantasy 6 "Dance of Madness (con fuoco)" [VGMix2 #420] 15. Dhsu - Final Fantasy 6 "Dance of Madness (marcato)" [VGMix2 #504] 16. The Coop - Phantasy Star 4 "Wounds of the Past v2" [VGMix2 #459] 17. Midee w/Prozax & Jeremy Johnson - Axelay "Kick My Axe (Remastered)" [VGMix2 #95] 18. Hiroki Kikuta - "Angel's Fear" [seiken Densetsu 3 OSV] 19. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Sucka DJ" Bumper 20. OverCoat - Seiken Densetsu 3 "Angels Dear" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 21. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper 22. BT w/Wildchild - "Kimosabe" [Need For Speed: Underground OSV] 23. SuperGreenX - "Unsteady Unsure" [http://www.supergreenx.com] 24. Ghetto Lee Lewis - Tales of Phantasia "Emotions Lost in Time" [ironMix Challenge XIV: Do Not Forget Your Sword/OC ReMix #1076] 25. Nobuo Uematsu - "Fanfare" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 26. aluminum - Final Fantasy 7 "Climhazzard Rush" [OC ReMix #1078] 27. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper 28. Beatdrop - Raiden "Thunderous Dawn" [OC ReMix #1082] 29. analoq - "Music 910C Final" [Musique Teknology] 30. Syusaku Uchiyama - "Frostman Theme" [Mega Man 8 OSV] 31. Liontamer - "Blak Omen Is My Bitch Project PSA" [Blak Omen Is My Bitch Project] 32. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper 33. Blak Omen - Chrono Trigger "Evil Refactory (Alternate Take)" WIP [VGMix2 #129] 34. Rayza - VG Frequency "Christmas Time 2003" Bumper 35. Unknown - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Artifact of Power, Movement One - A Storm in the Desert" [VGMix2 #455] 36. Hiroki Kikuta - "Delicate Affection" [seiken Densetsu 3 OSV] 37. Destiny - Seiken Densetsu 3 "This Heart" [VGMix2 #501] 38. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Earth Dragon's Island" [Chrono Cross OST]
  9. So, so soon. Seriously, you better be here tonight!
  10. Tonight's the final show of VG Frequency; lots of bueno stuff is gonna be on the air, so if you haven't checked out the show before, be sure to go out of your way for the last one. We've got a heaping of some of the more recent OC ReMixes with Ghetto Lee Lewis, Spinning Images, DarkeSword, aluminum & Beatdrop. VGMix is heavily represented tonight with tons of tracks from zyko, Unknown, bLiNd, Dhsu, The Coop, JigginJonT, Blak Omen, OverCoat, Destiny, Midee & Prozax. SgtRama hooks us up with a Need For Speed: Underground request: "Kimosabe" by bt. Rayza & OverCoat provide 2 new bumpers. As we come to the end of the year and look forward to 2004, Rayza offers his reflections on the year 2003. Along with other fresh new mixes available from DarkeSword & OverCoat, there's a heaping of originals with NoppZ, analoq, Juverna, SuperGreenX & Cool Ethan (f/JigginJonT). VG Frequency: "Be there and be Square"
  11. I'm busy chillin' in Savannah this week, so I won't be in Atlanta to do VG Frequency this week. If I have time sometime next week though, I may slip in a weeknight show to make up for it. The Saturday after next will be the last show.
  12. Definitely don't want to forget to thank Red Omen for two dope new parody style bumpers. Nice work, Ryan! To celebrate a job well done on my Philosophy of Law test before the Turkey day break, I'm doing a show before Thanksgiving and chilling around in the studio. I'll be playing random VGM stuffs, so check it out. The VGMix VG Frequency thread is a lot smaller right now, so you can check the first post on it for all the details you need if you're new. Here's the advance playlist: 1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper 2. Satoshi Ise - "Player Select 1" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OST] 3. Satoshi Ise - "Stimulation" [Capcom vs. SNK 2 OSV] 4. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "WMRE Jingle" Bumper 5. K. Praslowicz - "City Of Dust" [Null Era] 6. Masato Nakamura - "Star Light Zone" [sonic The Hedgehog 1 OST] 7. Kenta Negata - "Koopa Troopa Beach" [Mario Kart 64 OST] 8. SuperGreenX - Ecco 2: Tides of Time "Drift" [OC ReMix #1013] 9. Nobuo Uematsu - "Fanfare" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 10. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper 11. Akitaka Tohyama, Yu Miyake, Nobuyoshi San, Keiichi Okabe & Rio Hamamoto - "Xiaoyu Stage BGM" [Tekken Tag Tournament OST] 12. Adhesive Boy - Treasure Hunter G "Linoleum Stalactites" [OC ReMix #1003] 13. Injury - Super Mario Bros. 1 "8-Bit Eighties" [OC ReMix #428] 14. GrayLightning - Phantasy Star 2 "Dezoris Winter" [OC ReMix #1065] 15. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World" [Chrono Cross OST] 16. Maniac #9 - Stunt Race FX "10K CC" [ironMix Challenge VIII: Ask Mr. Owl] 17. Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper 18. B1itz Lunar - Super Mario World "Donut Grooves" [VGMix2 #321] 19. Wintermute - Final Fantasy 7 "Jenova Rose" [ironMix Challenge X: The Big One (Unmoderated)] 20. Protricity - Final Fantasy 6 "Enchanted Esper" [OC ReMix #744] 21. Tomoya Ootani - "Please Wait" [ChuChu Rocket! OSV] 22. Joshua Morse - Final Fantasy 7 "Where Destiny Meets" [OC ReMix #994] 23. Ben Cousins - Super Mario Kart "Donut Plains Aspen Colorado" [http://www.mp3.com/bencousins] 24. McVaffe - CastleVania Adventure "CV2K" [OC ReMix #230] 25. The Minibosses - Punch-Out!! "RISC Punch-Out" [http://www.minibosses.com] 26. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper 27. Yoko Shimomura - "Barrel Volcano" [super Mario RPG OST] 28. Sine - Super Mario RPG "Seeking Heat" [OC ReMix #1027] 29. Koji Kondo - "Underground BGM " [super Mario World 2 OSV] 30. mv - Super Mario World "You Suck at Super Mario Bros. 4!" [VGMix2 #364] 31. Scott Peeples - Command & Conquer "On the Prowl Redux" [OC ReMix #417] 32. McVaffe - "Snowstorm" [Last of the Alamatra Knights OSV] 33. T."Anie".N, Yuk, Krsk, V-Tomozoh, Kan, Apple Z, More Rich, Narinari & Ippo - "Freezeman Theme" [Mega Man VII OSV] 34. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Hot Mansex" Bumper 35. OverCoat - "Gainsay" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 36. Isao Abe, Syun Nishigaki, Setsuo Yamamoto, Yuko Kadota, Kuru-Kuru Chance Iwami & Naoshi Mizuta - "Charlie Stage" [street Fighter Zero 1 OSV] 37. SuperPope - Metroid "Kraid" [ultracheesy] 38. Disco Dan - "Daily Grind " [http://www.jonx.net/~discodan] 39. Richard Jacques - "Rusty Ruin (Act 2)" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 40. Satoshi Ise - "Player Select 2" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OSV] 41. Hitoshi Sakimoto & Masaharu Iwata - "Game Over" [Final Fantasy Tactics OST]
  13. Thanks to everyone who tuned in this week, although it felt like a diaster for me, since 1) the internet was the most difficult it had ever been on the station computer and I kept getting booted from AIM and 2) someone messed up the soundboard at the studio earlier in the week and made everything ridiculously difficult, including the levels for the FFmusic Dj interview. Species' archive for this show won't be out for a long time, since the levels were all over the place, but next year sounds like a good timeframe for it. Thanks to Haroon Piracha for a LONG , but very insightful interview on a hell of a lot of topics. The gist of the interview focuses on the fact that Haroon has come a long way from both a singular focus on remixing Final Fantasy and a singular focus on trance music. The tracks I played during Haroon's interview probably didn't even register thanks to problems with the phone. I may do a quick show on Tuesday or Wednesday to showcase those properly. Find out what you can about FFmusic Dj's original game work to listen to the broader extent of his work. The chat transcript is here. Check the root directory for a few of Destiny's 2003 tracks, for those of you who really enjoyed "Fly (Your Heart Is Young)". The playlist is below (and I know StationMP3's been dead). No show next week, cuz it's Thanksgiving here in the States... Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 10:10 PM - 12 AM EST 1. Rayza f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Number One Host" Bumper 2. Satoshi Ise - "Player Select 1" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OSV] 3. The Black Lodge - "Summer '99" [http://www.mp3.com/theblacklodge] 4. Nobuo Uematsu - "Walls of the Sacred Beasts" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 5. Rayagon - Hitman: Codename 47 "Chained to a Barcode" [OC ReMix #1075] 6. Red Omen - VG Frequency "Brings Us Together" Bumper 7. OverCoat - Final Fantasy 6 "The People of the Ruined World" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 8. Delerium & Sarah McLachlan f/FFmusic Dj - "Silence (Hap Club Mix)" [http://www.ffmusic.net] 9. FFmusic Dj - Final Fantasy 7 "Otanjoubi Cid" [OC ReMix #833] 10. FFmusic Dj gives an interview to talk about everything under the sun [http://www.ffmusic.net] 11. FFmusic Dj - "Level 1" [The Omega Initiative OST] 12. FFmusic Dj - Final Fantasy 10 "Trance to Zanarkand" [string Machine] 13. FFmusic Dj - "Winter's Wake" [Vector Mirage OST] 14. FFmusic Dj - "In Cold Pursuit" [Vector Mirage OST] 15. FFmusic Dj - "Level 2" [The Omega Initiative OST] 16. Pixelated - Legend of Zelda 2 "Crying Alone in the Darkness" [VGMix2 #411] 17. Red Omen - VG Frequency "Friendly Suggestion" Bumper 18. The Wingless - StarFox "The Obsidian Ocean" [starFox Ultimate Collaboration Project/VGMix2 #424] 19. DarkeSword - "Tempest - Act II, Scene II" [http://www.darkesword.com] 20. kLuTz - Final Fantasy 1 "Simple Joys" [VGMix2 #365] 21. Nobuo Uematsu - Black Mage's Village [Final Fantasy IX OST] 22. Rayza - VG Frequency "Sonic Retard" Bumper 23. Shael Riley - Legend of Zelda 1 "Zelda: The Music of My Groin (2003 Mobgoblin ReMix)" [http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley] 24. Destiny & zyko - Chrono Cross "Dragon's Prayer: The Blackened Desire" [VGMix2 #361] 25. Destiny - "Fly (Your Heart Is Young) Version 2" [http://www.destiny-hikari.net] 26. NoppZ - Final Fantasy 6 "Funky Terra" [http://www.stationmp3.com/noppz] 27. Satoshi Ise - "Player Select 2" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OSV] 28. Satoshi Ise - "Game Over" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OSV]
  14. I won't play a song unless I have the proper artist, title, album & copyright info for it, because I don't want to ever miscredit anything. It's also station policy to have all that information available. If someone managed to find out the relevant info for it, I could play it.
  15. You better be, Henry! [mean face] Hahaha. But yeah, try and be there if you can. Considering I've been focusing extra attention on my classes, I haven't been around all week, so I haven't laid out too many things for tomorrow night. I'll be working on getting everything ready, but for now, I'll quickly point out what I'm planning to go with so far. 1. FFmusicDJ will be this week's interview, so check him out on the air addressing a host of topics and also see what Haroon's got cooking, including his latest remix of original music, Delerium f/Sarah McLachlan - "Silence (Hap Club Mix)". 2. Just to play it properly after last week's metaphorical burp, I'll be playing the dope original track once again from The Black Lodge, "Summer '99". 3. Considering OverCoat's disdain for Nobuo Uematsu, he's nonetheless got an interesting take on a Final Fantasy 6 track, and it's not one of the over-remixed ones either. Check out "The People of the Ruined World". 4. Destiny's recent Chrono Cross collab with zyko "Dragon's Prayer: The Blackened Desire" is her first remix available on VGMix2... 5. ...We'll be checking that out, as well as the revised version of Helen's original vocal track "Fly (Your Heart Is Young)". 6. For those of you who enjoyed Shariq calling in last Saturday, DarkeSword will allow us to check out an original Shakesperian theatrical piece that also happens to be his first-ever paid composition (*cough* $5). 7. Courtesy of JigginJonT's request, Pixelated serves up some somber, explicit Zelda 2 prose-style action with "Crying Alone in the Darkness". 8. It's not an easy task to get a remix of yours into the Stuff of Legends on VGMix. Only 2 have managed to get there and STAY there. kLuTz has managed to do just that, and we'll be taking a listen to his new Final Fantasy 1 town theme remix "Simple Joys". It's all good. Was there ever any doubt? Be sure to check everything out Saturday night, 10 PM - 12 AM EST. The link's in my sig.
  16. Yo yo, peoples. After eating some delicious sushi like a gaijin American pig-dog and drinking some el33t Goya peach nectar (oh, that shit is GOOD), it's time to run down what we played tonight. I gotta thank Species for tonight's show recording, assuming everything went down alright, since he did have to go to sleep while it was recording. Thanks to SgtRama for the brand new bumper, which I luckily saw just before I left for the studio. I was able to get that into tonight's show for the INSTANT GRATIFICATION, so thanks again to Doug for the hookup. We certainly have a great amount of bumpers for the show, and I will host them all at some point. We're at 17 bumpers. Maybe the magic number is 20. Thanks to all the new people who came by to check out the show today on this special weekday edition of the show. A lot of them, including Carbunk1e, were from AnimeRemix, or they were Suzumebachi's friends, and it's good to have fresh faces checking it out. Over the course of the night, we must have had around 35 different people in and out of the chat, so it was really productive, despite the late time. Check out what everyone was yakkin' about with the VG Frequency AIM chat transcript. Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves and the show, and I hope many of you can turn out for next Saturday's show, which will be the last before Thanksgiving. No show during the holiday. I'm eating turkey. The playlist below isn't quite turkey, but it's certainly satisfying nonetheless: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 12:10 - 2:05 AM EST 1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper 2. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Viper Manor" [Chrono Cross OST] 3. SuperGreenX - Unnamed WIP (a.k.a. "Big Bonar Song"/"H0tness In Your Mouf") [http://www.mp3.com/supergreenx] 4. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "Star Egotism" Bumper 5. L Spiro - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Konkluded Epik" [VGMix2 #338] 6. Jared Hudson - "G.H.O.S.T. Ops Theme" [G.H.O.S.T. Ops OST] 7. MC & Blak Omen - Final Fantasy 9 "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" [http://www.sectionz.com/artist.asp?SZID=6361] 8. Nobuo Uematsu - "Costa Del Sol" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 9. Jaroban - "Shades of Change" [http://bantaj.flatirons.org] 10. Rakin & Ponzer - "Sue Your Boss" [Grand Theft Auto 3: Chatterbox OSV] 11. Koda Kumi - "real Emotion" [Final Fantasy X-2: real Emotion/1000 Words] 12. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Hot Mansex" Bumper 13. OverCoat - "Training Diapers" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 14. Nobuo Uematsu - "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 15. D12 f/DCT - Super Mario Bros. 1 "Fight Music (Bowser Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 16. Unknown - StarFox "Ancient Legends" [ironMix Challenge XVII: "Fox, I'm Creeped Out. Over."/VGMix2 #288] 17. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat a Bumper" Bumper 18. Israfel - Chrono Trigger "Lesser Kerubic Patchwork" [VGMix1/http://www.sablewings.com] 19. Nobuo Uematsu - "Julia" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] 20. Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper 21. Gux - Bionic Commando "Going Commando" [VGMix2 #289] 22. Cabbageboy - "Donkey Kong" [Genetically Modified] 23. Fernando - "Fernando's New Beginnings" [Grand Theft Auto 3: Chatterbox OSV] 24. Ailsean - Final Fantasy 1 "Subaqueous Angels of Chaos" [VGMix2 #91] 25. Nobuo Uematsu - "Breezy" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] 26. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper 27. Jayson Litrio - Mega Man 2 "Dr. Wily's Wedding" [OC ReMix #1025] 28. The Black Lodge - "Summer '99" [http://www.mp3.com/theblacklodge] 29. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Frozen Flame" [Chrono Cross OST] 30. Wave Theory - "Breakbeat Demo Mix" [http://www.planetskill.com] 31. Satoshi Ise - "Menu Display 2" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OST]
  17. The show starts at 12 AM EST, so that's about 10-15 minutes. Be sure to IM Liontamer87 to get into the chat tonight. The tracklist for tonight is on the previous page. And I'm off...
  18. Just to let everyone know what's to be expected, here's how I've basically laid out tonight's show. Though it's late for a weekday, I hope I see a good amount of people around tonight. Some things might move around, but this is the preview: SuperGreenX - Unnamed WIP [http://www.mp3.com/supergreenx] Star Salzman - VG Frequency "Star Egotism" Bumper L Spiro - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Konkluded Epik" [VGMix2 #338] Jared Hudson - "G.H.O.S.T. Ops Theme" [G.H.O.S.T. Ops OST] MC & Blak Omen - Final Fantasy 9 "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" [http://www.sectionz.com/artist.asp?SZID=6361] Nobuo Uematsu - "Costa Del Sol" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] Jaroban - "Shades of Change" [Mile High Jazz Camp/http://bantaj.flatirons.org] Koda Kumi - "Real Emotion" [Final Fantasy X-2 Real Emotion/1000 Words Single] OverCoat - VG Frequency "Hot Mansex" Bumper OverCoat - "Training Diapers" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] Nobuo Uematsu - "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" [Final Fantasy VII OST] D12 f/DCT - "Fight Music (Bowser Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com] Unknown - StarFox "Ancient Legends" [ironMix Challenge XVII/VGMix2 #288] Israfel - Chrono Trigger "Lesser Kerubic Patchwork" [VGMix1] Nobuo Uematsu - "Julia" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper Gux - Bionic Commando "Going Commando" [VGMix2 #289] Ailsean - Final Fantasy 1 "Subaqueous Angels of Chaos" [VGMix2 #91] Nobuo Uematsu - "Breezy" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper Jayson Litrio - Mega Man 2 "Dr. Wily's Wedding" [OC ReMix #1025] The Black Lodge - "Summer '99" [http://www.mp3.com/theblacklodge] Yasunori Mitsuda - "Frozen Flame" [Chrono Cross OST] Wave Theory - "Breakbeat Demo Mix" [http://www.planetskill.com] Yasunori Mitsuda - "Chronopolis" [Chrono Cross OST] Satoshi Ise - "Menu Display 2" [Capcom vs. SNK 1 OSV]
  19. First things first, thanks to Species for the show recording. The Wingless, I know, is very intent on hearing Hindu Bob again, and everyone enjoyed the hijinx while it lasted, so be out the lookout for the archive in the near future. Thanks to the peeps who called and listened. I gotta apologize for the show cutting out for everyone at Midnight when there were supposed to be another 2 hours, but Emory decided that Midnight would be a good time to reset the network. When they do that, someone has to manually reset WMRE's webstream feed, and they don't do that until the weekday. I'm working on changing stuff now that I've gotten pissed enough to join the tech department. To get the second half's stuff played like it was supposed to be, I'm doing another show tonight/late-night from 12 - 2 AM. I know that's not convenient for a lot of people, so apologies, but I'd like to get everything done on the air as I promised so I can have a clean slate for next week. Here's Saturday's chat transcript. And here's Saturday's playlist: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, November 15, 2003 - 10:15 PM - 12:05 AM EST 1. Yuzo Koshiro - "Player Select" [streets of Rage OST] 2. Rayza f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Number One Host" Bumper 3. Nobuo Uematsu - "Blue Fields" [Final Fantasy VIII OST] 4. Forgive the bad memory, but at various points, The Wingless, KyleJCrb & DarkeSword all called in and were all VERY funny; highlights: DarkeSword reveals the sordid beginnings of life as a musical prositute, with his younger brother as the pimp; KyleJCrb ousts Larry and stages a takeover of the show; For the less cultured and/or perverted among us, The Wingless explains the meaning of bukkake 5. DarkeSword - "Tempest - Act I, Scene I" [http://www.darkesword.com] 6. GrayLightning - Star Ocean "Space Travel" [OC ReMix to-be-posted] 7. Gecko Yamori - Last Ninja "8-Bit Kamikaze" [OC ReMix #1072] 8. Daniel Baranowsky - Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Awakened Fears of the Gerudo" [VGMix2 #310] 9. B1itz Lunar - Super Mario World "Donut Grooves" [VGMix2 #321] 10. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World" [Chrono Cross OST] 11. Red Omen - Chrono Trigger "Damn Noisy Kids" [ironMix Challenge XVI: Life IS Fair!] 11. Symphonic Chronicles - Mega Man 2 "It's About Time" [OC ReMix #1071] 12. Beatdrop - "danger/poison" [Final Energy] 13. PxFury - Donkey Kong Land "Flash Flooded" [VGMix2 #327] 14. Koji Kondo - "Overworld BGM" [super Mario Bros. OST] 15. Koji Kondo - "Underworld BGM" [super Mario Bros. OST] 16. Koji Kondo - "Swimming BGM" [super Mario Bros. OST] 17. Koji Kondo - "Castle BGM" [super Mario Bros. OST] 18. Koji Kondo - "Invincibility BGM" [super Mario Bros. OST] 19. Yoko Shimomura - "Sad Song" [super Mario RPG OST] 20. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper 21. Blak Omen & Dhsu - Super Mario RPG "Waltz of Pain" [OC ReMix #1073/VGMix2 #343] 22. The Pancake Chef - Final Fantasy 6 "La Locura Del Kefka" [OC ReMix #426] 23. run.dll - Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death "Megacity Megasound" [VGMix2 #84] 24. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Viper Manor" [Chrono Cross OST]
  20. I'll go for The Pancake Chef since he could use some more pimpage. Thanks yo. Hahaha, definitely go for a bumper, bro. Earn immortality!
  21. Oh, I'll give you something to die about, you bastard! [shakes fist] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So it's gonna be a 3 hour show this Saturday. I have no problem playing whatever I have, but I'm definitely looking for requests to fill this 3 hours show. Keep your suggestion to only 1 song, to maximize how many peeps can get their requests in, and get your choice to me on the thread (WITH linkage) by Saturday early afternoon. If you PM me or IM me, that's fine, but I may get that stuff lost in the shuffle. MP3.com is dumping all of its current content December 2nd, which is why it's very important to check out VG Frequency's MP3.com station, "VG Frequency: Originals" to check out the largest selection of original tracks by OC ReMixers before the station's gone forever. Be sure to bookmark it and use the 2 weeks to sample as much music as you can, before the chance is gone. Tracks that are confirmed for Saturday are 1) rundll's Judge Dredd VGMix "Megacity Megasound" at Rayza's request 2) A jazz/big band original by Jaroban of Interdit and SMB Medley fame, "Shades of Change" 3) Jared Hudson's recently complete menu music for the Half-Life mod G.H.O.S.T. Ops, "G.H.O.S.T. Ops Theme" 4) Beatdrop's newest track from his forthcoming album Final Energy, "danger/poison" 5) The newest VGMix from Dan Baranowsky, "Awakened Fears of the Gerudo" 6) A unique take on SMW's Overworld BGM on VGMix, B1itz Lunar's "Donut Grooves" 7) The lastest OC ReMix by the hugely popular Billy Christiansen, i.e. Symphonic Chronicles, "It's About Time" Wave Theory's 14-minute "Breakbeat Demo Mix" from earlier this year 9) A classic original track by The Black Lodge, "Summer '99" 10) We'll also be sneaking in Star Salzman's creative original "Fat Dong", and trust me, that song's playling at some ludicrously late time after the show recording is over The show goes from 10 PM - 1 AM EST for the recording of about 3 hours, then I'm staying until at least 2 AM to hang out with whoever else is around in the VG Frequency AIM chat room and play extra tracks. This is definitely the best time to pimp the show out to other people you know, so please encourage others to check it out this week. See everybody tomorrow.
  22. Decent effort, Sharky! ... Wait, wrong forum... I've had this one since IMC:LE, so I'm glad to see that it made it here fairly quickly. If you're down with Mario Kart, don't pass this one up at all. DS provides excellent sax work as usual, so sit back and chill with this one.
  23. Because I'm the man, I managed to pick up this month's WMRE Show Spotlight. Check it out here. The links at the bottom need to be fixed to actually work, but the webmaster just forgot to make them not add to the root of the WMRE URL. But they're there anyway, and they'll be fixed up soon. Roam around the site to check out some of the other shows as well. Don't know why we have a purple/pink site scheme when our school colors are blue & gold, but no one said life ever made sense. With the show spotlight up now, I hope some of the people/lurkers here on the OCR boards will finally feel enough incentive to check the show out. I'm also gonna be joining the tech department in an effort with our tech director to get something done about changing our stream. Apparently, it's more difficult than it sounds. Nothing will happen immediately, but we'll see what we can do. Make sure to pimp VG Frequency at the WMRE website guestbook, and be sure to pimp your own URL as well. I can't host all my shows at once (though I don't have a problem with that right now), but I will have some text interviews up fairly soon depending on who I get permission from. Although more stuff will be coming soon, feedback on what else I can add to my show's webpage is appreciated.
  24. First off, I wanna thank Species for his recording as usual. It'll be out whenever he has a chance to look over the recording and master it, but big props to Species for hooking me up every week. Be on the lookout for it. Thanks of course to everyone who contributed mixes & requests. This was a very diverse mix of tracks. Last week's show went absolutely great, but this one went even smoother, and I really had a good time again. I really appreciated everyone tuning in, and thanks a lot to all the peeps who pimped the hell out of the show to get a whole bunch of new people this week. Not everyone decided to stay the whole time, but I'll be looking for the new people over the next few days to thank them for stopping by and checking my lil' radio show out. We're bigger & better every week, so keep tuning in! To check out what the peeps were saying about all the stuff on this week's episode, check out this week's chat transcript courtesy of OverCoat (¡Olé!). Let's get to meat of the show. What was that fine brown man playin'...? Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, November 8, 2003 - 10:05 PM - 12 AM EST 1. Species 8472 f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Wrong Number" Bumper 2. Nobuo Uematsu - "Battle 1" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 3. SkyHigh - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Oil Ocean Zone (SkyHigh Dark Ocean Mix)" [VGMix1] 4. Spram - Rolan's Curse "Thou Art Awesome!" [VGMix1] 5. Shitamachi Kajiya & Mayu - "The Maze of Darkness" [Ninja Gaiden II (Ninja Gaiden Trilogy) OSV] 6. silent - Ninja Gaiden 2 "In the Atrium" [VGMix2 #215/OC ReMix #1068] 7. Trace Kyshad - Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8 & Final Fantasy 9 "Those Chosen by the Medly" [OC ReMix #1067] 8. Shitamachi Kajiya & Mayu - "Fortress" [Ninja Gaiden II (Ninja Gaiden Trilogy) OSV] 9. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best in Chinatown" Bumper 10. bLiNd - Legend of Zelda 2 "Temple Trance MkII" [Project Majestic Mix Trance] 11. SuperGreenX & MC - Panzer Dragoon Orta "More Than a Weapon" [OC ReMix #951] 12. Saori Kobayashi & Mariko Nanba - "By the Source of the Protective Flame" [Panzer Dragoon Azel OST] 13. Daniel Baranowsky - CastleVania 2, CastleVania 1 & CastleVania: Symphony of the Night "Belmont Lounge" [OC ReMix #1066] 14. Dan Owsen - "The Last Metroid is in Captivity" [super Metroid OSV] 15. Dan Owsen - "The Galaxy is at Peace" [super Metroid OSV] 16. Daniel Baranowsky - Super Metroid "The Galaxy is at Peace" [Relics of the Chozo/OC ReMix #1039/VGMix2 #88] 17. GrayLightning - Phantasy Star 2 "Dezoris Winter" [OC ReMix #1065] 18. GrayLightning - Chrono Trigger "Schala: Memories Lost in Time 2" [VGMix2 #65] 19. Saori Kobayashi & Mariko Nanba - "Pure Blood Seed" [Panzer Dragoon Azel OST] 20. OverCoat - VG Frequency "¡Olé! ¿Spanish?" Bumper 21. Injury - Mega Man 1 "No Corra Con Las Tijeras, Cutman" [http://injury.enry.net] 22. Rayza - VG Frequency "Sonic Retard" Bumper 23. Stratovarius - "Destiny" [Destiny] 24. Saori Kobayashi & Mariko Nanba - "Ecce Valde Generous Ale (Behold the Precious Wings)" [Panzer Dragoon Azel OST] 25. Nobuo Uematsu - "One Danger Put Behind Us" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 26. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper 27. BliziHiZaKe - Mega Man 2 "Time 4 Sum Bubble Bursting" [http://www.geocities.com/djblizihizake] 28. Lumidee, Busta Rhymes & Fabolous f/DCT - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Never Leave You (Ice Cap Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 29. Keiichi Suzuki & Hirokazu Tanaka - "Bazaar" [EarthBound OSV] 30. Shadow - EarthBound "Funky Bookas" [http://www.dackz.net] 31. Keiichi Suzuki & Hirokazu Tanaka - "Boris' Cocktail" [EarthBound OSV] 32. Shadow - EarthBound "Jackie's Cafe (Straight Edge Mix) [WIP]" [http://www.dackz.net] 33. Disco Dan - Mega Man 3 "Needle Man by Night" [Mega Man III Remixes] 34. Mellogear w/Nate Cloud - Chrono Trigger "Friendly Happy Robot" [VGMix1] 35. Hirokazu Tanaka, Ryoji Yoshitomi & Kazumi Totaka - "Flyswatter ~ Level 2" [Mario Paint OSV] 36. Hirokazu Tanaka, Ryoji Yoshitomi & Kazumi Totaka - "Beaten By Bugs" [Mario Paint OSV]
  25. Panzer Dragoon Azel & Orta requests DENIED! For now, there's no scheduled interview tonight. If you want your 15 minutes though, feel free to leave me a message sometime before 5 PM EST while I'm asleep. No interview's just as well, because there's tons of st00f in store and it's gotta fit within 2 hours. Along with the already featured tracks from Dan Baranowsky, GrayLightning and bLiNd (it's a secret!), we've got remixes from Shadow, SuperGreenX & MC, a MegaMan II submission from the aspiring BliziHiZaKe, old school flavor from Mellogear, Nate Cloud, SkyHigh, Spram & Injury, and fresh cuts with the lastest two OC ReMixes from Trace Kyshad & silent. OverCoat also adds a little extra "sabor" to the mix with a brand new bumper debuting tonight! You should already know the drill: http://www.emory.edu/WMRE/wmre.ram is the link for the webstream, and you need RealPlayer [thumbs down] or RealAlternative [thumbs up] to check it out. The AIM chat room is "VG Frequency" as always. Invite yourself in, or hit me up with an IM at Liontamer87, to hang out with us OC remixers & fans while we all act strangely! 10 PM EST...that's soon.
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