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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. He's just sayin' that cuz he's gonna be featured! Sure, yo. Gimme any particular suggestions you have, or hook me up with linkage to an MP3 you'd prefer. And with the passing of October, we are reunited with Red Omen. Good to have you back, bro. Let the peeps know how the marching band stuff turned out.
  2. Ah yes. Let's not forget that the WMRE webstream is too spotty to record the show at a higher bitrate. RealPlayer.... Waking up this evening/early morning has been very productive. I got to check out the second half of KyleJCrb's radio show "Nitro Game Injection", and two OCR submissions that I've been anticipating very, very highly finally made it up in "Dezoris Winter" & "Belmont Lounge". To celebrate these quality tracks finally receiving the Pretzel seal of approval, they'll be featured next Saturday on VG Frequency, along with the other side of the coin in GrayLightning's & Dan Baranowsky's first VGMix submissions "Schala: Memories Lost in Time 2" and "The Galaxy is at Peace". Along with Dan's Super Metroid mix being on OCR as well, Gray's Chrono Trigger mix is a revisitation of his older OC mix "Memories Lost in Time". Not to be outdone, bLiNd has just completed his latest track for the upcoming album from KFSS Studios, Project Majestic Mix Trance, and you'll be getting the exclusive hookup this Saturday in this 3rd part of the PMM Trance preview. For those of you who've been following bLiNd's progress intently, get ready to revist an old favorite. To allow more time for music, I'll be sticking to only one interview from now on, but if you have any requests (Larry, play my st00f!) or wanna come on the air for an interview (Larry, I like the sound of my own voice!), feel free to lemme know, with a bias towards anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to give an interview yet. More stuff will be previewed later in the week, but for now, be sure to pick up the available episodes up from my webspace featuring interviews with KyleJCrb [#1], DCT/Succubus/Vigilante [#7], The Wingless/Dj Abjurator [#8] & JigginJonT/Jared Hudson [#9]. There's also the very excellent MP3.com station available at http://www.mp3.com/stations/vgfrequency that focuses on remixer originals, so be sure to bookmark that.
  3. I'm not gonna review this one with the heavy critique style of VGMix. Larry: "Ah, the very familiar Silent Zone theme!" Gray: [shakes head] I remember the controversy the older version of this song had, and I honestly felt the judges had validity in asking for a resubmission. Despite the heated argument by both supporters and detractors of the track's rejection, I'm really glad GL decided to take another look at this mix and apply his significant skills even further to come out with this updated submission. The track's far more impressive (the increased choir emphasis creates a significantly fuller feel, as well as the low-key, yet ever-present bassline), more indicative of Gray's mixing talents and a genuine keeper for me this time. I'm also glad that GL himself feels more strongly for the track now that he's gone through the added effort of reworking it, instead of simply feeling that it would now make it through the judges' panel. And the work's really paid off with some well-deserved straight-to-postage action (I told you, Gray )! A quality revision, to say the very, very least. Congratulations on the hard work, Gray! You da man!
  4. Hmmm...I dunno, Edge. The archives are all done in 24kbps/22khz/mono format to go for a smaller file size with the download, so I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in getting a CD of the shows if the bitrate isn't high. If you would be interested nonetheless, I may seriously do something like that. For the upcoming Homestarrunner.com interview, I'm definitely going to see what we can do at WMRE (and with any listeners, as well) with recording that show in at least a 128kbps bitrate. Thanks for the interest, Edge. You should hang out in the AIM chat room if you wanna check out the show live next week.
  5. The MP3 archive is up and ready for download at my webspace courtesy of Species 8472. Check out the tracklist at the bottom of page 14, and get show #9, as well as other episodes, at my webspace: https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji/. For those who want to get right to the interviews, you can listen in to JigginJonT's interview at 17 minutes & Jared Hudson's interview at 76 minutes. Thanks again to everyone who check it out. Questions & comments are appreciated. Keep it with VG Frequency next Saturday, peeps.
  6. As usual, big, big thanks to everyone who tuned in, and Species for hooking us up with the MP3 archive, which turned out very well tonight. Look for it fairly soon, perhaps even tomorrow. Thanks to OverCoat (sans Seattle), The Coop & The Wingless for hooking me up with the fresh cuts this week as well. Come in early, Blak_Omen, so you don't miss anything! I'll definitely take your chat transcript tomorrow, Coop, to see if I need to add anything to the one I snagged. I miss "the whistles go WHOO" too. Thanks also to JigginJonT & Jared Hudson for providing some high quality interviews. The time I spent prepping for 'em, despite me feeling very beat today, was definitely well worth it, and I appreciate you guys calling in and making bumpers! Since I knew I'd just have 2 hours tonight, I was able to prepare a lot better for the time limit, and had zero problems whatsoever, despite me not really having time to chill around in the chat room. I'm gonna have to read it over it later and see what was goin' on. Join me in vicariously experiencing the non-sensicalness of VG Frequency's weekly chat room session by checking out this week's chat transcript! With the surprising quickness tonight, here's this week's tracklist: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, November 1, 2003 - 10 PM - 12 AM EST 1. John Pee - "Piano Skill Level 1" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 2. John Pee - "Piano Skill Level 2" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 3. John Pee - "Piano Skill Level 3" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 4. John Pee - "Piano Skill Level 4" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 5. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper 6. John Pee - "Just Like the Mountain, He Will Not Move" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 7. Mythril Nazgul - Doom "Doom, Despair and Dread" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 8. Dj Abjurator - Doom "DbD (Death by Distortion)" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 9. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper 10. JigginJonT - Final Fantasy 6 "Anthem of Exile" [VGMix] 11. JigginJonT - Xenogears "Live From the Yggdrasil" [OC ReMix #1062] 12. JigginJonT gives us the gift of gab on his disappointment in Larry's level of geekdom, the satisfaction and money rollin' in from releases on OCR & VGMix the same week, the trials and tribulations of creating and retooling "Enter the Frog", the potential for doing a funk remix, a band project he recently made himself a part of, the developing Mega Man III ska remix of Magnet Man's theme with zykO, the instances where he accepts criticism, what style of remixing he prefers, Mustin freaking out on him and calling him a lying liar who lies when he posted "Anthem of Exile" on VGMix, Ailsean finally calming Mustin down, upcoming mixes including a collab with Pixelated for the StarFox Ultimate Collaboration project, checking out Kill Bill, and threatening to buy out VG Frequency [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont] 13. JigginJonT - F-Zero "Mute City" Remix (WIP 4) [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont] 14. JigginJonT - Chrono Trigger "Enter The Frog" [OC ReMix #948] 15. Kenji Ito - "Booby Trap" [saGa Frontier OST] 16. Mark Vera - "Star Orion (Airplay Edit)" [http://www.mikseri.net/markvera] 17. Blak Omen - "Easy Listening to Frag To" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 18. Wave Theory - "The BBoy Files" [http://www.planetskill.com] 19. Koji Kondo - "Underground BGM" [super Mario World 2 OSV] 20. OverCoat - "Closet Getaway Truth (Angst Whore)" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 21. Lobescoper - Doom "Caesar Salad" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 22. Fumie Kumatani - "Image of Hero" [Phantasy Star Online: Songs Of Ragol Odyssey: Soundtrack Episode 1] 23. analoq - Doom "Doom Is Still My Favorite FPS" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 24. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "WMRE Jingle" Bumper 25. reelmojo - Doom "Acoustic Mustic" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 26. aluminum - Doom "A Common Neurosis" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 27. Noriyuki Iwadare - "It's Me!" [Lunar: Silver Star Story OST] 28. Jared Hudson w/Andrea Hudson - "Kromm the Headhunter" [Kromm the Headhunter Trailer] 29. Jared Hudson w/Abram McCalment - Final Fantasy 10 "The Final Summoning" [OC ReMix #1017/VGMix] 30. Jared Hudson takes a break from the daily grind to talk about finally completing "The Final Summoning", how he found Abram McCalment to lay the guitar track for it after zykO couldn't, the reopening and new layout of VGMix, a comparison of the reviews on OCR & VGMix, getting hired to do "Kromm the Headhunter" by Digital World Effects, travelling to San Diego for Siggraph 2003 this past July, receiving his first paid music job for an Archvision demo CD available at the convention, an emerging game project by Digital World Effects for [censored], brushing up on his Latin language skills, his decision to not go back to Ball State University and apply to the Berkeley School of Music next fall, the origins of his interest in music composition, how he chose film scoring as his potential career choice, the cinematic style of his remixes, the music projects that test his versatility and Danny Elfman's versatile nature in film scoring, Larry trapped in the WMRE studios while the fire alarm goes off, possible upcoming work including [censored], an earlier version of "Kromm the Headhunter" transforming into a Halo remix, and the judges of OverClocked ReMix [http://www.hudsonstudios.net] 31. Jared Hudson - "Special Ops Menu" [special Ops OST] 32. Jared Hudson - "Colliding Worlds" [ira OST] 33. Jared Hudson - Metal Gear Solid 2 "Metal Gear May Cry (Remastered)" [OC ReMix #690] 34. Jared Hudson - Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear "Mystery of a Planet" [OC ReMix #803] 35. Rayza f/Paige - VG Frequency "Scary Larry" Bumper 36. The Coop - Halloween "Hallomix" [http://www.geocities.com/arforfaborb/TheCoop] 37. The Wingless - Rygar "The Seven Cities of Troy" [http://www.thewingless.com] 38. Charles Blachly - "I Miss You" [http://www.mp3.com/blachly] 39. Injury f/EXTX - "Symphonic Decon (EXTX's Overhaul Mix)" [http://www.mp3.com/injure] 40. Disco Dan - Mega Man 3 "Needle Man by Night" [Mega Man III Remixes] 41. John Pee - "Peaceful Sleep" [Treasure Hunter G OST]
  7. ::Slips liontamer a $20:: Bling Bling! I used Galen's $20 to buy some booze for Halloween, so clearly we both win. Thanks to Species, the collection of episodes for VG Frequency is complete with episodes #1, #7 & #8 now available for download, including his pure genius in providing episode #7 with the full version of DarkeSword's Dream Pipe and saving it from cutting off. RealAlternative (for people that want to watch my radio show but hate RealPlayer) and QuickTime Alternative are also still available from my webspace as well, so head over there to download everything you're looking for: https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji/ For anyone that's kept all the episodes of my show, I have a small request to make. Currently in the Original Artist info in the ID3v2 tags, all the episodes say "Larry Oji (Liontamer)". In order to better run-down the guest callers and interviews we've had from the OCR community on the show so far, I encourage you to make sure the Original Artist sections for each episode have the following cut-and-pasted into the ID3v2 tags: #1: Liontamer f/KyleJCrb #2: Liontamer f/Vigilante & Star Salzman #3: Liontamer f/Juverna (click/oops), Beatdrop, DCT, Dragonking, Star Salzman, SuperGreenX, McNoods & Vigilante #3.5: Liontamer f/DarkeSword #4: Liontamer f/Juverna, Vigilante, DarkeSword & bLiNd #5: Liontamer f/Adhesive_B0y #6 (BR): Liontamer #6: Liontamer f/KyleJCrb & Beatdrop #7: Liontamer f/DCT, Succubus & Vigilante #8: Liontamer f/The Wingless & Dj Abjurator The tracks from reelmojo's People's Remix Challenge will be featured tonight along with stuff by JigginJonT, Jared Hudson & Mark Vera. Jared and Jon T may call in tonight for interviews, but that's not set in stone. Since I haven't been around much to take requests this week, I'll be loading up tonight with plenty of random goodness. In any case, see you tonight folks.
  8. Hahaha. The mysteries that arise when you leave in the middle of the show! Out of the 5 songs I played from Dj Abjurator, his 3 originals were playing in the background while I conducted my interview with him. Galen's Rockman & Forte mix was before the interview and his new Doom mix was after it. "Empath" was looping non-stop from The Wingless's site while I interviewed him. Don't worry about Wingless, Species. He's not uppity. The sarcasm's just dripping out of his urethra!
  9. Thanks to everyone who tuned in this past weekend, and thanks again to Dj Abjurator & The Wingless for providing quality interviews. The show was hectic as hell for me, since I was (and will be from now on) crammed into a two-hour time limit and didn't have as much freedom to just waste time and blab around like usual. Plus, we're now implementing lame commercials at WMRE to pay the bills. It was still a quality show, but I had to cut a few things from this week's show in order to fit within my 2 hours. Thus, we'll be having Mark Vera's latest original, JigginJonT's new bumper and his recent FF6 remix, as well as Wave Theory & FF: The Black Mages all reserved for next week's show. I know Jon T. was at a track meet on Saturday, so holding his stuff until next week will at least give him a chance to hear it over the air. In addition to the tracks being held over until next week, we'll be featuring the entries of first edition of the reelmojo-created People's Remix Competition, and Jared Hudson's track for the Siggraph 2003 convention, "Kromm the Headhunter". As it relates to the chat room on AIM, I gotta point out that it's not hard to find it. Just invite yourself to the chat room name "VG Frequency" and that's all you need to do. It's the same room name every week, and it'll never be any different. I'll invite you myself if I see you, but it's not a 100% guarantee I'll see you if you sign on late while I'm underway with the show. Also, I encourage you to bookmark the show's webstream URL (which is in my sig) in your media player of choice to save yourself the hassle of asking me/the chat for it every week. And get RealAlternative while you can if you hate RealPlayer. It's still at my webspace: https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji Pick up the AIM chat transcript for this week's show and see what all the listeners were yakking about. Probably something adult in nature. Delaying no further, here's this week's tracklist: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 10:05 PM - 12:05 AM EST 1. Richard Jacques - "Continue Screen" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 2. Richard Jacques - "Speed Sneakers" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 3. Richard Jacques - "Invincibility" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 4. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "Break Loose" Bumper 5. Nobuo Uematsu - "Underneath the Rotting Pizza" [Final Fantasy VII OST] 6. DarkeSword - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Dream Pipe" [http://www.darkesword.com] 7. Beatdrop - "Starshock" [Final Energy] 8. John Pee - "Just Like the Mountain, He Will Not Move" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 9. Rayza f/Paige - VG Frequency "Scary Larry" Bumper 10. FFmusic Dj - "In Cold Pursuit" [Vector Mirage OST] 11. Masato Nakamura - "Hidden Palace Zone" [sonic the Hedgehog 2 OSV] 12. FFmusic Dj - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Hidden Palace Future" [sonic 2 Ultimate Collaboration Project] 13. John Pee - "Come Here! I Defend You" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 14. Rayza f/Joëlle - VG Frequency "976-RAYZA LV" Bumper 15. The Wingless - Super Metroid "All the World in One Girl" [http://www.thewingless.com] 16. Hajime Hirasawa - "Controls" [starFox OST] 17. The Wingless - StarFox "EdgeWorld" [http://www.thewingless.com] 18. The Wingless calls in for an interview to bring the black on-air representation up to 1 1/2 people and wax poetic about his shiny new status as the newest OCR judge, comparing VGMix1 to the OCR judges' submission queue, how his older remixes have held up over time, Larry's sparkling wordplay, his chocolate thunder, entertainment pathways he'd like to travel, doing improv comedy in college, the upcoming UPN sitcom "Wangless & Soapdrop", becoming the next Barbara Walters, how many remix ideas he can come up with from one song, a potential Super Metroid collaboration with Injury, the MISC 12 player on TheWingless.com, upcoming remix plans for Rygar along with an interactive web CD, the unstimulating environment of graduate school, his unwillingness to fly Succubus out to Chicago with Priceline.com or give her a room wth Hotels.com, and a clue on his HUGE secret project ("CD...and that's it") [http://www.thewingless.com] 19. The Wingless - "Empath" [http://www.thewingless.com] 20. Dj Abjurator - Rockman & Forte "Hyperrock Fortissimo" [OC ReMix #815] 21. Dj Abjurator - "Midnight Love" [http://www.mp3.com/aureolius] 22. Dj Abjurator calls in for an interview to talk about the adoption of his newly-created artist handle "Aureolius", the popularity of Hyperrock Fortissimo on Listen-To.com, his love for Kabuki Quantum Fighter, other remixes he's done from Rockman & Forte, the design and the meaning he wants people to take away from MP3.com page, a potential move to California and what he hopes to pursue there in media arts & animation, the glass ceiling he's hit musically in Virginia that necessitates his desired move, tooling around with Orion Pro & the Yamaha RM-1X, his younger brother and fellow remixer Lobescoper, his ability to create some tracks within hours including the recent "DbD (Death by Distortion)", the need to up his game in order to remix the NES game the Silver Surfer, his recent decision to get more involved among the OCR community, a hesistancy to submit more remixes to OCR due to the black hole some submissions fall into, and a word to keep an eye out for an upcoming CD [http://www.mp3.com/aureolius] 23. Dj Abjurator - "The River Speaks" [Abjurator: Electronica] 24. Dj Abjurator - "Embrace the World" [Abjurator: Electronica] 25. Dj Abjurator - Doom "DbD (Death by Distortion)" [The People's Remix Competition 1] 26. Daniel Baranowsky - Perfect Dark "Silent Ascent" [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac] 27. DarkeSword - "The Alleyway" [http://www.darkesword.com] 28. Hirokazu Tanaka - "Title" [Metroid OST] 29. SeattleOverCoat - Metroid "Ghost of Zebes" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 30. Unknown - VG Frequency "How Was That?" Bumper 31. Unknown - Dragon Warrior "Kingdom Come" [OC ReMix #1060] 32. John Pee - "The World's Cavern 1" [Treasure Hunter G OST] 33. Richard Jacques - "Game Over" [sonic 3D Blast OSV]
  10. Damn right. Hahaha. I haven't seen this much fawning since Bambi. For those among you that don't have/want RealPlayer, download the lastest version of RealAlternative, which features inprovements to Media Player Classic, and allows you to check out all Real filetypes, including VG Frequency's webstream. Don't forget to snag the latest version of QuickTime Alternative as well from me if you don't like QuickTime Player. We've got a great show this week with new stuff from FFmusic Dj, Beatdrop, The Wingless, Mark Vera, DarkeSword, Daniel Baranowsky & Dj Abjurator, along with SeattleOverCoat, JigginJonT & Wave Theory (if I have time there). Unknown's newly posted Dragon Warrior remix, "Kingdom Come" is also gonna be featured. (Nice work, Ty!) Dj Abjurator & The Wingless will be calling in this week for interviews, so be sure to check 'em out. What j00 waiting for? If you haven't been listening to this show, ya need to start. For those of you who haven't been following it, reelmojo's started The People's Remix Competition. For the first contest, the contestants remixed Doom's theme for E1M9, "Hiding the Secrets", with some very impressive results. Once we have a winner, we'll be spotlighting the PRC1 submissions next week, though we will have Dj Abjurator's entry "DbD (Death by Distortion)" tonight. I'd love to do them this week, but we're already full, and besides, we have no winner yet. Check the thread out, listen to all the entries, and PM reelmojo with your choice as the winner. It's for the people. I don't even know if I have time for everything, because I will be cutting it very close to 2 hours. Aside from the interviews, there's not gonna be much time for talk, so I'll be gabbing a lot less tonight. See you at 10.
  11. You should name it Sabinuano. Sabin + guano ???
  12. I still have never heard him live. Dope dope. "Anthem" will be on this coming Saturday, along with the new bumper. I'll try and hold off on it as long as I can, to give you the best chance to possibly get back and hear everything over the air. You might be too spent from the meet in Fresno, so I'd personally just get boozed up and pass out, but if you wanna try and catch the tail end of the show, go for it! Me and the Wingless were debating last week as pimps over the practicality and validity of flying hoes across the country with priceline.com. That doesn't really have to do with anything directly, but if you ponied up the dough, Jon, and flew to ATL, I could get you a ticket to Ben Folds and provide you with quality housing. Too bad time and money don't grow on trees. I'm sure Ben Folds would be very impressed with Live from the Yggdrasil.
  13. "Will make radio bumper for food or airplay..." Sweet! Some Ben Folds style. This is tight. Did you sample a track or do something yourself? Let me know, cuz I'm definitely interested in the specifics. It's not amateurish at all, Jon. You artists, always downplaying the talent. This'll definitely be leading into your track for next Saturday. The only question is, what track do you want me to play, Jon? It's your choice yo. BTW, Jon, Ben Folds is coming to play at Emory on November 4th. Check out the article from this past Tuesday.
  14. Clearly, I'm very, very happy to interview the Wingless. I would draw an E-penis, but I almost regret even creating that word! Ironically enough, we go from a 6 1/2 show last Saturday to my announcement that it looks as if WMRE has hired some new DJs to take over the empty slots including two n00bs for the 12 - 2 AM spot, which means that it looks like I'll be sticking tight to a 2-hour format. Will these noob DJs actually come in for their timeslot unlike the last losers? Well, if they don't, they'll be the 3rd set of peeps to never come in. We'll see though.
  15. OMG, yeah. I read through it this morning and was just amazed at how often you kept pimping it and I kept missing it, like an idiot. ("Hey, when are you gonna do Dream Pipe? ... DREAM PIPE!!!!!") Really sorry, Shariq. I know it's not too big a deal, and it doesn't happen often, but I do feel bad when I forget to do things. There's always so much going on, because I have to file track information in our station's tracklist database for everything I play, that I can miss things like requests and suggestions. And I know you asked me earlier to play Dream Pipe and I forgot to put it on the damn playlist. If anyone has to ask for format changes ("Bump my song up, cuz I have to go!"), remind me that I need to play your stuff ("Larry, you douchebag, you forgot song X"), or just tell me something in general, definitely send me an IM directly, so I'll definitely see it. I know The Wingless & Jared Hudson managed to flag me down mid-show when I didn't notice what they were saying. If you just comment in the chat, you could be throwing your words down a black hole! My apologies again yo, though I will be playing Dream Pipe again next week, just in case the full playing of the mix didn't make it onto Species' archive. No problem, Dain. Not everyone can be there every week; I'd never get mad at anyone for missing the show. For example, Star Salzman's been MIA for the last few weeks, and hasn't been accepting the chat invites, so I hope everything's OK with him. Why be miffed at that? No need to offer anything exclusive (though that's always good! ). You've already done me a huge service by hooking me up with a quality bumper. I snagged Final Energy since it was very, very fresh, and I know you'd want people to check it out early. It definitely fit a theme with the show, since pretty much everything was material released in the past week or so. As you continue work on the album as a whole, just make sure to remind me when you issue out new tracks, and I'll make sure to play 'em. No worries on El Wango either. If the Homestar Runner interview isn't next week, which it probably won't be, John'll be calling in again next week!
  16. Thanks a lot to everyone who tuned into show #7 this past Saturday. It was definitely an eventful, and LONG show! We had quite a few new people this week which is always good, so thanks for all the new faces. Thanks to DCT, Succubus & Vigilante for providing excellent call-ins/interviews. Details on those will be provided once Species (thank you!) releases the show archive. Sorry to Species for running over, since he sets the recording time to 3 hours, and I know it's frustrating every time I go "Yeah, it's over...oh wait/ah shit...let's do something else" when we're seemingly going to wrap up. I'll definitely try and stay within our timeframe no matter how close I may end up getting. Thanks to Jared Hudson for another new bumper introing the show. You can check it out here if you wanna comment in the thread Jared made for it. This is his first foray into doing a radio spot, so drop comment if you can. I'm definitely glad to give people like Rayza, Star Salzman & Jared (who have told me that they're glad to do an idea like this) an avenue to do radio spots and just play around with ideas for them. Also, for those of you who weren't available to stick around after the main show wrapped up, I stayed on the air for another 3 1/2 hours beyond 1 AM. There was a lot of good stuff involved, to say the least. Minus all the dumb callers (though they were funny as hell), thanks to all the people who called in: Juverna, bLiNd, Succubus, The Wingless & Dj Abjurator, as well as all the ironmen & ironwomen who hung in there for most of the extra stuff. Though we won't have an MP3 archive of any of the hijinx from the 3 1/2 overrun, if you really wanna know some of what I played and wanna catch a glimpse of what we all taked about, have fun looking around within this week's chat transcript. I gotta say, The Wingless is one of the funniest fucks on this earth. Funny. Funny. Funny. You haven't lived till you've talked to the Wingless for 20 minutes, let alone 2 minutes. I still have yet to set a date on having the Brothers Chaps on the air for the Homestar Runner interview, so I'm still unsure of when they'll be free to be on, but if Mike & Matt aren't on next Saturday, we'll be having interviews for show #8 from Dj Abjurator & The Wingless, as well as new tracks from FFmusic Dj, SeattleOverCoat & Daniel Baranowsky, so make sure to check it out nonetheless. The archive for show #6 is still available for a little longer, and don't forget to check out the slew of OCRtists original works available for listening at the VG Frequency MP3.com Station. Enough chatter, here's you tracklist: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, October 18, 2003 - 10:05 PM - 1:05 AM EST 1. Richard Jacques - "Continue Screen" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 2. Richard Jacques - "Speed Sneakers" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 3. Richard Jacques - "Invincibility" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 4. Nobuo Uematsu - "Main Theme" [Final Fantasy II OST] 5. Dale North & Mustin - Chrono Trigger "Team Gato" [OC ReMix #313] 6. Gorveg - Chrono Trigger "Should Dalton Take Power" [bleeding Ears Extreme Remix 10] 7. Eulogic - Marvel vs. Capcom 2 "A Ride Through the Ghetto" [bleeding Ears Extreme Remix 10] 8. Vigilante - "Desire" [http://www.geocities.com/jesse_taub] 9. Nobuo Uematsu - "Walls of the Sacred Beasts" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 10. DarkeSword - Linus Spacehead "Space Drifter" [http://www.darkesword.com] 11. GrayLightning & Freemind - Battle of Olympus "Eros" [http://www.mp3.com/graylightning / http://www.websamba.com/freemindmusic] 12. analoq - StarTropics "Sonik Tropics" [bleeding Ears Extreme Remix 10] 13. analoq - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Next My Generation" [sonic 2 Ultimate Collaboration Project] 14. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper 15. Beatdrop - "Final Energy" [Final Energy] 16. Yoko Shimomura - "Going Shopping in Ripple Town" [super Mario RPG OST] 17. Kevin Stephens w/Russell Cox - Final Fantasy 4 "Four Fantasies" [http://www.mp3.com/russell_cox / http://artemis.silhouette-project.com] 18. Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper 19. 50 Cent f/DCT - "In Da Club (Dark Sword Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 20. Nobuo Uematsu - "Cid's Theme" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 21. DCT calls in for an interview on the first day of regaining his voice to discuss "In Da Club (Dark Sword Mix)", how he originally thought up of the concept and the possible upcoming distribution of the mix, his Sonic 3 remix "Welcome to Hydro City", a desire to do more rap a capella remixes, a project brewing with himself and his friends to rap over some OC ReMixes, the potential of his Super Street Fighter 2 remix "Jamaican Soul" getting posted to OCR, the inspiration from McVaffe & Rayza to remix video game music, feelings on his late friends, Paul Miller & Unishun Mollete, and the creation of the memoriam track "Paul", joining Joshua Morse's Dash Studio and original material he hopes to put out for the group, SoundTempest.net and undue criticisms received there about the Jamaican-ness of "Jamaican Soul", updating and pimping his homepage, who he'd want to collab with, his parent's resturant Delval's in Peekskill, New York, and his roommate's party getting busted last week [http://www.thebigshot.com] 22. Succubus calls in at a mere 10¢ a minute from the not-yet-frosty locale of Winnipeg, Manitoba and banters about the chat room's concern of Larry's overusage of the word "yo", the mystery of who she's calling in the States (she could be a double agent!), when she first discovered OCR and her fandom of Rayza, the intricacies of the standard and metric systems, the improvements of VG Frequency and her hand in spreading the word on the show, and the poor readers of the UnMod sex education thread 23. The Wingless - StarFox "Retro Thrust" [http://www.thewingless.com] 24. Vigilante calls in for an interview before watching the Family Guy: Season 1 DVD with Vixen and gives his thoughts on his hectic schedule this week including the production of "Desire" & "Optimism" as sample tracks for Harvard, the composition work he's looking to do in college, potential ideas for new OC ReMixes, including a collab with The Wingless, a waltz/swing remix of "Song of Storms" from The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time and a latin jazz remix of "Shademan's Theme" from Mega Man 7, the new Super Metroid combination track of "So It Begins..." & "Zebesian Midnight", his remixes and how he was selected as an OCR judge, interesting yet androgynous fanmail, VGMix2, the high quality of the latest posted OC ReMixes, the controversy on the rejected submission "Four Fantasies" and why he chose to vote NO on it, if the luster of being a judge potentially wears off, Vixen & MIT radio, the lengthy nature of the OCR submission process, his friendship with Protricity, and a friendly exiting potshot at Star Salzman [http://www.geocities.com/jesse_taub] 25. Andre, approvingly nicknamed "Vice City" by the chat room, calls in asking where Larry's bitches are and to tell us an important story about fish ("Have fun but watch it, watch it but have fun") 26. Kalliope - "Lunar Landings" [Café Del Mar 9] 27. Big Tymers - "Big" [Hood Rich] 28. Nobuo Uematsu - "Conversation with Culex" [super Mario RPG OST] 29. Red Omen - VG Frequency "More Proof" Bumper 30. MC - Chrono Cross "Dream Shore Sonata-Fantasy" [OC ReMix #1055] 31. EgM - Ys "Beat of Terror" [OC ReMix #1051] 32. Nobuo Uematsu, Tsuyoshi Sekito & Kenichiro Fukui - Final Fantasy 5 "Clash on the Big Bridge" [Final Fantasy: The Black Mages] 33. Koji Kondo - "Inside the Earthen Pipe" [super Mario RPG OST] 34. Jellyfish - "Ignorance is Bliss" [White Knuckle Scorin'] 35. Yoko Shimomura - "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" [super Mario RPG OST] 36. SeattleOverCoat - VG Frequency "Decap Attack" Bumper 37. SeattleOverCoat - "Cram" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 38. Nobuo Uematsu - "Esto Gaza" [Final Fantasy IX OST] 39. DarkeSword - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Dream Pipe" [http://www.darkesword.com]
  17. There's an hour and change left until we're underway with OCR on the radio. "New" is the word of choice tonight. We've got fresh stuff from EgM, SeattleOverCoat, MC, Beatdrop, DarkeSword, Vigilante, GrayLightning & Freemind, analoq, and The Wingless. Last week we had what amounts to controversy in our isolated video game remix community the removal of the FF4 Piano Collections mix from Aaron Ackerson, "Chocobo (Strings and Winds)". After playing that last week, this week Final Fantasy 4 leads us to the recently rejected remix by Kevin Stephens & Russell Cox, "Four Fantasies". Do Final Fantasy IV, pianos, and OverClocked ReMix seemingly not go together? The Wingless wants to share two tracks that make him tick. Take a cryptic journey into the musical mind of the J. A. Burnett and don't forget to bring a sick bag as we let both Kalliope and the Big Tymers loose on an unsuspecting world. KyleJCRB pimps out a favorite track of his radio show, Nitro Game Injection, with Jellyfish's King Koopa inspired "Ignorance is Bliss". Ignis brings you the Final Fantasy V remix from FF: The Black Mages, "Clash on the Big Bridge". Also, Gorveg won't rest till your ears bleed with his Chrono Trigger/Zeal theme BEER10 submission "Should Dalton Take Power", while Eulogic wants to take you on "A Ride Through the Ghetto". And DCT will be joining the show as our special guest to talk about his latest tracks, "Paul" which we had last week, and his DarkeSword inspired remix of 50 Cent's In Da Club, "In Da Club (Dark Sword Mix)", which will be featured tonight. What else will happen? Who the hell knows? You think I plan this out? Join the madness tonight at 10 PM EST. The sig has the link. The details below have my AIM. Hang out with the listeners at the AIM chat "VG Frequency". See you there, unless you don't like fun...
  18. The RAR of episode #6 is up and available for download. The tracklist is on page 11, so check it out. I'll be looking around to see what's on deck for this Saturday, as well as checking in with a few people to see if they have their stuff ready. We do have analoq, Gorveg, DarkeSword, EgM, GrayLightning & Freemind already set, as well as requests for Jellyfish & FF: The Black Mages, and I'll see what else I'll pick tomorrow.
  19. http://www.mp3.com/stations/vgfrequency (once again, for page 12) Thanks, Dan. Yeah, I thought it'd be a good idea, and I was in a good position to do it, since I've tried to find out the homepages and MP3.com pages of pretty much every remixer on the site during my two years here. If you scroll down and check everything out, you'll see quite a few different names on there. I'm sure I've definitely overlooked a few people, whether it be because they're infrequent OCR contributors or have MP3.com pages under another handle, so please keep pointing stuff out for me. I've already got your stuff on there Mike, although I have to go through the tedious process of listing everyone in alphabetical order, so everything's a little easier to find. I thought it would be a lot easier to organize than the way MP3.com sets it up. If you're feeling brave enough to weather the depravity and insanity of the VG Frequency chat room on AIM, definitely IM me on Saturday night and come see how it is if you're checking the show. DJ Abjurator (who made the very popular Rockman & Forte "Hyperrock Fortissimo") was nice enough to PM his info, so hopefully, we'll have Galen come on the air for in interview sometime soon, not to mention check out the AIM chat.
  20. http://www.mp3.com/stations/vgfrequency It's not dial-up friendly, just to mention. I decided this could interest a few people when they're bored, so I quickly made an MP3.com station today. Check out the focus of it. If you know of more OC ReMixers with original material hosted on MP3.com, please let me know.
  21. Definitely go ahead and try and peep the show, even if you're on 56K. There may be buffering issues, but people have managed to tune in before like that. As for BEER10, we'll see if any entries are worth it...
  22. VG Frequency #6 has come and gone. Thanks to everyone for the huge turnout. We're always looking to have more and more people come by the AIM chat ("VG Frequency") so please tell a friend to check the show out, keep an eye out next week for the chat and come in. What's the room limit anyway? 36? We can eventually get that, dammit! Stuff I couldn't get to like analoq's BEER10 submission and EgM's new Ys ReMix will be coming up next week, and there'll be fresh stuff from SeattleOverCoat, DarkeSword & the Wingless as well. We'll also be doing another track from Final Fantasy: The Black Mages, courtesy of Ignis, as well as a Mario tribute track by Jellyfish, courtesy of KyleJCRB. Thanks to KyleJCRB & Beatdrop for this week's call-ins, and hopefully we'll be having DCT on the air next week as well. Thanks again this week to the Coop for providing us with tonight's AIM transcript at a highly suspicious 666K. Why do I have the feeling you people won't be proud to show your kids this stuff one day...? I'm taking suggestions on the subtitle of this week's show. Keep it clean, but keep it funny too. Without further ado, here's the meaty tracklist: Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 10:10 PM - 12:45 AM EST 1. Satoshi Ise - "Ending 2" [Capcom vs. SNK OST] 2. Rayza f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Number One Host" Bumper 3. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Chrono Trigger" [Chrono Trigger OST] 4. Aaron Ackerson - Final Fantasy 4 "Chocobo (Strings and Winds)" [OC ReMix #1051 (removed)] 5. "Macho Man" Randy Savage - "Be a Man" [be a Man] 6. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper 7. Nobuo Uematsu, Tsuyoshi Sekito & Kenichiro Fukui - Final Fantasy 2 "Battle, Scene II" [Final Fantasy: The Black Mages] 8. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Battle 1" [Chrono Trigger OST] 9. DCT - "Paul" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 10. Richard Jacques - "Rusty Ruin (Act 1)" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 11. Richard Jacques - "Rusty Ruin (Act 2)" [sonic 3D Blast OSV] 12. Nobuo Uematsu - "Auron's Theme" [Final Fantasy X OST] 13. KyleJCRB calls in (after Larry reads from the morally subversive chat) and brings the show to a new level of "e-penis"-related debauchery; aside from various chat room insults, we also conversate about Jellyfish's "Ignorance is Bliss", BEER10, a plug for SuperGreenX & FFmusic Dj's Shining Force 3 mix "Force of Light", Kyle potentially becoming an OC ReMix judge, and the "lack of white judges" on the judges' panel (The Wingless: "Boo Whitey!") [http://kngi.tripod.com] 14. The Wingless - Super Metroid "One Girl in All the World" [OC ReMix #1048] 15. Matt Wilson - Sonic the Hedgehog "Green Hill Man" [Mega Man FM] 16. Beatdrop - Jackal "Mounted-Machine Gun Funk" [OC ReMix #677] 17. Junya Nakano - "Luca" [Final Fantasy X OST] 18. Beatdrop calls in to talk about his Jackal remix, his unawareness of The Wingless's brand new OCR judge status, his relative inactivity on the panel, other mixers who are qualified to join the judges' panel, KyleJCRB as a judge, SuperGreenX's approved ICO submission "Save Me", the impetus to actively judge, the fact that the majority of judges' panel submissions are denied, judge-hate threads on the OCR forums, the Star Fox & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Ultimate Collaboration Projects, Operations, weird and annoying fans including one guy from Chile who he dumped onto K. Praslowicz, Kill Bill: Volume One, and VG Frequency's now legendary chat room abuse (DJ Flip Side: "Soapdrop") [http://rks.no-ip.com/~beatdrop] 19. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "Star Egotism" Bumper 20. Star Salzman - "Treatise" [http://www.starblast.org] 21. Nobuo Uematsu, Tsuyoshi Sekito & Kenichiro Fukui - Final Fantasy 6 "Dancing Mad" [Final Fantasy: The Black Mages] 22. SeattleOverCoat - VG Frequency "Hot Mansex" Bumper 23. SeattleOverCoat - Metroid I, Metroid II & Super Metroid "Evolution" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat] 24. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Corridors of Time" [Chrono Trigger OST] 25. Kenichiro Fukui - "Silence" [Einhänder OST] 26. Planet3 - "THIS is Why" [FeverDreamer] 27. DarkeSword - Super Mario 64 "Pearl Diver" [http://www.darkesword.com] 28. Kenichiro Fukui - "Bloody Battle" [Einhänder OST] 29. The Coop - Darius "Silverhawk Legacy" [http://www.geocities.com/arforfaborb] 30. Yasunori Mitsuda - "Black Dream" [Chrono Trigger OST] 31. Instant Remedy - Comic Bakery "Title Theme Mix" [instant Remedy v2] 32. Scarface VS Rayza - "Smile (Rude Boy Dettol Mix)" [http://www.rayza.net] 33. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Savage Seduction" [OC ReMix #999] 34. Tomoya Ootani - "Single Player Theme" [ChuChu Rocket! OSV] 35. Satoshi Ise - "Name Entry" [Capcom vs. SNK OST]
  23. I felt inclined to post the tracklist from VG Frequency #5.5: Late Night Snack. No MP3 archive, just lots of OC ReMixes, and 4 chatting insomniacs: Liontamer, DCT, SuperGreenX & FFmusic Dj. Even though I have the chat transcript, no one will ever truly know what transpired, but I'll give you a hint: SuperGreenX was drunk and easy... Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA) "VG Frequency" - Saturday, October 11, 2003 - 3:45 - 6 AM EST 1. Jared Hudson w/Abraham McCalment - Final Fantasy 10 "The Final Summoning" [OC ReMix #1017] 2. Ubik - Final Fantasy 3 "The Dark World (Crystal Abyss Mix)" [OC ReMix #995] 3. Beatdrop - Chrono Trigger "Ruined Landscape" [OC ReMix #916] 4. Trance-Canada - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Ice Attack" [OC ReMix #759] 5. Star Salzman - Chrono Trigger "Temporal Distortion" [OC ReMix #789] 6. McVaffe - Super CastleVania IV "Castle Trance" [OC ReMix #387] 7. Goolancer - Super Mario World "Vanilla Extract" [OC ReMix #695] 8. JD Harding - Super Metroid "Darkstar" [OC ReMix #423] 9. DJ Pretzel - Galaxy Force 2 "Nominal" [OC ReMix #72.5 (removed)] 10. DCT - Super Street Fighter 2 "Jamaican Soul" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 11. SuperGreenX - "Multiple Worlds" [http://www.mp3.com/supergreenx] 12. Hitoshi Sakimoto & Masaharu Iwata - "Run Through the Plains" [Final Fantasy Tactics OST] 13. DarK PurPle - Super Mario Bros. 2 "The DarK Underground" [OC ReMix #558] 14. Ziwtra - Final Fantasy Adventure "Willed Assault" [OC ReMix #1012] 15. Joshua Morse - Final Fantasy 7 "Where Destiny Meets" [OC ReMix #994] 16. Rayza - Shinobi 3 "Whirlwind (Gale Force Mix)" [OC ReMix #949] 17. DJ Pretzel - Socket "Trip the Light Fantastic" [OC ReMix #939] 18. AE - MegaMan 2 - "Flash Fire" [OC ReMix #67] 19. DCT - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Welcome to Hydro City" [http://www.thebigshot.com] 20. FFmusic Dj - "End of Time" [string Machine] 21. Tomoya Ootani - "Puzzle Editor" [ChuChu Rocket! OSV] 22. Marc Star - Chrono Cross "CrossFire" [OC ReMix #917] 23. DJ Pretzel - Final Fantasy 9 "dubnofantasyaloneman" [OC ReMix #814] 24. DJ Seith - Sonic the Hedgehog "Water Warning (U Can't Breathe 2 This Revisit)" [OC ReMix #554] 25. DJ Pretzel - Donkey Kong Country "Diddy Evolution" [OC ReMix #399] 26. Gecko Yamori - Streets of Rage 2 "SID of Rage" [OC ReMix #664] 27. Midee w/Prozax & Jeremy Johnson - Axelay "Kick My Axe" [OC ReMix #717] 28. AE - MegaMan 2 "Soap And Water" [OC ReMix #375] 29. Dale North - Grandia "Nothern Beach" [OC ReMix #452] 30. McVaffe - Super Mario Bros. 2 "Underground Riddims" [OC ReMix #514] 31. The Dead Guys - Paperboy "Peaperboayh" [OC ReMix #12] 32. DJ Chako - MegaMan 8 "Frosty Delight" [OC ReMix #361] 33. Syusaku Uchiyama - "Frostman Theme" [MegaMan 8 OSV] 34. Chikusho Sound Team - MegaMan X "Airbased" [OC ReMix #525]
  24. Thanks to my audience for this morning's impromptu show: DCT, SuperGreenX & FFmusic Dj. I'll post a tracklist sometime after tonight's show. Almost 2 hours left: good stuff is on the way tonight, so be sure to tune into VG Frequency. #6 is on the way... http://www.emory.edu/WMRE/wmre.ram
  25. I'm gonna need some hookup on the Einhander stuff. Personally, I didn't remember any music from that game sticking out to me when my roommate played it last year, but I just watched the first 2 or 3 levels. So far, I've got DCT, Star Salzman, Instant Remedy, Beatdrop, Aaron Ackerson, and the Wingless coming up. This is gonna be a nice, random show! I may have a friend in the studio for the second half, so we'll see how that turns out. I felt like playing some random crap this morning, since I can't sleep for now, so I'm chillin' in the studio 'till 5 AM. I'm not doing the webcam, but I'll talk on the air or chat on AIM, if you're interested. http://www.emory.edu/WMRE/wmre.ram
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