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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The track was 3:29 long, so I needed at least 104.5 seconds of overt source usage for VGM to be considered dominant in the arrangement. 35.5-57.5, 58.75-1:06, 1:22.5-1:53.5, 2:09.5-2:58 = 108.75 seconds or 52.03% overt source usage Close, but the source usage checks out for me after giving this a lot of time to marinate and initially having similar timestamping conclusions to Gario; there were some liberal portions where the notes were different or simplified but the source rhythms and patterns are clearly followed. That said, to follow up on Jive's POV, IMO the arrangement recognition standards can't come down to whether we think a casual listener could pick out the source usage enough; we have enough cerebral arrangements (Navi's Final Fantasy X-2 "Chauffage au Gaz" strongly comes to mind) where the A-to-B source-to-arrangement connections are there yet not obvious at all. We once has someone on YouTube say that Rozovian's Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Eye of the Storm" was unrecognizable and thus too liberal. This mix wasn't an example of going that out there, but the point still stands that the judges are the ones more carefully examining the arrangements, and fans generally aren't. And, of course, differences of opinion on an individual level are fine with me. The trades between the arrangement and original writing were seamless, and you could easily think Dave's original motif was taken from that source or somewhere else from the SoM soundtrack. Nice shaker, tambourine, and ocean SFX accenting the piece, and the percussion and bass work are always exemplary stuff. Dave's work always has an organic flavor to it despite the lack of live instruments; one part good tools, but also understanding how to use those tools. Nice work! YES
  2. Good, intense energy here, and nice work adding some Christmas/holiday instrumentation touches to the picture. The background writing was pushed back more than it had to be, and I think you could have had more clarity in the soundscape while still maintaining the track's intensity. Finally got some breathing room with the brief dropoff at 1:53 and again around 2:15. With the chorus at 2:26, it felt like a cut-and-paste of 1:11's section, but it was brief before moving onto some other new arrangement ideas followed by some awesome soloing. 3:34 with the same chorus section being repeated again as a cut-and-paste. At least when 4:04 retread 1:30's section, there was more intesity to it to present a difference from before. I'm just picking apart some meaningful issues with arrangement and production that addressing could have made into a more thoroughly developed and polished piece, but there's no doubt that this is a very well-personalized cover that packs some power behind it! Welcome, Glyndwr! YES
  3. Just some brief comments on this version since I heard the first one. I initially wasn't sure why the main melodic line was pushed back during the build, but the "Theme of Love" melody was front and center at 1:06 after the extended build, so I'm ultimately OK with the source being downplayed to start. I heard the little touches to the beats first starting at 1:39 to create some variation; nice work! That's exactly what I was talking about, just incorporating some subtle differences with the beats and some swooshing SFX embellishments that make textural variation apparent without having to do something drastic. The piano at 2:43 having more body and realism to it would have made the final section stronger; the last few notes in particular were so exposed, but I'll live with what's there because the sum total of the arrangement's solid. Nice work, and thanks for being able to revisit this, Austin! YES
  4. The beats are still meaty, and the arrangement remains energetic, but there's a REALLY washed out and muddy/muffled sound to this still; it makes 0 sense, and this mixing would need to be addressed for me before we could post this. Once the soundscape thinned out some at 1:30 you hear the difference, but at 1:59 it's just cluttered again, with 2:15-2:45 particularly sounding very washed out. On headphones, this sounds pretty poorly mixed now, so I'm not sure how this has 2 YESes at all unless headphones aren't being used (I did compare with my usual control track to be sure it wasn't me messing up my listening settings). Not sure what changed between this and the previous version, but this made it a tougher sell instead of getting closer to YES, and it's 100% on the production level. I'm not mad, but it's a waste of a resubmission to mess up the mixing like this. NO (resubmit)
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  9. Loving this set, Doug, and I've been playing a lot of old favorites last night and this morning while working. Thanks! Just noting I found lot of dupes in the VGMix2/X folder due to minor differences in artist names and mostly game titles (e.g. Final Fantasy 7 vs. Final Fantasy VII).
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  14. OC ReMix presents Arcadia Legends! December 21, 2018 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 69th free community arrangement album, Arcadia Legends. Featuring 36 tracks from 45 artists, Arcadia Legends pays tribute to the classic - yet currently overlooked - Sega RPG Skies of Arcadia, and is led by first-time director Darkflamewolf along with assistant director Zach "Modus" Long. The album is available for free download at http://arcadia.ocremix.org. ‌Winding down the 15th anniversary year of SoA's GameCube edition (Skies of Arcadia Legends), Arcadia Legends pulls together a deep lineup of veteran and newcomer musicians interpreting Tatsuyuki Maeda & Yutaka Minobe's score in a variety of styles across 2 3/4 hours of creative arrangements. Arcadia Legends was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sega; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "Amidst all the dark, dreary, depressing, emo RPGs that spawned as a result of the uber-popular Final Fantasy VII, this RPG flew completely under the radar with its expertly used cliche storm and upbeat & happy characters," noted album director Darkflamewolf in praising the original game. "It was a breath of fresh air in a sea of RPG copycats." The album's artwork was designed by Georgia illustrator and SCAD graduate Patricia "Pat Dag" Daguisan, as well as album assistant director Modus, and UK artist Davy "Odai" Owen. "It has been a wild adventure and a crazy trip for my first time directing an OC ReMix album and quite an ambitious one at that! Every single remixer did a fantastic job bringing their unique individuality to the album!" Darkflamewolf offered. "This was an album I felt the world needed and I dedicate this to all the fans of this beloved, cult classic game." With the release of Arcadia Legends, Skies of Arcadia becomes the third Sega franchise to receive an OC ReMix's arrangement album, following a plethora of Sonic the Hedgehog series tributes, along with 2011's NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming honoring NiGHTS into dreams.... About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. OC ReMix operates under the umbrella and sponsorship of Game Music Initiative, Inc, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization (EIN: 81-4140676). ### Preview it: http://youtu.be/Kz1G5YjJYV8 Download it: http://arcadia.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Arcadia_Legends.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/47841/
  15. Preview Arcadia Legends: http://youtu.be/Kz1G5YjJYV8 Download Arcadia Legends: http://arcadia.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Arcadia_Legends.torrent I never owned a Dreamcast, being a Nintendo fanboy at heart. However, I did own a Nintendo GameCube and I was intrigued by the game Skies of Arcadia Legends after it was advertised in my Nintendo Power subscription. It was an enhanced port with more content for the GameCube and, since I was on a huge RPG binge at the time, this looked right up my alley. What I played would changed my young adult life. Amidst all the dark, dreary, depressing, emo RPGs that spawned as a result of the uber-popular Final Fantasy VII, this RPG flew completely under the radar with its expertly used cliche storm and upbeat & happy characters. There was a sense of daring-do, brave exploration, and an overall message of doing what's right when everything else tells you no. It was a breath of fresh air in a sea of RPG copycats. The gameplay and story weren't the only things that lingered long after I had finished playing the game; the music left an indelible mark on my psyche. To this day, I can't get the fantastic tunes and songs out of my head. So when I looked around to see what OC ReMix albums were out there, I was shocked and disappointed that there wasn't one for Skies of Arcadia. Reading up on the rules and regulations about such albums, I saw no restriction that I couldn't start one myself. So, a little over three years ago, a virtual nobody in the OC ReMix community, I decided to start my own album to bringing this music to Arcadia and video game music fans everywhere! What floored me was how unknown this game was. Even though it has its rabid fans and devotees, the game was largely unheard of. Almost every remixer I polled either had not heard of the game, had not played it or simply wasn't interested in arranging a track for a game they were not familiar with. It was disheartening for the first year trying to gather a huge array of remixers to arrange for what basically amounted to an "underdog album." This was not the sort of album that people were clamouring for, but it would definitely be appreciated by those who enjoyed the game and its music. So, I pressed onward, gaining both a co-director and art director in the form of Modus when I pinged him to remix a track. He had long since left the remixing scene, but was delighted to lend his talents in other capacities and has proven beyond useful in all respects. I could not have done this project without him. And only just a year ago, we got our sound director in the form of Rotten Eggplant whom pinged us with samples of his work after stumbling across our album project. After that, we became a trio that pushed onward to see this to completion. Some major shoutouts to several remixers who went above and beyond the call of duty to provide either one or more tracks and assist other remixers in the creation of other tracks: Deedubs and Jorito! But every single remixer did a fantastic job bringing their unique individuality to the album! Over the three years, I have experienced great highs and quite a few lows with regards to project tempo, progress, outlook, and more. It has been a wild adventure and a crazy trip for my first time directing an OC ReMix album and quite an ambitious one at that! I wouldn't trade that experience for the world and if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably pick a smaller project! Regardless, this was an album I felt the world needed and I dedicate this to all the fans of this beloved, cult classic game. And remember: "Impossible is just a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit." I'm glad I didn't quit this! Enjoy the music, everyone! - Darkflamewolf
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