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Everything posted by Bobwillis

  1. I hate people that complain about cheap deaths. Quit bitching, and memorize where the pits and spikes are. Problem solved.
  2. IGN actually gave it one of the highest scores it received. Also, Sonic Rush is one of the best games on the DS, pick it up whenever you have extra cash to spend.
  3. ?
  4. Only a few more days for the new releases.
  5. Looks like the X-Men Movie Logo font. I agree the logo sucks. It's pretty gaudy.
  6. ^ That is awesome. They wish to take over your life. Before it was "Live in your world. Play in ours." Now it's "Live in our world. Play in our world."
  7. Eh, you gain ranks and stuff.
  8. This is exactly the reason the world needs to forget about Krystal .
  9. Nope, anything DK related is Nintendo's, including DKC. Anything created by Rareware associated with Donkey Kong or Starfox became the property of Nintendo, even if Rare moved elsewhere. So characters like K. Rool and Krystal are totally viable for SSBB, and I comletely expect to see them... Meh, they already have Fox and Falco...they don't need Krystal too IMO. That'd be terrible, having Krystal in SSBB...who's next? Slippy? lol Really? I think Krystal would be great. Give her the staff with its rocket boost, fire and ice abilities, and the earthquake, and she'd be awesome. But I agree, leave Slippy out. Type in "Krystal" with the filter off in google image search. furries
  10. Not bad. I wonder why no one is complaining about this like they did about See Sixty Funk.
  11. For some reason he looks like he'd be more leika rocketman. God I could post these all day.
  12. Zero Suit Samus used what looked either like a light saber or a light whip...
  13. Guys there's a Mega Man ZX trailer at gamespot... http://www.gamespot.com/ds/action/megamanzx/media.html
  14. This is great. It reminds me of a bastardized version of the song they sing in the Splash Mountain Ride at Disneyland.
  15. This piece starts off so strong. What a wonderfully succint introduction. It works extraordinarily well with the tempo. It really is quite a great effect you have created. The rest is nice, too. The introduction is just so refreshing. Thanks.
  16. This keeps me occupied on drives. It's a pretty interesting listen. lvl up!
  17. This is a great mix, so please don't let this rub you the wrong way. The section from 2:40 - 3:00 is awful (but not on it's own merit, it's actually rather good on it's own). It seems as if it was thrown in mistakenly from another mix, most probably because the transition is nonexistent. I'll agree that it leads into the section after 3:00 fairly well as the two sections play off each other well, but it's just really out of place.
  18. You should check dates before you make assumptions and stick your foot in your mouth. This mix was posted 3 years before that flash movie was created. It's also very awesome.
  19. This is nice work. It is loopable music that doesn't make you want to rip your skin off after multiple listens.
  20. Not my cup of tea. I thought my ears were playing tricks on me as the lead is muffled. It's extremely dirty and unpolished. It feels as though it's just a bunch of different sounds thrown together, a mishmosh of different ideas executed poorly. Listen to it for yourself, but its not something I'm going to be spending much time with in the future. dbledit: Incoherent and abrasive and are the words I'd use to describe this piece. The drums really mess this one up, as does the volume of the individual parts.
  21. Being able to hear the piano makes this piece so much better .
  22. The second part literally made me stop driving (I had made a mix cd without listening beforehand). The fucking synthy piano made remember playing this with my friend while it was raining outside. The fireplace was on and my mom was making dinner. It was a beautifully orange memory.
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