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Everything posted by Bobwillis

  1. Maybe some Enya, but not all.
  2. I know. FF 12 really needed equipment macros. That's why I'm hoping 13 has them.
  3. I would give anything for equipment switch macros ala FFXI for FFXIII
  4. 2020 Super Baseball
  5. lol people are silly
  6. Tons of slowdown during certain fights. Most notably the final boss fight has a ridiculous amount of frame rate issues.
  7. I hope Nekko's problem isn't worse than Super Scope Six headaches. I'm looking forward to playing Elebits.
  8. Whenever I play Tetris DS Wifi I have to take a 10 minute break after playing.If I close my eyes I immediately start dropping pieces and stacking them up. I almost got into a car accident once. >_<
  9. Nice treatment of the piece. I'm glad you stayed away from something serious. 3:20 kicks ass
  10. Dethlok is one funny dude. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the vocal sections. I doubt I'd ever give that a listen again, though.
  11. That was annoying. I can see how it would make you more active, though, listening might be bad for your blood pressure.
  12. I mus fill out the reqested leetttterz
  13. When I leave the house it's to do something productive, usually. I drive, as well.
  14. [big List] Not to be a jerk or anything, but almost all of those games are either ports or nearly the same as their PS2 counterpart. It might be a good game, but when I can play it on my TV instead of on a handheld and get the exact same experience, I'd rather do that. In all honesty, most people play their handhelds at home, including myself. I'm not buying a PSP for a remake of GTA or Tekken when I can play something superior.
  15. http://angryamericankirby.ytmnd.com/ I thought this was pretty funny, though I can't comment on the sound. My sound card is f'd.
  16. interesting not quite as interesting as CidInTheFactoryGaffeizil, but solid nonetheless
  17. Ridge Racer stopped being good after 4, sadly.
  18. Is this really true?
  19. Make the intro into its own song. Terra's theme seems thrown in and out of place.
  20. If you plot the graphs they do not intersect. And using x = 0 will not help.
  21. cos(cos(cos(cosx)))=sin(sin(sin(sinx))) I saw this in my school's newspaper yesterday....I suck at trig Apparently my simplification skills are shitty.
  22. I've always wondered why you can resell a console but can't sell a coke from a six-pack or a box of cereal from an assorted 8-pack.
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