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Arek the Absolute

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Status Updates posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. please never change

    no really

    never change

  2. yes it is my good man

  3. howd you rep that sf4

  4. i can dig it yo

    now get it in the project style and we can do bizness

  5. We really need to talk on msn. Get on asap. I need you to edit something, as well as a few other things.

  6. I have no idea what I am doing in Mana Khemia. I think I get the item synthing, but I don't get how to level up at all. I am with the same stats as I was when I began and I am about 2 hours in.

    So confused. This is definitely not like your normal rpg when it comes to stat growth.

  7. wtf when u hit shen long

  8. talk about a massive lapse of memory

  9. Haaaaaaaaaaaaalc

    get the mww tracks off of your tindeck

  10. I have a request I wish to speak to you about later for a picture. :)

  11. message me on irc when you see me on when you are on

    there is something that i HAVE to know and no it isnt about you being a chick or not

  12. i just want you to konw

    i love you

  13. next mag we gonna tear it up with our horribleness

  14. there are one luke too many comments here

    fix that

  15. golgah that is a crazy awesomely hawt sig you made

  16. what is your 3ds code sir

  17. check out the mwww thread good sir

  18. Haha. Sorry. We are friends now, though :)

  19. i need a new avatar help me choose one

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