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Status Updates posted by Salluz

  1. Wow, OCRemix has updated by a Hell of a lot! Woo!

  2. Excellent, man! I guess I don't have that popularity, but whatevaa.

  3. Wussup man? I'm a nice guy. 8)

  4. In the sense that I seek to be cool and at peace with others. 8)

  5. I'm still on it. Having all sorts of family problems, like people withholding my PC from me to support their music business. Well, now I have threatened to take ti to civil court and I'm getting my things back. I'll be in the groove soon.

  6. The stalkers are gonna find me.

    I live/go to school in Kalamazoo and work not. Yet.

  7. Yeah, lol, and I saw how everyone was like "OMG GET OVR URSLF" and I mean, they had a point but what does that help?

  8. Either you or Fishy won the last Caption Contest.

  9. I didn't know what was going on in that thread. Care to enlighten me?

  10. What's going on?

  11. Not on here, but I don't think my school restricts it since I can use MSN, AOL or WLive freely.

  12. That's positively negative.

  13. Ah, I see, it's your turn to clean.

    Just @ school chillin' semester's almost over, no work.

  14. BTW, no problem, I don't mind doing favors.

  15. Froggy, that's pretty soft, man. Arguing with nerds about your appearance? C'mon man, you hold the whole damned world in your palm.

    Real shit, people on here don't need a reason to be motherfuckers. They don't need a reason to talk shit, and you don't have to have done anything. Fuckin' around: that's what dicks do.

    Personally, I try to keep my shit brown because it's been since 2009 when I've chucked a buck or two and bought a T-shirt and bumper stickers as a way to say "thanks DJP, you're the shit for inventing this site!" I shall contribute again one day.

    Even if a person donated a grand, still, it would not be right to be an asshole. Exceptionally, if so, that requires a hell of a logical reason.

    Like Dr. Dre said, bitches ain't shit.

  16. Yes, I did (I hardly ever miss church). The sermon was about favor. This has been preached for the last three weeks, which is a good thing b/c people will remember.

    I just installed mIRC on my external HD so I should be making an account.

  17. Aw great, am I unable to start a username on mIRC? I have to buy it, which I don't mind but I can't right now.

  18. Oh, ok, I'm on IRC now.

  19. Crap, firewall is blocking me. I need to get a new PC soon.

  20. Naw, how do I do that (I'm smart, I can find out, but why waste energy when I can ask?)

  21. That sig is cool. What does it mean?

  22. Still here @ campus. Sorry, multitasking.

  23. Yeah, IRC's being blocked.

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