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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Do you have a higher quality picture? Or at least, any other picture? I can do it, but I'd like more to work with.
  2. Sorry to the artist. I didn't like this one so much. Sounded like too many things happening at once.
  3. I may do that. People should just get a photo bucket of their own. It's free and all. I'll host a few though. If you're interest in works I've done, see my photobucket: http://photobucket.com/albums/y40/Maco70/
  4. I'll join the game and take some sig requests. I can even do animated gifs if I'm feeling ambitious. PM me if you're interested. I won't host images though. I'll either e-mail them to you or put them in my photobucket for a limited time. So, bring it on.
  5. [url=http://www.google.com]clicky[/url] It'll look like this: clicky
  6. Only if you really don't know what you're doing... it's really not that hard at all. Sephiroth was actually very easy. Just throw everything you have at him, how could you possibly lose?
  7. HTML does not work in these forums. Only BBcode.
  8. How many of these things are there?? EDIT: I count 135...
  9. Hardest boss... I'd have to say The final Boss from Ristar, just because it took me so friggin long to do it. The final boss from blinx was challanging, just because you had to do half the bosses from the game again. And maybe last boss in Ecco the dolphin: Tides of time. I was only able to get there with a code, and it's so hard. If you feel like counting RPG bosses, it'd have to be Emerald Weapon. I have yet to meet some one who beat it without using some code or trick.
  10. Trying something: <html> <center> <FORM> <INPUT type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="alert('Thank You')" > </form> </center> </html> Allright, I give up. Is it possible to use html in this forum at all?
  11. (I saw it) Don't worry about it. At least you knew well enough to not post it in "general" or "unmod".
  12. Search google for, "unfreez" it's a freeware and it's pretty basic. But it's good if you don't have photoshop.
  13. Do bitmaps not work here?
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