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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Yeah, I just saw that one. They've been putting them up for a couple hours now. At least they are humoring the stupid people who over react.
  2. They are Massholes. Hey wait... I live in Mass... But I say my R's so it's cool.
  3. Seriously, are people really that skiddish? Based on the picture, It really looks like nothing threatening. Based on the reaction they got, it made it out to be like there was a metal box with wires and a "DANGER" symbol. Crazy... crazies...
  4. Nun uh shake, you messed up this time: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16902707/ http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/01/31/boston.bombscare/index.html?eref=rss_topstories Publicity stunts gone bad.
  5. I'm sure most of you guys have already heard of or seen this, but since I started that thread about the movie way back when, I figured I'd post the official trailer. Looks pretty good to me. I am excited. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJr8WRwQ83M&NR
  6. It's not that Rampage was bad, it was just... Mindless? Repetitious? Easy?
  7. Wow, I remember the original dos version of Oregon Trail. Anyone know where I can download it?
  8. Blinx (xbox) Rampage (NES) Bosconian uh.... that's about it...
  9. Quoted for emphasis.
  10. I got bored. Be nice, these were drawn on a post it in about 2 minutes.
  11. Done. Fill Fill Fill Fill.
  12. Der... I can Google too. I love you for what just happened.
  13. I Agree. This is fill to make the minimum words per post.
  14. Venom actually appearing in the film was not confirmed. It was speculation.
  15. http://media.comics.ign.com/media/735/735506/img_4163986.html D'oh! They're gonna F*** it up!
  16. Okami sigs uploaded. I like em. =D
  17. I uploaded bummerdude's, but Doulifee; as much as I love Okami, I can't upload this, mainly because my severe lack of win rar. E-mail me the files? I might even use one. I friggin love Okami...
  18. Yeah, I realized that. What I was looking for was one that didn't require X11. I have very little experience with Macs so it's all a mystery to me.
  19. Thank you sir. =D
  20. A friend of mine is looking for gimp for Mac OSX. Anyone have any info?
  21. Bump... ...What happen?
  22. Wrong thread; But someone here might help you anyway. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=41441
  23. Done.
  24. I don't like eating guts. The taste is fine, but the texture just gives me the jibblies.
  25. Geez, you guys got tons of stuff. Lots of expensive stuff. I got: 1gb memory card for my camera. A pair of gloves Some Pocky And a book from my brother about Monty Python. I thought I did well until I came online. Foolish, foolish me.
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