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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. The one that comes to my mind is the mother brain from the original metroid. I tried it recently. I have no idea how that is possible without Narpas Sword. Also, the final boss in Ristar, and the last BOSSES in Rocket Knight Adventures.
  2. I think its loads better then Half-Blood Prince. When I heard that one, I thought it was crap. Of course its grown on me now, and it just seems natural. I'm hoping the same happens with this one. On another note, any idea as to what the hell the title is referring to? I may be remembering wrong, but isn't like something Hallow the town where his parent's lived when they were killed by Voldemort? Harry's parents were killed at Godrics Hallow. So its fair to say that could be what its referencing to. Wow, good call. I apparently am not a big enough Harry Potter fan.
  3. For a final book in a series, the title could be more... Something.
  4. Good call Uploaded.
  5. Like that's ever going to happen! But the first sig_shoppe did disappear...
  6. I bought and actually beat Rocket Knight Adventures. Kickass game. Never played Sparkster though. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
  7. Facebook is pretty cool. I only got one because some friends of mine made one for me. But I don't see much of a point unless you are afraid to get out of the room and meet new people.
  8. Done. Good to be back. I actually thought that interest in the sig_shoppe disappeared. Good to see it is a good thing going.
  9. My more detailed ones don't take more than a 30 minutes. I never put a huge amount of detail into sigs. Ask someone more pro though, because my sigs are sub par at best. It's all you bummerdude. PS: What happened to Capn' Hulk?
  10. y hello thar sig_shoppe! Sorry for my absence. Blame... ... College... Now that finals are over and I am on break I will have plenty of time to waste in OCR. I will upload the new sigs right away. Thanks bummerdude for the note. I always stop getting the reply notices for some reason.
  12. Dun.
  13. Updated and stuff. Oh, hi everyone.
  14. Updated.
  15. Out of curiosity, did I forget to post something? I have been kinda doingcollegeworksorryk.
  16. Done mindmeltingly fast!
  17. www.done.com
  18. Done.
  19. Yeahh, but if they see one and want their name on it, why not be open to that? It is still a very different thing from the request thread when they see it before it's branded to them. I see your point... allright. How should we go about this? If photobucket's not capable of specific information for each sigmaker's directory, then a little section in the first post will probably suffice? Done. I know it's poorly worded, but I am tired. So you can deal.
  20. Yeahh, but if they see one and want their name on it, why not be open to that? It is still a very different thing from the request thread when they see it before it's branded to them. I see your point... allright. How should we go about this?
  21. BAD ASS MOTHA! Seriously, that's awesome. As for the other thing. Go ahead. Only thing is that seems more like the sig request thread than what this thread was intended to be. Ready made sigs for the masses at any given point.
  22. Uploaded. PS: Can you make a pyramid head one pretty plz?
  23. Why does that bother you? Sigs by blackdragonsoul and bummerdude uploaded.
  24. OSHIT! I knew there was something I forgot to do. Sorry. Bummerdude's and Newcomer BlackDragonSoul's sigs have been uploaded. PS: BDS, awesome job for a first time, never mind for paint. Keep it up.
  25. Uploaded. Thanks for your support buddy.
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