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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. You know what's weird? I don't agree with the holiday either, yet I really, really hate this sentiment. Granted, I have personal reasons for disliking today other than that generic "blah blah blah i'm always single bawwwwwwwww my life sucks" bullshit.

    But this really seems like a discussion that's better for PPR, and I don't dare post there, lest I get torn apart.

    I'm in a relationship, I just think this holiday is a joke.

    Which it is.

  2. Oh, I thought you meant it was a virus scan. I didn't pick up on the obvious sarcasm.

    dude, you fucking need to get yourself a better computer. seriously - ram's only 20$ a gig currently! you've GOTTA have room on your board to update at least a little bit - get a couple gigs more of ram and a decent video card, at least - that's like 120$ total, and if you got a lesser card, it'd be like 90$. can you afford that?

    All my RAM slots are full, and the board can only take 2 gigs anyway. What I need is a whole new system. Motherboard, video, drives. Everything. I just don't have cash right now. Heh, my CD burner is an iomega "zip cd burner". It boasts of being a 4x.

  3. Oh hell no. If you're concerned Norton will eat up too much resources, then go with a lighter antivirus. Here, let me say this: I, too, have only a gig of RAM. I'm running AVG antivirus and Comodo firewall. I have no issues with resources being used up whatsoever.

    Go with whatever antivirus software you think will suit your needs the best, but for the love of the Internet Gods, don't keep McAfee! McAfee sucks.

    Now, McVaffe on the other hand, he's awesome.


    And, I am unfamilliar with McVaffe.

  4. (btw, thanks for the plug Maco, <3 u)

    I do that.

    And why have we not played worms yet?

    I call shenanigans sir.

    As for r-type... I really hope that games being 1200 points is a trend, and not something to get used to. I wasn't crazy about r-type anyway, I'd be hard pressed to pay even 10 dollars for it, never mind 15.

  5. it's definitely a hog on memory - mine generally uses about 100 megs all the time. i've got 4 gigs of ram, so it isn't an issue for me, but it might be for you.

    I have just over a gig of ram. But a great portion of that is dedicated to on board video.

    It might be easier just to stick with Mcafee...

  6. Yeah, I am definetly not counting out the spyware. I plan to format anyway, I am just glad my system wasn't completely trashed.

    Norton eh?

    I had bad experiences with them in the past... or was that symantec?

    My school offers something called Soho, ever heard of it?

    I don't mind paying for a software (emphasis on ONE) as long as it does everything. I'd prefer to use one program instead of many. I'll look into Norton.

    Another that cause my eye is called CA. It had good reviews on both Tiger direct and new egg.

    I have until Saturday to decide. I am very angry with Mcafee, and it's a shame that my license lasts until August without my using it anymore.

  7. Alright, seems that things have sorted out.

    I say that because the spyware has outright disappeared suddenly.

    I was running scans/cleans back to back and eventually it was just gone.

    Lucky me.

    Now to Mcafee.

    It failed me, and I won't be purchasing it again. Suggestions for an antivirus software?

  8. It's not a matter of how active it is. My point is that PC is where you get patches, class updates, etc. for free. TF2 on the 360 still hasn't gotten any of that, for various reasons, and once it finally does get it, it'll cost money and it'll be a long time after that before the next update pack hits.

    This is true.

    I personally can only deal with achievement whores once, I'd rather not deal with them again.

    I like the updates and all, but I think the game is fine without them.

    Not that the updates would break the game, but it would surely jack up the number of people playing any class.

    Plus, I just plain and simple prefer console over PC.

    Just my personal preference.

  9. While I know that Bleck already has TF2 for PC, I just want to jump in and say I don't know any good reason to play TF2 on 360 over TF2 on PC.

    Agreed, I thought I made that clear.

    Also, the 360 TF2 is pretty active, I don't know what you've heard.

  10. We could start a "Get-Maco70-a-360-Fund" :lol:

    $5 "donation" from each and every poster on this site to fund it and it could net you a sweet system with a couple of titles all put in to a temporary paypal account for ya; though perhaps my math is wrong if $5 is good enough :lol:

    But hey if it actually happens and it's successful, you'll be able to join the few, the proud, the xboxers.

    I won't hold my breath... but thank you for thinking of me.

    so I've had a 360 since December and the only game I have for it is Tales of Vesperia

    what games should I consider that aren't Gears of Manly 2 or Halol 3

    The orange box, if you haven't played it on PC already. TF2 on live is pretty sweet. That alone is worth the $30, never mind that you get portal and Half Life 2.

    Rainbow six vegas is pretty good. The versus mode is garbage though. Co-op and terrorist hunts are what make the game worth buying. And the second game is quite a step up from the first.

    I'm more into arcade games than retail. So from there I can recommend:

    Worms; even with it being watered down, it's great. And for 5 bucks, you really can't complain.

    Marble blast ultra is a great introduction to leaderboards, and the game is very fun to play. The versus mode is a little strange, but it gets intense as you get better.

    Aegis wing; I always recomend this. Partially because it's a very solid shmup, with 4 player co-op. And also because it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  11. Now if you're a cheap ass because you get shit wages then that's another thing that I can only say, sorry brah.

    That's the one.

    I make decent wages, but only a fraction of the months out of the year.

    Full time college student puts a serious crimp on my income/spending.

    My priority at the present is to get a car. Once that happens, I can make more money and maybe buy things.

    I've never liked buying things for myself though. I always feel guilty, like I could be putting the money to better use. ESPECIALLY with big ticket items like a 360 or a PC.

  12. why are you so active here, then? roomie's system?

    that's how i started - i didn't own a 360 until last april, when i finally bought one.

    My brother has one at home, and all of my room mates have one.

    Figures I play more than all of them combined, but am the only one who doesn't own one.

  13. this is why i'm around.

    Not that I don't want you to build me one, or I don't want to build one myself. But I am a cheap ass, I just wouldn't buy anything but bear minimum.

    I don't even own a 360.

  14. Black Freighter details;


    I personally hope that they release this with the special edition DVD. I don't think there was enough plot to make this into much more than a short film.



    Watchmen director discusses the film’s altered ending and the idea of a sequel
    the idea of a sequel




    I mean, he says he'll have nothing to do with it. But...

    ...I prefer not to even think about it. The prequel already has me fuming.

  15. A lot of OCR people already play L4D and TF2 -- on computer.

    Not a big following for those games on the 360.

    Not all people have computers that can handle things...

    I prefer playing console games.

    Still yes for TF2.

  16. So guys, I was wondering, think we could get one of those Community Playdate things going for OCR?

    We got enough of us here to fill out a roster. We would most likely play SSF2HDR due to the site's obvious tie-in. Maybe throw in TF2 or L4D?

    What do you guy think? Would you be interested?

    I am 100% down for team fortress 2 if this works out.

    It'll have to be within the next month though.

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