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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. I am all for shopping online, but this;


    is a little ridiculous.

    PS: The customer reviews are hilarious.

    I bought this product thinking it would clean up my mess. Well, it didn't. All it did was soak it up. Very disappointing, especially when I could have easily used my shirt or my sock. Don't waste your money on this product -- buy something else. Or use your sock or shirt.


    I've been playing it through the last few weeks. The game is eating away at my mind :<

    I don't have a DS.

    I played the Harvey Birdman game which is similar, so I have an idea of how it plays. So, it's on my list if I ever get a DS.

  3. Worms on live is really good.

    I also play aegis wing, marble blast, and Sonic 2. I'd play undertow if anyone was interested, but nobody is ever online.

    Sonic 2's multiplayer is extremely broken. The host will always win, because ther second player gets a horrible lag.

    I'm always up to play Aegis Wing and Marble Blast, but I have to really be in the mood for Ikagura. I can't believe the game is actually harder in multiplayer.

    As for single player games, I think Galaga Legions is very under-rated. I really like the game.

    I am a cheap gamer, so I love the arcade. Just look at my played games, the majority are arcade titles.

    EDIT: Not to just plug Another Soundscape's game, but the XNA title Artoon is actually very good too.

  4. As for the ending, the means by which it happens is not important, what matters is the cost and how it worked.

    I agree.

    It might be easier for an average audience to swallow this new ending than the original. I made my room mate read Watchmen, and he said he loved everything except the ending.

    I also have an open mind, because I personally thought that the V for Vendetta movie was better than the novel.

    This is slightly different though.

  5. yeah i've heard a lot of nonsense about how zack synder is gonna make watchmen fail...well, i disagree.

    honestly what i think will make or break this movie is the editting.


    well, the story is told through complex cutting through time and story-lines (black freighter). If the movie can successfully transistion through time and the story-lines then i think this movie will have the potential to work, even though they changed the ending.

    visually this movie i think will work no matter what happens. it was filmed only with one camera, so they could setup the shots to look just like the novel frames more often. that would've happened less with more then one camera.

    and besides, the director is more known for his visual work anyways :D

    i certainly have high hopes.

    Two things.

    First; The black freighter story has already been cut.

    Second; Snyder tried to limit his cameras to as few as possible to force himself to follow the shots of the novel. But the movie was not filmed with one camera. That would be ludicrous. I'd cite my source, but I don't really want to go searching for it.

    I don't have high hopes for the movie, but I expect that it will be visually stunning at the very least.

    I reserve all other judgement until march.

  6. Off topic for a second: that game is a part of my Sonic Anniversary Collection for Gamecube. I've never played it though. Is it any fun?

    It's on pretty much every sega compilation I've seen.

    It's puyo pop with a different name. If you don't like puzzle games, then you wouldn't like it. I find it extremely addictive, especially multiplayer.

    Give it a shot, what's the worst that could happen?

  7. Did anyone else besides me play that free 'Doritos T-Rex game' that was on the XBLA?

    It was really only fun for a day or so, but still a Cyborg T-Rex is guaranteed good times

    I was going to mention this. It was pretty fun.

    The spiderman 2 and 3 movie games were fun. Just swinging around the city doing random crime busts was tons of fun.

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