Infinity's End
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Everything posted by Infinity's End
OMG >_< MUST...RESIST...URGE...TO...BUY...everything. I can't stand it. There's at LEAST 5 games in that list that I want to play. And that's gonna set me back at least $150, not to mention the Wii, which is going to be either in Oct. or Nov. And that's $250 more, plus a game or two, and that's $300 total. DAMMIT I hate being a po' ass bitch. Thank god for credit cards
I didn't want to make a new topic... so this is where I'll rant. So, upon reflection of the New Super Mario Bros., I come to you sad, and disappointed. Why is this? I'll gladly tell you. Every single Mario game, up until now, has changed the way we play platformers. Super Mario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (YI) and 64 are the greatest platformers ever made, bar-none. The Super Mario Bros. series is *THE* standard for 2D platforming. Furthermore, Mario has, on many occasions, been dubbed the "KING OF PLATFORMING!" Isn't that saying a lot? New SMB, IMO, is a step back. And right now, everyone's just buying into the hype. I sure as hell did. All those GODDAMNED news and reviews sites are fucking liars. No one gives their opinion like me. I've been to gamerankings, I know how people like to suck on Nintendo's dick. Well, this time, for me, it ain't going to happen. New SMB, is basically SMB1, with a pinch of SMB3 thrown in for good measure. It's much more old-school than its predecessors, which isn't a bad thing, but hey, I'm not going to sit here and wait for 10 more years for them to come out with a game that resembles Super Mario 2 with a pinch of Mario World or whatever... it's just more of the same. There's not really any innovation or genre pushing features in the whole freakin' game. I guess I'll just have to wait until YI2 comes out to get my full platforming gaming fix on. This game, in all its little magical tricks that it does, with its great graphics and cool powerups, falls just short of greatness. The reason for this is 2 things: 1.) it is not challenging in the slightest, not even when it's at its hardest, and 2.) it's over before it even gets started. You can skip through this game in 2 days, I sure as hell did. Yeah I'm taking my time now getting all those star coins, but what the hell? I've played all the stages, they're all easy and short and a VERY few amount of them feature really good gameplay. The wall jumps weren't taken advantage of and the powerups weren't either. The Mega Mushroom is just fanservice, and the blue shell isn't even really useful. And you get 1-ups up the yin-yang! Jesus, you think they could have cut back on the chances for 1-ups? I mean c'mon folks, even Super Mario 3 didn't give you this many chances... Man, this game is really NOT as good as everyone says it is, but it's selling through the roof just due to the sole fact that it's a new Mario game. Period. It has nothing to do with being good. If this game was released on the N64 8 years ago it would have been awesome, but now, not really. It deserves a 6, at best.
I'm not really up for browsing through 150+ pages, so right now- hardest endboss I've ever fought was the "King Ing" (emperor) aka the last boss of Metroid Prime 2 on HARD mode. Damn thing took me so many tries that I never wanted to play the game again after I beat him. At least on Hard mode. The other hardest boss that I could never beat was the Spiderbot Boss in Metroid Fusion, trying to beat the game with the lowest percentage possible. So I think this was either 1 or no energy tanks, and like 10 missiles? I was playing on a normal GBA, and i tried about 50-60 times before giving up. The only boss I could never beat, but those were under extreme conditions, of course.
going from Black Advent's post on the previous page, I think Viewtiful Joe would be a prime candidate for other 3rd party... Way more than Megaman. I love Megaman just as much as the next guy but the little blue bomber gets way too much "Screen-time" as it were. Joe is perfect for SSBB and I think they would do well to add him in! Besides, saying "Henshin a go-go baby!" as a taunt would be AWESOME!
Just wanted to mention that there IS cel-shading in SSBM. When Kirby swallows G&W he becomes cel-shaded. But I'm sure you guys already knew that right? A cel-shaded WW Link would be great as a character! He could throw little piggies at you
Although the concept of having a playable ridley is cool, I'm not sure how well it will work out. Ridley is HUGE. Comparing it with the Samus model, Ridley is at least 5x the size of Samus. And shrinking him down is just an insult to the character. Bowser was able to be shrunk down slightly, without losing too much, but the endresult makes him a target in most battles. Nevermind the fact that he's insanely slow. Also, Ridley can fly, not just glide for a really long time, so they would have to take that ability away from him. I think Ridley as a boss would definitely be awesome, but as a playable character, not so much. I just want Little Mac.... (And NES version, too!)
Above everything else, the only thing I'm worried about is lag. SSB is an extremely fast-paced game, and lag f'n BLOWS. lag is the bane of the internet, and I hope they really try to make sure it is smoothed out for the best experience possible.
well I guess this thread is as good as any to post this....I did this in Photoshop. I really hope they do this as an alt. costume. Y'know how awesome that'd be? The original is 2000x3000 so if anyone wants a bigger copy...
I've been playing with Samus since the very first Smash. We actually started the first "SSB Club" at Ohio State. So Zero Suit Samus has me pretty freakin' exited. I loved when people would come up while we were playing and be like, "Ness!?" Who the hell is that? What game is HE from!? and I slowly rolled my eyes and said he's the main character of Earthbound.... and then the same thing happened with Marth & Roy...or even Mr. G&W. I went to E3 2001 (best E3 ever?) and all we did, basically, for 3 days straight, was play SSBM. The Nintendo booth, for god knows what reason, was really empty on day 3 - you could just walk up to a machine and play all you want. We even snuck into the secret black curtain booths and played SSBM on the big screens. Man that was something I'll never forget. You could only be 6 characters - but Samus was playable - and so was Peach, who would soon become my 3rd alt. next to DK. So Brawl has me stunned - I am really concerned about how the WiFi connection is going to play out - Friend Codes and random strangers, it seems.... Also - Maybe they'll have AC powerups, like Mr. Resetti coming on the screen and bitching you out! How cool would that be? God, it's a great time to be a gamer.
you guys didn't think I was actually SERIOUS, right?
Metroid's the best character. He's cool because he can shoot missiles!
i must say, the lyrics are VERY Uematsu. here's the lyrics for you whiners: ali babaaaaa eee eee oooooo solissyhassissbeeeee fafa fee hassy mommyyyyyyy ali babaaaaa eee eee oooooo foody flay faaaaairrrrr to be eating a spooooooon all of youuuuu are idioooooots all of he froooom idiooooots? bell asshat beeboos weeeeee found a they found a need to speak ONE DAY weeee plaaaaaaaaayyyy and I was going to translate more, but I got bored. can't blame me for trying
there's a few things that need to be laid to rest: Sonic was already in his own fighting game. Sega and Nintendo hate each other. This is 1993. What are you thinking!!?! Doesn't ANYONE remember Dream Mix TV World Fighters? Oh, I guess not since it was never released in the US. So, this will be Mr. Solid Snake's 2nd game where he is to be featured as a playable fighter. Let's look at the roster: Bomberman, Master Higgins (from Adventure Island), Optimus Prime (from Transformers), Simon Belmont (from Castlevania), the Mascot from Konami’s Baseball series, characters from BeyBlade and Licca (from Licca family and friends). Solid Snake, Moai from Arkanoid, and many more... I really wish I could find the official website, it had the whole roster and cool pics. UPDATE: Well, after some research, the website used to be worldfighters.com, but it seems it no longer exists. Just goes to show how much of a failure the game was! Also - Capcom has featured Megaman in tons of other fighting games already so the chances that they'll put him in SSBB is really low. I think Snake is just in there because Kojima wanted him to be. That's it, plain and simple. Otherwise, we're just going to get Nintendo characters, and that's that. and sorry if someone's already mentioned this...don't really want to skim 20 pages of "oh god I want so-and-so to be in the next Smash!"
OCR01404 - Secret of Mana "Dragon Song"
Infinity's End replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I feel honored to be posting in the thread of this song. Yes folks, it's THAT DAMN GOOD. -
OCR01403 - Pac-Man "Glass Cage"
Infinity's End replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. Definitely a fan of Philip Glass. -
OCR01373 - Marathon "Neo-Pacificist"
Infinity's End replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
nice mix, very chill, very groove-a-licious. it's funny, since none of the Marathon games really had BG music, just the intro song. Marathon is all about ambience, and giving off a proper atmosphere. Something like background music just doesn't do! (Marathon Infinity's Intro song, by Power of Seven was just F'n awesome, I wish someone would do a mix to that :/ Here's to wishful thinking...) great job, dude, this definitely takes me back. Mac user since '86. -
OCR01363 - Final Fantasy VII "Beyond Midgar"
Infinity's End replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Though the justification of the piece was already written so eloquently in the review by DJP himself, I feel I just wanted to summarize in a few words. Excellent dynamics, movement, and overall feeling. -but- It's a mediocre piece, lacking variation on both the melody and counter-melody. "Conservative arrangement" eh? Y'know, you really don't have to post every single Final Fantasy piano arrangement you ever receive. I enjoyed the piece, don't get me wrong, but it didn't warrant a download (just my opinion). BogusRed's best work so far is her Zelda piece. That one made me cry. -
OCR01361 - Star Fox "Fortuna Favors the Funk"
Infinity's End replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Y'know, DJP, you always have this incredibly disctint "style" that you seem to adhere to in all your mixes. Your G&G mix, and your sonic mix are perfect examples. It is prevalent in this one as well. Very funky groove, a kickin' mix. I've been kinda sick of all these melancholy FF mixes lately, it was nice to hear your mix as change of pace. Keep up the great work, man.