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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. So will the final attack vary from solo attack to multiples? Link and Kirby's Final in the trailer attacked only one person but mario's was multiple. Hope they show more on the finals. Looks like a fun addition.
  2. Marth and Roy didnt have projectories. Link's arrows tho have the same capabilites. I don't know i just really hate Pit and his design and feel like hes a leftover character combined with old melee attacks. Nothing New
  3. Pit's Link with wings...
  4. Maybe if we could get forum in the Annoucements just stating each month when theres a competion or when one ends?
  5. I still think we dont get notice because of these sub forums. Im sure we could get alot more being back in Gendisc
  6. I may not be able to come. My mom decided this morning that the dens needs to be painted and since i do must of my work in there its my responsibilty. Sorry ):
  7. Staring at Pit's design makes me wish they used the design from the Trophy of him from Melee.
  8. Dear God i thought the second one was horrible but after watching the third one I stand corrected. Ive never been so much confused in any movie. So many loopholes...
  9. I got tickets for the 10:30 showing tonite. Im just hoping its alot better than the second. The second was like sitting through a horrible fanfiction surrounded by fangirls. Every time Jhonny Depp take a step giant squels.
  10. The Gooey bomb looks really distrubing to me...
  11. Acutally Its just the bombs. Im a big bomb freak. Also i hope they didnt take the sheild power out. I piss my freind alot just stopping in front of him so the sheild knocks it out.
  12. Will Link still have his bombs?
  13. Anyone know where i can grab the main theme by Uematsu?
  14. Are they still selling new controllers? Mine are all better much messed up.
  15. Sakuraba's music in the track listing so im extremely thrilled
  16. I think the Japanese are toying with us
  17. Im submitting something before the midnite deadline. I just gotta paint it first.
  18. So when is the site gonna open?
  19. Far off hope but im hoping they redesigned fox. I really dont like his new look at all. He's like a cat or something now.
  20. Is the BBQ still happening?
  21. I hoping Square will put Chrono trigger up for vitual console download. Im happy to see a FF4 remake but at the same time i hate that chibi look like 3 had. In fact im getting annoyed with these remakes all together. Just spend some time making a decent game for once.
  22. Are there certain steps needed to obtain the Cranidos Fossil in the underground like Spiritomb or is it just luck?
  23. Dammit I thought Wendys was selling manhunt games...
  24. I dont mind i mean your providing all that food the least i could do is bring a cake or something.
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