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Everything posted by anosou

  1. The music is super hyped everywhere I think it's good but maybe it's not my style because I don't really get it. Game's good though. Cross-platform is never wrong either
  2. Yeah, right off the bat you can't use the 50's excuse to make a track sound like this. While I appreciate the effort and nostalgia it takes away too much from the listening experience. The vinyl crackle/clipping were distracting and the reverb is muddying up everything. The reverb seems to be active on the bass/bassdrum too and that's generally a BIG no-no since it gives the track a disturbing rumble. Like Vinnie said your balance between straight source and original material needs to be tweaked a bit. Now it doesn't sound cohesive so I urge you to personalize your source usage a bit more and add hints to the source in the original section, make it one track not two! You show promise but this has some issue you'd have to take care of before I could comfortably pass it. Good playing though! NO(resubmit)
  3. Really solid groove here. The arrangement is top notch with some good personalization all around. Sometimes it feels like it could be a bit more dynamic but it's minor. The production is also up there but I, like Shariq, thought you could scale back the reverb a little bit. I also thought the balance of the lead compared to the rest of the track was a bit of a downer, it could've been more up front and I think the track would benefit. I don't have much else to add, this is a solid remix serving with a distinct sonic flavor you just can't resist. Glad to see you back YES
  4. Not much to say here. The arrangement needs to be fleshed out more to be a passable arrangement. Using more than 1-2 instruments would probably help a lot The "voice" was so low pitched it seemed more atonal than it could've, it didn't think it worked at all. The textures, while unique, aren't very sophisticated and can't carry the track on their own. The ending is also extremely abrupt. NO
  5. I'm allergic Also not a fan. Gimme chocolate or just a big danish anyday
  6. I'm celebrating the mighty 21 by working 9 hours at a supermarket. I feel I made a wrong turn somewhere You're all super cute. Much love!
  7. Of all the wishes in this thread, Starla's was the best because her sig has boobs. Thanks everyone
  8. Well I hate to be a downer but I'm not completely sold on this. I thought the mixing overall seemed dull, like there was a bit too much filtering going on. The highs definitely suffered because of it. While I do like analogue synths the mix of instruments seemed at times flimsy. Some of the synth leads fall back in the soundscape and the "flute" was so-so. Arrangement was a brighter subject though! Lots of tasteful counter-melodies, semi-soloing and personalized source usage. The drums became a little stale after a while but there was some decent variation. The rhythmic synth backing could also have been varied up a bit. The arrangement overall was really cool though. I don't know how you guys can be all over this, I thought it had some issues. More than Will's stuff usually has! I'd love some other thoughts before I settle on a vote here and before we close it out. ? EDIT: Willrock's fixing it up a bit and will get back to us. I'll settle when I've heard the update I think it's much clearer now. Any doubt I had was gone. Though I think the panning might be changed? Feels like the drums are very much to the right.. Ah well, it's not an issue. YES
  9. Larry pretty much nailed what I was going to say. The mix is crowded, over-compressed. It's a shame because it really limits the dynamics you could have going on here. The lead felt a bit bland, some kind of modulation at times? Filters? Vibrato? Gating? Anything like that, tastefully done, would help keep it from being a static buzzing sound and become more musical. The core beats are still a bit too repetitive, just because it's D'n'B influenced doesn't mean you can't do some small variation. The arrangement overall was still a bit dragging, like Larry said. The new changes were a good try but didn't work. The counter melody clashes a lot with the minor-based lead. Sorry to say you still have a bit to go. I'd love another resub though, show this some more TLC! NO(resubmit
  10. A lot has been said so I'll just emphasize the most important parts. Arrangement could take some more liberties with arranging the melody, it also felt repetitive. Production is the big downer for me. The first kick sounds like it's clipping rather hard, the soundfield isn't balanced (lots of highs, no meat) and the instrument choices were a bit lacklustre. Many sounds seemed to be strangely in the back, drowned in reverb or just thin in general. The strings need some work and the "flute" lead was very bland. Still, this does show promise. Like Larry said you're ahead of 75% of first time submitters. If you're willing to take your time and effort to polish this up, do so. Keep it up! NO
  11. I wish everyone would just apologize to me and admit I'm always right about games (my copy STILL hasn't arrived)
  12. Very cool approach. The take on the actual melodies or harmonies might not be breaking new ground but the way they blend with the overall track is well done. The small variations and production tricks help vary the arrangement up and the piano is a nice contrast to the warm electronica. I thought the leads were mixed too low and it downplayed the source usage a lot. The meat of the track is also a bit repetitive but I didn't think that was a big issue. The overall groove, production and arrangement outweighs the issues I had too. I'll give you the pass! YES
  13. Please stop posting this picture.
  14. I approve of this thread. EDIT: I also approve of Samus Aran.
  15. My Climax Editions STILL hasn't arrived. I hate the world. I'll still use a smiley though:
  16. Took me quite a while to settle for a vote on this one. The source usage is conservative but there are slight changes in the rhythms and similar that makes it more than just a straight trance conversion. It's a shame that basically only one type of (generic) synth sound is used, it really makes this track feel more dull than it could be. While the production was mostly clean, it got a little crowded at times and the sampled stuff was a bit lo-fi and went on for too long in my opinion. The original breakdown felt like it was basically the same thing as the rest but with the commentator layered on top. I feel there could be a lot more variation in the arrangement, get your hands dirty! The way the instruments all share a similar sound, rhythm and direction makes the arrangement needlessly dull. Even though things like filtering and the original break tries to break the mold, they're just very slight changes to the formula and the end result just felt like it could've been much more. I'm sorry but I don't think this squeaks by the bar just yet. Try evolving the source usage a bit, vary up the instrumentation and you'll have a winner. Close but no cigar. NO(resubmit)
  17. No it's not silly. The track contains vibes, guitar, bass and drums. Everything but the guitar had the EXACT same quantized rhythm, no velocity changes at all. That's stiff sequencing, it makes sense. If it was a toy box then yes, sure, but this ain't a toybox. The guitar should've sounded good isolated but it didn't click.
  18. In case you missed it, my first original album 'We Express Ourselves With T-Shirts' is free and up for grabs at http://anosou.com/?p=304
  19. I've hyped this more than should be legally allowed. My Climax Edition copy should arrive monday. Anyone who doesn't play this game is a straight up moron.
  20. Why not a gazillion projects from all games ever? More music and more remixers would be involved!
  21. You have yourself a deal! Will start working on it tomorrow and blow your mind
  22. Still no answer, WHERE YOU AT!?
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