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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Hero Core's hella good. I don't have a PC but I just know it is In other news I imported Espgaluda II Black Label and Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 for 360. They're bloody godlike. Anyone else playing?
  2. I don't know what you've been smoking my fellow judges but this is over the bar for me. While the performance is a bit stiff it's not so stiff that it's hurting the piece. There's plenty of pretty hall reverb, the level of the actual organ is quite nice. Compare this to Final Fantasy VI Cantata for Dancing: II. Fuga Kefka OC ReMix and you'll realize you're talking out of your ass As usual the arrangement is fantastic, I especially love this one since fugues have always been close to my heart. Also as usual the production COULD be improved but luckily not a whole lot. in the end the arrangement outweighs the production and by quite a wide margin, good job! I urge my fellow judges to take another listen to this. YES
  3. I laughed a lot at that.
  4. halc, love you long time! This means the world to me. You're also a million times more talented/creative than I am. Let's be best friends for life
  5. You're very welcome, thank YOU for enjoying it
  6. Jesse's really right on the money here. It's a great base for a track but it needs some work in several areas. The soundscape is very bass-heavy and the lack of high end and abundance of reverb makes it way more cluttered than it could be. You have a lot of interesting things going on arrangement wise but even more melodic variation and especially some changes in pace (more dynamic drop-offs) would help a lot. Lastly I would really love to hear some squeky, high-end FM-style synths to really make this shine. I know Infected Mushroom are frowned upon by real psytrance fans but even classic stuff like Hallucinogen and Man With No Name manages to hit that balance in the soundfield. Overall this shows promise but you need to polish it up a bit more. Variation and balance are the key words we're looking for right now. Keep up the good work! NO(resubmit)
  7. Garian is a gentleman, a scholar and Mr. Universe 2009. I wish him a happy birthday and a triumphant return to IRC.
  8. I won't lie, I'd kill for any game looking like that.
  9. I'm gonna echo my fellow judges on this one. You've got a great start here but need to kick it up a notch, especially arrangement-wise. Some additional variation in the melody, a counter-melody or two and some additional fx and changes from the source's structure. Didn't think the main lead was a big issue but it sounds strangely sloppy with the choppiness, I find myself having a hard time describing it. Again, I think if you pad stuff out with some additional counter-melodies it'll be all good. Keep at it! NO(resubmit)
  10. Dave voting on a mix? THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD! So yeah, I can only re-hash what has been said. Great samples and, the important part, good use of them. Arrangement could've taken a few more liberties but was solid as is. Overall a great rendition of the source, well done good sir! YES
  11. I'm glad you went through this trouble to download my soundtrack, thank you!
  13. More votes you say? Okay then. I like it. It's a clever but simple expansion of a very short source. Even though Jesse don't find it funny the arrangement is expanded, production is over the bar and it was an enjoyable listen. Even the playing was good. Sure, it's rough around the edges, the instrument combination is severely odd and the arrangement a little bit disjointed but it's glued together by the humor (like it or not). I mean sure, it could've been better in both production and arrangement and it could've been something else entirely but it's not quite NO-material for me. YES(borderline)
  14. Can I just slap the big 'ol yes on this? What, I need to write something? Pfft... ehhh... uhh.. it was such a big improvement I'm gonna slap the big 'ol yes on it! WAY TO RESUB! YES
  15. The truth. This is it.
  16. Actively musicking since 2005 when I got in to a music school. Fiddling with computer-based music since early 2007. Have had music around me all my life including half-assing some oboe, piano and guitar lessons at various ages but dropping them pretty quickly.
  17. Hoahoahoah, I've got one of those gold shield thingies!
  18. Any news about physical copies or collector's editions? Because I will buy the living hell out of that and force myself to play.
  19. I refuse to play this game. (it's pretty cool though)
  20. Ah but you forget one thing! They can't. They tried it but they can't.
  21. They are available in United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and Spain so not all of Europe is without XBLIG. However, I share your concern
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